The netizens in Post Bar thought this matter should be over, "Death to death, although your plug-in is practical, but it touches capital interests, it should be blocked.

After all, the reputation of Nanshan Pizza Hut is known to everyone in the heavens!

Domineering, arrogant, and arbitrary.

This can be seen from their disagreement and directly blocked the accounts of thousands of users.

Someone sneered and said: "This is the price of challenging authority!"

Some people think: "This is the end of monopoly, no one can escape!"

"It's a pity, if I had the ability to beat me, wx would definitely not dare to be so rampant! However, there is no if! This buddy, after all, is just an ordinary hacker! The imitator, after all, is just an imitator!"

"wx- shot, this post is probably not alive anymore, it should be blocked soon!!

"Big brother, your starting point is good. It's a pity that the opponent is too big to be done by humans! This time I should buy a lesson. Some people can't offend it."

Immediately, everyone found a problem.

"This friend who keeps you awake hasn't shown up yet, won't you be invited to have tea?"

"I'm going! It's very possible! According to wx's style of doing things, you should be on the way to drink tea at this moment!"

Just when everyone thought Su Ming was invited to have tea, Su Ming replied under the post.

[Don't panic! Recovery in five minutes

For a while, all those netizens stood there.

Recover account blocked by wx?


Go crazy!

Seeing the news sent by Su Ming, everyone's mind was a little bit unable to turn around for a while.

They thought they had read it wrong and refreshed it several times. Some people even quit and reposted it.

However, Su Ming's reply is still there!

five minutes!

Recover account!

These words are too challenging for everyone's nerves.

After a brief silence, the comment area suddenly boiled.

"Fuck! Brother, you weren't invited to have tea!"

"Big brother, I thought you had an accident! But, you are so arrogant, aren't you afraid that wx will come to you?"

"Five minutes? Brother, who are you fooling? Anyone can say anything. If you want this to restore our blocked account, you can call your father!"

"Don't say yelling daddy, you can yell ancestors! That's wx, what do you think it is?"

"Big brother, listen to my brother, don't fight! You can't fight! Hurry up and admit a mistake, maybe the court will take a light sentence!"

Seeing everyone's replies, Su Ming smiled.

"Don't panic, say five minutes is five minutes!"

"Now the countdown begins, let me do it!

After replying to the message, Su Ming stopped speaking and got busy.

What Su Ming needs to restore is the wx user who was blocked because of using this plug-in, so directly in the background of the program, just call out which users have downloaded it.

Through these download channels, Su Ming can easily find the information of those people!

Of course, there is a more direct way...

Thinking of this, the corners of Su Ming's mouth rose slightly, with a faint smile.

At the same time, Liu Xueqing in the technical department of the wx headquarters was busy contacting people in the public relations department, asking them to contact those social platforms for control and evaluation.

These hot news must be suppressed.

There is no need to put pressure on it.As soon as wx opened its mouth, many social platforms took the initiative to reduce the exposure of the incident!

I don’t know, all kinds of hot news over there have just gone down, and there is a problem with the post bar here.

Just now, the administrator of Post Bar told him that they cannot delete this post!

He expressed strong doubts about this.

Afterwards, he remembered that when the director of the hacking network horse contacted himself to resolve the matter, he also said that he couldn't help the plug-in.

This scene is too similar!

He just hung up the phone helplessly when a shocking news came.

Su Ming clearly stated below the post that all blocked accounts will be restored within five minutes!

This news shocked him directly!

Almost subconsciously, Liu Xueqing couldn't help but explode.

"Tour! Crazy!"

Although he said so, he did not despise it because of it.

The ‘poor to death’ plug-in alone is enough to prove that this person’s strength is quite impressive!

Immediately, he asked all the technicians in one group and two groups to be prepared.

Director Qian in the second group walked back and forth in the office with a serious expression.

"Tell me, what the hell is this? We have all closed thousands of accounts, and he still doesn't stop!"

Liu Xueqing complained from the side.

"In the final analysis, I still have to blame that'has the ability to hit me! It's him, and he has a bad head! Now, hackers with a little ability are crazy!"

When Liu Xueqing condemned Su Ming, he did not realize that it was all because of wx's monopoly and dominance that caused countless users to dare not speak up! He finally jumped out of a person who dared to oppose and was immediately suppressed.

After a long time, even the staff of wx also gestured, getting used to this kind of domineering.

Now suddenly a rebellious person jumped out. After a few hits, they weren't killed. They were not used to it for a while.

…0 Seeking flowers…

"Director Liu, we are all ready!"

The crowd waited with solemn expressions.

Liu Xueqing said: "All give me the spirit of 12 points! This person's strength is not simple! We must not capsize in the gutter!"

"Relax! Director Liu, we despise the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically!

The popularity of the crowd is very high, thinking that they are all high-achieving students who graduated from key universities, who came here after many screenings, and will never lose to a hidden hacker.

Very good "I am relieved to see that you are so confident!"

Liu Xueqing nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Last night, the Penguin Game Department overturned the car and got a big face! I heard that most of the internal technicians have been replaced!"

"So, we must not lose this time! Not only to win, but also to win beautiful! To crush!!"


"Don't forget, you are all top students recruited by the school!"

"You will only win, not lose!"

At this moment, the morale in the office is directly full!

A strong sense of identity makes those technicians excited one by one. Being able to enter wx is the most direct manifestation of their strength!

When everyone is full of enthusiasm and wants to show their ambitions.

Suddenly, a technician noticed that the computer in front of him was not under his control, and kept hopping frequency.

"This, what's the situation?"

The few people next to him leaned over to take a look, and said in a serious tone: "The situation is a bit wrong! Why does it feel like a Trojan horse virus?"

"Chinese Trojan horse virus? Funny! We are the technical department!"

Liu Xueqing also noticed the situation here and hurriedly walked over.

Two steps after he walked out, he heard someone yell.

Supervisor "My computer is out of control!"

Liu Xueqing turned his head, just about to ask, someone on the other side shouted.

Director", my computer has also lost control!

"Supervisor, our computer suddenly goes black! And, we don't have any control over the computer!"

The bad news followed, and Liu Xueqing suddenly panicked.

At this moment, all the computers present collectively blacked out!

Then, a dialog box popped up on all computer screens.

After reading the contents of the dialog box clearly, Liu Xueqing followed the runner to take a few steps back, and almost fell to the ground with a black face in front of him.

A sentence was written impressively on the computer screen.

[Give you five minutes to make you fight! I didn’t listen to you bragging about it!”


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