I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 228: You have to benefit the anchor! Withdraw forty million! [please order]

Su Ming felt speechless at the thought of Liu Gui still taking part in the event.

Judge yourself?

It's exciting to think about it.

Immediately, Su Ming responded with a message.

"Me? A judge? It's not appropriate. I'm just an ordinary civilian hacker."

After seeing the news sent by Su Ming, the Directorate General of the Military Aircraft Department was dizzy.

Good guy, you are all ordinary folk hackers.

Can those hackers still be considered hackers?

What is the "Dreammon Cyber ​​Combat Troop I cultivated?"

Thinking of this, the General Administration had a toothache.

This kid is too humble.

Soon, the General Administration sent another message.

[The specific time is still under discussion, and it is currently scheduled in half a month. Our Military Aircraft Department and Guo Shangshu agree that you can be a judge!]

[Relax, "May 20", we know you are busy and will not waste your time!"

[The Internet Security Competition is held for three days! Basically, you don’t need to do it! Just show your face in the finals. At other times, do what you want. "

After sending the news, the General Administration waited anxiously in the conference room.

The Military Defense Ministry Guo Shangshu was also discussing major issues at the headquarters of the Military Aircraft Department. Hearing that the General Administration and Su Ming had contacted him, he hurried into the conference room.


Contact "It's up!"

"How did he say?"

"Only one sentence back, I'm still waiting for a reply!"

Guo Shangshu leaned over and said after a few glances.

General Administration "You can't do this! You have to give the anchor some practical benefits! It must be visible!"

"Benefits?" The General Administration snapped his forehead, and said excitedly: "Ahhh! Why didn't I expect this recommendation!"

"That's it, it's good to hire someone to do things! Although the anchor is his own, the good is still indispensable."

Guo Shangshu explained: "Your military aircraft team will be rewarded after completing the mission, not to mention the anchor.

The General Administration nodded with deep approval, and continued to ask.

"Then what do you think, let's give Kazakhstan a benefit? If you are famous, he is not lacking! With the Dongyang network war, the anchor has a reputation! If it is profitable, he has also made hundreds of millions of dollars in the network war."

"What about you?"

General Administration "Ah, General Administration, both fame and profit are given! Anytime you think it’s too much money? Who would think it’s famous?"

After thinking about it, the General Administration quickly sent a message to Su Ming.

[Anchor, we hope you will be the chief judge! The appearance fee is about 10 million yuan a day! To tell you secretly, other judges have no money. "

Seeing the news from the General Administration, Su Ming was taken aback.

Didn't I just slow down a bit? Why did I send money to myself?

Immediately, he thought about it again, his rewards on the sound have not yet been withdrawn!

"You have to withdraw cash in a while!"

"Ten million a day, the price is not low!"

"Will you go?

Su Ming is in trouble.

If you go, it will be exposed.

It's not so good if you don't go. After all, the General Directorate of the Military Aircraft Department personally invited it, and this face is still to be given.

After thinking for a while, Su Ming's brain flashed.

"Got an idea!

Immediately, he replied.

"Never mind the chief judge, I'm just an ordinary person. I will show up at that time! Don't worry.

After getting an accurate reply from Su Ming, the city government of the General Administration could not help but a smile appeared on his face at this moment.

"Fixed the anchor!"

"That's good! Originally, I was still worried about foreign hackers making trouble. Now that the anchor participates, this Internet security contest can be sure of nothing!"

Guo Shangshu said with emotion.

Upon hearing of overseas hackers, the General Administration's face suddenly became a lot more serious.

"I have received news that the Western Congress has made big moves this time! At least four countries are involved!"

"It's okay for other countries, but if free countries join in, things will be troublesome."

"It's better to be careful about this matter! In case we hold an Internet security contest here, and the countries send people to copy our nest, the trouble will be big."

"It's an eventful season now. There is another online hacker called "The hacker who makes you sleepless! General Administration, do you think this person and the anchor are the same person?"

Facing Guo Shangshu's inquiry, the General Administration groaned for a while and shook his head helplessly.

"It's difficult to be sure at the moment. It makes you sleepless and shows that the strength that comes out is still within the range we can bear!"

With a light sigh, Guo Shang wrote: "I hope."

On the other side, after replying to the message, Su Ming opened the Yin Dou account and clicked on his balance. 0

With just one glance, Su Ming was taken aback.

On the account, there are 49.5 million rewards!

After checking all the rewards, Su Ming found that Yin Dou didn't eat a penny! I gave it all to him!

Under normal circumstances, the host’s rewards need to be deducted from the operating expenses of the website, and then half of the voice shaking is deducted! The remaining 40% is the displayed balance.

And Su Ming shows the full amount!

When other non-selling anchors learned about it, they were afraid that they were not crying in the toilet.

Subsequently, he chose to withdraw cash.

Of course, this money is not a reference to his account, but a secret account opened overseas!

After deducting the tax, there are almost 40 million in the account!

Right now, Su Ming's account has nearly 6.6 billion soft sister coins.

Although the money is a lot, it is far from what Su Ming needs.

To be a top-notch Internet intelligent security protection system involving four dimensions of sea, land, air, and outer space, at least tens of billions of dollars to start! Not even hundreds of billions, I dare not even think about it.

It is said that the free country has such a system, with an investment of about 100 billion U.S. dollars, and it has not been completely completed yet!

This is not the same as protecting a company's security system, let alone covering the entire celestial territory!

Servers, etc., all need to be top-notch!

The investment in the server is more than 10.23 billion U.S. dollars.

Thinking of this, Su Ming sighed helplessly: "I still want to make money!"

Shaking his head slightly, Su Ming narrowed his mind and set his eyes on the school.

Xu Tingxue and Sun Xiangxiang didn't say who the boy was, maybe they didn't know themselves.

However, this does not affect Su Ming's plan.

Soon, Su Ming hacked into the school's surveillance system.

Then, I found surveillance videos around the fifth floor of the teaching and the female dormitory.

After doing all this, Su Ming began to research quickly.

A few minutes later, Su Ming quickly pressed the pause button.

In the picture, a man holding a bunch of flowers walked out from the corner of the girls' dormitory, just blocking Xu Tingxue.

"Good fellow, finally let me find you!"

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