Just like that.

Someone settled down on Tianlang Island again.

Time flies, and seven years have passed.

The little Mavis has grown up and become the most favored little guy.

"Mr. Wu Ming, Sister Irene, Sister Selene...Someone has landed on the island!"

Next to the library.

Wu Ming built a house with his own hands, and a group of people lived in this house.

Mavis came here every day to eat.


Mavis, who was on patrol, ran over quickly and called out loudly before entering the house.

"Mavis...It's time to show what you've learned."

Wu Ming walked out of the house.

He was followed by Irene and Selene. The former exuded a stronger vitality.

The latter was eating barbecue.

""Shouldn't we drive them away?" Mavis was puzzled.

Few people knew about this island.

This was also the main reason why Mr. Wu Ming and Ms. Irene settled here.

Now that outsiders have broken in, it will disrupt their lives, and driving them away is the best choice.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Ask them about their purpose. I believe you can complete the task very well."Wu Ming said.

Mavis' eyes sparkled.


She straightened her body with excitement, staring at him with an extremely fanatical look.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!..."Can I join Angel Wing after I complete the mission?" Mavis asked.

Hearing this,

Wu Ming nodded in agreement with a smile.

Then Mavis happily began to make arrangements. He could not take the initiative to contact them.

He had to strike back.

"Let's hide for now. The person coming this time should be a very important guide in Mavis' life."

Wu Ming said to the two women.

Then he stretched out his hand and wiped the air. The house they lived in was covered by a barrier.

He disappeared next to the library.

On the other side, the three people who landed on the island acted separately. They were treasure hunters responsible for collecting treasures. The one walking towards the library was Yuri Dolea.

He was shocked when he entered the library.

"I was scared to death, it turns out that this island is inhabited."

Yuri Dolea was a little panicked.

When he came here, it was a deserted place, and there was no trace of people on the road.

He thought it was a deserted island.

Here Mavis began to carry out the mission.

At the same time,

Wu Ming and the two women huddled in the house, leisurely waiting for Mavis to come back.

"Mavis has been saying that she wants to go outside to have a look." Wu Ming said.

Irene nodded,"Yes, that child is very curious, and she can't stay on this island forever. Sooner or later, she will leave to adventure."

Selene asked:"So why don't you take her on a trip? You always refuse her with various reasons."

The time has not come yet!

Wu Ming smiled and did not answer.

He could indeed take Mavis out, but he and Irene had experienced everything they should see and see. They were really not interested in going again.


Mavis must leave with the people who landed on the island this time, so that the Fairy Tail Guild can be established.

They were chatting here.

Mavis had finished receiving the guests, and she was taking three people to come.

"We looked around the island, but we didn't find anyone else living here."

Yuri Dorea followed him out.

He had just played a guessing game with Mavis, but unfortunately he lost. He was feeling depressed at the moment.

"You said there were three adults living next door, but we didn't see any when we came."

Preshito looked a bit fierce.

He spoke directly and seemed to be difficult to get along with.

He didn't believe what Mavis said.

"I haven't seen it."

Walold Sinken seconded.

Listening to the three people's words, Mavis was stunned for a moment without thinking much.

If he didn't see the house, it must be hidden.

Soon, a group of people came to the place where the house was originally. It was indeed an empty space.

But there was no house building.

"Sister Irene, open the door, I have completed the task…"


As Mavis shouted, the empty space in front of him swayed, and slowly a house appeared out of thin air.

"There really is a house...."

"This is magic, right? Does that mean the gentleman and sister mentioned by this little girl are both wizards?"

"But why let Mavis...."

The three of them didn't understand. The wizards were a very powerful group of people, and it would be very easy to expel them....

The wooden door creaked. Wu Ming, Irene, and Selene came out and glanced at the three outsiders casually....

Just now I felt like all my secrets were being discovered. I felt inexplicably stressed.

"Welcome to Tianlang Island, but unfortunately...The Sirius Jade disappeared seven years ago. Wu Ming said.

Mavis said casually,"Mr. Wu Ming knows that they are here to look for treasure!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her little face froze and she blinked as if she was recalling what she had just said.

"What!!! The Sirius Jade is gone?"


Mavis raised her voice and said

"Don't you know?" Irene looked at Mavis strangely.

Selene reminded:"I asked you to patrol every day, but you didn't pay attention?"

Woo woo woo....

Mavis felt particularly wronged.

She had never paid attention to this matter and had always thought that the Sirius Jade was still on the island.

"Mr. Wu Ming, the Sirius Jade is the core of Sirius Island. Let's go find it quickly."Mavis said hurriedly.

She didn't care about many things.

The most important thing was everything on Sirius Island, and now the core was gone!

Yuri and the other two were tense.

If these wizards were to find it, the possibility of them getting it would be very small.

"Mavis...You have always wanted to go out to sea, right? This time, the mission to retrieve the Sirius Jade is given to you. We will wait for you here."Wu Ming said.

Mavis's aggrieved expression disappeared.

Her eyes were bigger than copper bells, staring at Wu Ming in a daze.

Want to leave the island?

She wanted to go out before, but she was always rejected because she was too young. But now she has permission....

Why is she the only one going out? It's obviously more interesting to go out with Mr. Wu Ming

"Three...The one who stole the Sirius Jade was the Wizard Blue Skull Guild. Mavis will leave with you, so goodbye!" Wu Ming said.

Yuri and the other two immediately wanted to refuse.

The Sirius Jade was something they also wanted.���Biss went out, and he might not get the Heavenly Wolf Jade in the end.

Just when he was about to refuse,

Wu Ming waved his hand, and Yuri and the others saw a chaos.

"Already on board..."

Preshito exclaimed.

He was near the center of the island just now, but in the blink of an eye he was on the boat!

Is this the power of a wizard?

"sharp...Mr. Wu Ming is amazing. Mavis, do you have this ability too?"

Walold Sinken twisted his head exaggeratedly.

He seemed to have not yet recovered from the shock.

"No...Mr. Wu Ming said that I still need to refine my magic power, so he has not taught me magic yet."

The hair on Mavis's head fell down helplessly.

She really wanted to learn magic.

"No matter what, after I find the Sirius Jade, I must learn magic!!!"

After a brief loss,

Mavis was full of energy again, raised her arms high and waved goodbye to Sirius Island.

She was about to set sail!

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