I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 225: The market value plummeted by 13 billion! Eight provinces league!

"I thought that giving me the same ability, I could achieve the same level! Listening to what upstairs said, it really makes sense!"

"That's not it. No matter how strong the strength is, the xinxing is not enough, and the mind can't be settled in the event of trouble, it is good to be able to play half of the level! As for the half of the level, you may already be drinking tea in the game! "

With the recommendation of time, this sensational event that caused the whole network finally became quiet a lot in the middle of the night.

Netizens eat melons, they should go to bed, and those who should play games continue to play games.

It's just that when they meet in league games, kings and other games, they will ask each other.

"Brother, have you eaten the wx melon? If you haven't eaten it, hurry up and eat it! Play the game after eating it!

For wx, this night will be a very painful and suffering night.

This night, also known as the dark night of wx!

At the same time, the ``Poor Die You Plugin'' was hailed as the first shot of countering the monopoly of super giants by later generations!

wx headquarters.

Looking at the busy Li Kang and others on the side, and then at the 5999 wx accounts that were marked, Director Gao sighed heavily and slumped weakly on the chair.

Although he knew the decisions of the top, he was still a little unwilling.

Because of a plug-in, it caused such a mess!

Director Gao could not shirk the blame.

"Li Kang, I beg you here, I'll go next door to calm down!"

After talking about this plan, Director Gao staggered to his feet and walked to the next room.

Seeing no one around, he tremblingly picked up a cigarette and lit it.



As a huge smoke ring spit out from his mouth, Director Gao's figure became tired a lot.

The smoke exhausted all his energy.

Forced to this point by a hacker, he can't afford to look up in the circle.

When he thinks about twenty hours later, Su Ming will have a strong wind, he feels tired.

I don't know if Su Ming will be exposed to these 5999 accounts more slowly!

The most embarrassing thing is that he doesn't know what else inside himself is worth breaking the news.

There is something more serious than eavesdropping on user privacy.

Leaning on the chair, Director Gao, who was haggard, gradually fell asleep.

After a while, a knock on the door awakened him from his sleep.

"What's up?"

"Director Gao, something happened."

"Something happened again?" Director Gao got up quickly from his chair and asked, "What's the matter? The other party exposed it again? Didn't he go to bed?"

Obviously, he has been scared out of the sequelae by Su Ming.

When I heard that something happened, it meant that Su Ming had done something serious again.

"No! There was news from the NYSE just now that Penguin's stock price has fallen all the way! The specific data has not yet appeared, but according to the calculations of the analysis team, the Penguin stock price has fallen by about 0.3% this time!

"Down by 0.3%?"

When he heard these words, Director Gao felt like the world was spinning.

0.3%, it sounds unremarkable!

However, with Penguin's current market value of 4.55 trillion, the stock price has fallen by 0.3%, and the market value has fallen by about 13 billion!

13 billion!

The market value of many listed companies is not enough!

But now, just because of a plug-in event, it evaporates directly!

This is only half a day's influence!

It can be expected that if this matter is not handled well today, the fall will be even worse by then!

Director Gao, who had just stood up, had a pale face, and he couldn't stabilize one, and fell back on the seat again.

This time the market value has fallen, and there is a direct reason for him!

At this time, he was completely sleepy!

Early the next morning, at the Shenzhen Price Supervision Bureau headquarters, Bureau Li was reviewing documents in the office.

At this moment, his secretary ran in in a hurry.

"Lee Bureau, there are documents above.

"Upper?" Li Ju frowned slightly.

The file above, no matter what the content, means that he is going to be busy.

"Ju Li, it is a document of the Anti-Monopoly Administration of Tianshang!"

Tianshang Anti-Monopoly Administration!

Hearing these words, Li Ju sat up straight.

After receiving the document, Bureau Li quickly looked at it.

After reading it, Li Ju's face became serious.

According to the above instructions, they are required to investigate the monopoly of Internet giants.

The document did not say which giant was named to investigate.

Bureau Li knew that this document sent to him must have something to do with the Internet giants in Shenzhen.

Among the Internet giants in the deep city, only the Penguin system has this strength to form a monopoly.

Immediately, he asked the secretary to investigate what happened.

Soon, the secretary came in with a stack of documents.

In the file, everything that happened yesterday is recorded.

After reading it, Li Ju knew in his heart, but at the same time he was very angry.

Eavesdropping on user privacy is also extremely irritating to them!

This touched the nerves of countless people!

Because they are also users of wx!

Who knows if wx has secretly collected their privacy?

He can be 100% sure, this document is for wx!

Of course, anti-monopoly investigations on Internet giants can't be launched easily, especially for such super giants. There are too many things that need to be scrupulous.

Immediately, he convened an emergency meeting with the senior officials of the Price Supervision Bureau.

Even wx did not expect that this incident eventually alarmed the official, wx executives are still thinking about how to make up for the stock price loss caused by this incident.

On the other side, Su Ming took a good night's sleep.

When I opened my eyes, it was past 9 o'clock.

Fortunately, there is no class today. The second period is still Teacher Zhou's class.

When they came to the classroom, all the students were gathered around to discuss what happened last night.

"Brother Su, did you hear about the incident last night? Another hacker with a brilliant pen appeared on the Internet and started attacking wx!"

Liu Gui said excitedly.

"Wx, I think it's been uncomfortable for a long time. After a while, this can be logged in, and this one can't be logged in! Sometimes, the Moments posted will be blocked!"

"Its status in the arena is unmatched in the heavenly dynasty!"

"Now someone has finally attacked him! It's a pleasure! Hahaha!"

"That must be read. (Li's)" Su Ming smiled: "I eat melon until wee hours! It's you, and my girlfriend, remember to eat melon!"

"Hehe." Liu Gui smiled.

Soon, class starts. Teacher Zhou walked in quickly holding the laptop.

-Coming up, he put down the computer and said directly.

"Everyone, let me tell you something that is closely related to you!"

Everyone looked at Teacher Zhou, waiting for his next words.

"Just this morning, the Military Defense Bureau issued a statement: Internet security is national security!"

"At the same time, the school received the above notice!

"In half a month, there will be an internet security contest involving 158 colleges and universities in eight provinces and three cities in the Celestial Kingdom!"

"Prior to this, every school will hold an Internet safety friendly match!"

"Although you are only freshmen, you are all learning this! In the safety competition, I don't have too much hope for you. But in the friendly match, I think you can still fight for it! The top five, all have bonuses!"

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