This is a battlefield!

The soldiers of the kingdom are ready to go, facing the wizards holding magic wands or magic swords.

"The heavy cavalry charged head-on, the third and fourth teams feinted on the left to attack the long-range magic team, and the second and fifth teams mainly attacked the long-range magic team on the right."

Wu Ming is now in command of the kingdom's soldiers.

He gave orders calmly.

Boom, boom, boom!

The soldiers followed the instructions and began to charge forward as instructed.

The kingdom was conquered by wizards two years ago.

The civilians of the entire city became the target of exploitation by the wizards.

The emperor led the guards to block them many times.

It's a pity that ordinary soldiers can't resist magic.

In the end, the soldiers covered the emperor's departure from the kingdom and traveled with the wizards in the nearby mountains and forests.

Defeat has always shrouded them.

Until a year ago, they met two members of the Magic Guild Angel Wings.

Wu Ming and Irene!

The latter generously agreed to help and used the ability called additional magic to strengthen the equipment.

After that, the lady led the soldiers to attack the capital!

All the wizards in the capital were expelled in three days, and then in Under the leadership of Ms. Irene, several surrounding cities were recaptured.

Just when they thought they were going to fight again, Ms. Irene fell ill.

They had no choice but to entrust Mr.

Wu Ming for help!

The soldiers and generals did not trust this gentleman very much.

After all, when they first met, this gentleman expressed his unwillingness to help.

Now that Ms.

Irene has entrusted him, will this gentleman take this opportunity to harm them? But half a year has passed.

They have already regarded Mr.

Wu Ming as the God of War!

Victory over the many with the few.

Defeat the strong with the weak.

His military tactics are even more perfect, and the number of casualties is less than when Ms.

Irene was in charge.

Today is the moment of a decisive battle with the evil wizards, and the soldiers are full of confidence.

There is no hesitation in the orders!

They all believe that under the leadership of the God of War, they will surely win!!!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The heavy cavalry were united as one.

They rushed towards the magicians on the opposite side as if they were ready to die!

On the opposite side, there were many magicians, most of whom were holding magic wands or magic swords.

They looked at the cavalry and showed no weakness.

"Earth magic, soften!"

"Use the magic shield to block the soldiers on the left, and use the explosive magic to attack the right side with all your strength!"

"The rear ranged magic will strike the enemy from behind."

The wizard obviously has a military advisor on his side.

Looking at the aggressive soldiers, he also calmly gave orders.

"The other side's command is of some standard."

Wu Ming smiled.

The general of the kingdom next to him asked,"What do you mean?"

Hearing this,

Wu Ming pondered for two seconds:"The other side knows that our heavy cavalry is very fast and can rush in with a charge. At that time, they can kill many magicians with random slashing."

Wu Ming pointed to the right side again,"Our right side is the main force to deal with the other side's long-range magic. The other side releases shields to block the main attack."

He pointed to the left side and explained:"The soldiers on the left are the feint attack team, and their equipment is worse. They decided to quickly deal with these people first, which is a very good tactic."

Finally, Wu Ming looked at the enemy's back row.

"Long-range magic attacks our rear, killing as many as we can. If we can kill the commander, we will win the war without fighting."

The wizards are a group of fearless guys.

They don't know how to deploy troops.

For them, the most important thing is to strengthen their own strength.

And now the other side has a military advisor.

This is intriguing..

"Then we are in danger, right? Should we withdraw first?"The general swallowed his saliva.

Hearing that the other side wanted to kill the commander, he immediately shrank his head in fear.

He was just an ordinary person.

How could he withstand the bombardment of magic ?

""Shield soldiers move forward ten steps and raise their shields to the sky for defense!" Wu Ming ordered.

Then he said to the general,"Can you be more capable? The opponent's long-range magic can only hit the shield soldiers at most, which is just enough to charge the shields!"

The latter tilted his neck,"It's normal to be afraid of death. What about the soldiers on the other two sides? The opponent's arrangement will kill a lot of people in one wave."

Wu Ming was too lazy to pay attention to him.

After a little thought, he began to issue new orders.

"The heavy cavalry activated their jumping ability, jumped over the softened ground and charged in a cone, targeting the long-range magician in the middle.

Teams 2 and 5 converged in the middle, cooperating with the heavy cavalry to eliminate as many long-range magicians as possible! Shield soldiers set up their formation!

Teams 3 and 4 pulled back, keeping their distance and guiding the other side to leave the team."

Wu Ming made arrangements quickly.

A merciful army is not good.

He was ready to sacrifice the lives of a small number of soldiers on the left.

Boom, boom, boom!

This time the soldiers completed the order as promised, and the heavy cavalry hacked many magicians to death.

The two sides engaged in close combat.

"The shield soldiers moved forward half a meter as a whole, and released the energy magic in formation, aiming at the opponent's rearmost military advisor!"

The last order was issued!

The shield soldiers formed a formation, gathered the magic energy they had absorbed before, and aimed at the opponent's military advisor and released it!


The light penetrated the sky and successfully hit the military advisor in an arc, directly beheading him!

After that, it was a massacre!

The wizards were naturally strong, but the kingdom's heavy cavalry were all elite.

Soon, all the opponent's wizards were killed.

The scene was quite bloody

"Clean up the mess, I'm leaving first."

Seeing the war was over,

Wu Ming said, and opened the portal and went back home. In the front yard of the house,

Irene was watering the flowers with a kettle, and a loving smile appeared on her face.

"Are you back? Have you dealt with those wizards? Let me think about it....Although the other side are all wizards, they don't have any military tactics.

This war should be quite boring. According to the magic attached to the equipment of those soldiers, they don't even need to use their trump cards to defeat the other side."

Irene greeted, then nodded her chin and muttered to herself about the war.

It's boring to fight with wizards. You can defeat the other side with just a few tricks. It's more interesting to fight between countries.

You deploy troops and I deploy formations.

It's a back-and-forth battle, and anyone can lose.

"Fortunately, there was a military advisor who came from nowhere on the other side. I just used the charging magic, but it was indeed a boring game."Wu Ming said.

Then he walked quickly to Irene.

He reached out and touched her belly. Although it was still very flat, a little life was already bred in it.

"It seems that our child is not simple, and it may take decades to be born."Wu Ming sighed.

That's right!

He and Irene have been trying for so many years, and finally they are pregnant.

"If it is a dragon, it will probably take hundreds of years to be born."

Irene thinks it is more likely to be a dragon.

She and Wu Ming have both turned into dragons.

So the child born should be a dragon. According to the records in the books, it takes a long time for a dragon to give birth to a child.

A hundred years is enough.

"It would be better if it's a human, because it's quite troublesome to raise a dragon."Wu Ming said. It

's hard to tell whether it's a boy or a girl.

But one thing is for sure.

Even if it's a girl, it won't be Erza who uses the magic of changing clothes in the original book.

After all,...

Erza was conceived before Irene turned into a dragon, and she was kept in her womb for hundreds of years before she was born.

"Let's settle down on Tenrou Island in a while."

After talking to Irene for a while,

Wu Ming calculated the time and decided to go to Tenrou Island to talk to Mavis, the first president of the Fairy Tail Guild.

"It's been 679, more than 300 years. I didn't expect time to pass so quickly."

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