I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 202: The man who doesn't help bargaining is not worth marrying! Business opportunity! R

"Aming, did you help cut it?"

"A Ming, new users have cut so much!"

"Aming, Aunt Liu, I still have several young women waiting to be married.

"Aming, Aunt Liu, I will cut it for you next time."

Seeing the news from Aunt Liu, Su Ming's heart is full of crying.

I have billions of dollars worth of wealth, do I still need you to help me bargain?

Su Ming directly replied: "Aunt Liu, I have something to do now, so I will speak later."

After returning, he directly set the message not to remind the other party.

Zhang Ting looked at Su Ming who was a little embarrassed, and smirked: "Su Ming, you are so handsome, and your Aunt Liu is afraid that you can't find a partner, so I will introduce you to a young woman who is about to marry."

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding.

Su Ming chuckled twice.

Zhang Ting laughed at Mimi and said, "Senior Sister has a lot of beauties with good behaviors. Would you like to introduce them to you."

"Hahaha, don't worry for the time being, learning is important." Su Ming hurriedly smiled and made a round.

"Study is really important! But you can't just study on the dock, and fall in love at the right time! Don't be like the senior sister, who is about to graduate, and I haven't even talked about a serious relationship."

After a few people chatted for a while, Liu Gui took the initiative to check out.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Ting, the two walked towards the dormitory.

"Brother Su, Sister Ting is pretty good. She is beautiful and kind. She has said that she has never been in a relationship! I think she has a good impression of you. Don't you think about it?"

Liu Guinuo joked.

"However, Xu Tingxue also has a good impression of you! Ah, it's difficult! It's difficult!"

"Liu Gui, are you itchy, don't you?!"

"Brother Su, I was wrong...

Back in the dormitory, Liu Gui went to bed.

Su Ming turned on the computer.

In order to prevent someone from looking for him to bargain in the future, Su Ming decided to develop a plug-in immediately.

With this plug-in, you can directly make various bargaining links inaccessible.

In fact, wx can do this easily.

However, this involves their interests.

Therefore, they will not do this.

In fact, this kind of bargaining links on Chop.com and receiving red envelope links can easily become a channel for hackers to plant Trojan horses.

Once opened, it is easy to be poisoned! At that time, the money on wx will be transferred away.

After a while, a blocking plug-in was developed.

Su Ming did a trial run and found that the software after the plug-in was implanted could not open those messy links.

"Yes, the effect is okay.

Picking up the phone, Su Ming was about to install the plug-in when he saw Aunt Liu sent him 99+ messages.

Most of them are bargaining links, and there are all kinds of red envelope links.

Such as: newcomers can receive a 100 yuan red envelope when they register, and everyone else can receive 200 yuan, don't say I didn't tell you, come and help the flower in September to get a free range hood...

"Aming, cut it for Aunt Liu! You also have a red envelope from a newcomer!"

"It's 100 yuan! Aunt Liu will get it first! I'll help you see it if I get it!"

"And this hood

With a casual glance, these are all cut and cut nets.

Su Ming is going crazy.

I didn’t bargain for her before. If I bargained for her, I’m not sure how much news is now.

He knew that Aunt Liu was completely focused on his new user.

Soon, Su Ming thought of another question.

It's useless to install this plug-in without opening various links.

There are too many people who can't hold back forwarding.

Even if Aunt Liu is blacked out, there are all kinds of friends and classmates.

At that time, everyone can open it, but you can't open it. Over time, wx will find clues.

This is a big risk.

There was a flash of light in my mind, and a thought popped out.

"It's not as good as the others!"

"I use it alone to increase the risk of exposure. I use it directly to a group of people and transfer the risk. Isn't this the end?"

"Let’s take a look at the young people’s attitude towards cutting and cutting Internet links. Maybe it’s another business opportunity!

Just do it.

Su Ming quickly opened the post and created a trumpet-so you can't sleep!

Immediately afterwards, he logged into the trumpet and published a post.

"What do you think of the crazy bargaining links on the cut network? Don't you think it is annoying?"

As soon as this post came out, those netizens who visited the post bar suddenly felt like they met their soulmates.

"Brother, to be honest, I'm really bored by these links! Bargain every day! Cut every day! There is no one that never stops!"

It's not ", friends call me to chop, relatives call me to chop! Girlfriends call me! My head is going to explode! I don't understand it. With so much time, isn't it good to make more money?"

0 Seeking flowers...

"I don't know what's the situation on your side! Anyway, I call me bargaining here, 70%+ are women! All kinds of three aunts and six wives, and some female friends who have not been in contact for a long time!"

"In the past, when people came to me, I was afraid that they would borrow money! Now, what I am most afraid of is looking for me to bargain! It's almost!"

Speaking of "bargaining to receive red envelopes, I am the one who has the most say! My prodigal lady, listen to the poisonous chicken soup on the Internet, and say that the man who doesn't even bargain for you, what is the use of marrying? Okay, let me help She chopped it! What happened? She drank the new poison chicken soup again, and she had to let me post on Moments, friends, and colleagues, and let them help to chop! I have a hard time talking!"


"You guys are pretty good! My wife sent a bargaining link to receive a red envelope. I didn't need me to do it. She took my mobile phone and chopped it off by herself! That's it. As a result, the way, that is a scam link! In my wx All his money has been transferred away! She is now an ex-wife!"

Seeing these replies, Su Ming suddenly smiled.

Soon, he replied.

"If someone develops a small plug-in that can intercept various bargaining links forwarded by the other party, will anyone pay the bill?"

As soon as the news came out, people underneath responded one after another.

"As long as the price is not high, it is absolutely acceptable! Bargaining every day is really annoying! But brother, are you not afraid of lawsuits?"

"I support! Strong support! Many times, I help the other party to cut, and the other party also said that others can cut so much, how did you cut a penny, my way! I wish I could get a smash!"

"If you really want to have this kind of plug-in, I am absolutely willing to buy it! I am upset when I cut it once, and if I cut it once, there will be a second and a third time! Gossip behind!"

"Oh, just think about this kind of plug-in! This is tantamount to breaking a avenue of money for wx! Nanshan Pizza Hut will let you sit in prison! Hacking the net will also let you know what rogue software is. !"

Seeing the comments that broke thousands in minutes, Su Ming suddenly knew it.

"Wait for my good news!"

After sending the message, Su Ming opened the previously developed plug-in and started to improve. again,

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