I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 234: I'm just hurting you! Shocked the whole school!

A counselor stood up and said, "Principal Ge, his name is Wang Qi! Yes...


Principal Ge waved his hand, and directly led the high-level staff down.

All the eyes of everyone present were on Wang Qi, and many girls blushed.

Wang Qi hurriedly wanted to shut down, but it was useless.

The sound of domestic and foreign mixing made many people blush.

Many people feel with emotion: How fierce this battle is! This woman has a really high literacy level, and she is proficient in Chinese and Oriental languages.

Seeing Principal Ge and the others getting closer, Wang Qi broke out in anxious sweat.

"what are you doing!"

Wang Qi explained in a panic.

"Principal Ge, if I say that someone has harmed me, do you believe it or not?"

Su Ming laughed himself when he heard that someone was hurting him.

I'm just hurting you!

Unfortunately, no one believes it!

Subsequently, Su Ming presses the fast forward button.

Immediately afterwards, a shout came from the phone.

"Brother Wang..."

"Brother Wang, you are awesome

Now, Wang Qi jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it.

Principal Ge looked at Wang Qi coldly.

This is called "harming you?"

"I really didn't do it! I just filmed it, I really didn't plan to play it live at 30, I...

At this moment, Wang Qi couldn't argue.

Zhao Hai hurriedly got up and said.

"Principal Ge, I just saw him privately take pictures of other people! I reminded him not to do this, but he wouldn't listen to me!"

"As the president of the student union, I can't control him...

Good guys!

Zhao Hai, this repair knife, absolutely!

Wang Qi glared at Zhao Hai, almost about to do it.

"Zhao Hai, you hurt me!

"Fuck you! I watched you provoke others with my own eyes and said that other people's girlfriends are awesome! Are you brave enough to say you didn't do it?"

Zhao Hai was also anxious.

I am the president of the student union, and Wang Qi is the vice president of the student union.

The dead dao friend does not die the poor dao!

Principal Ge "Vice principals, if you don’t believe me, you can look at his cell phone!"


Wang Qi pointed at Zhao Hai, wishing to swallow him alive.

The vice principal urged: "Don't turn it off yet!"

"I. I can't turn it off! The phone is out of control, I can't control it!

Wang Qi was almost crying.

I want to turn it off too, but I can't turn it off, what can I do!

For a moment, he even suspected that Zhao Hai was doing him!

But when I think about it, I have no grudges with Zhao Hai!

Is it because he has too many enemies?

His heart is too messed up, he has no clue!

"Bring it!

Principal Ge directly stretched out his hand.

After hesitating, Wang Qi planned to smash the phone directly and destroy the evidence!

Before he was ready to act, the phone was snatched away.

"Zhao Hai, you

Zhao Hai ignored him, and now it is most important to set aside the relationship and protect himself.

Taking the phone from Zhao Hai's phone, Principal Ge glanced at it casually, and then tapped.

Video, paused!

Wang Qi was stunned to see this scene.


Laozi clicked for a long time, but the fart didn't move! Principal Ge just clicked, really paused!

This result can really kill Wang Qi!

"Out of control?"

Principal Ge asked coldly.

"That's what you said, the phone is out of control? Huh? That's how you fooled the principal?"

Wang Qi's face flushed red, and he kept talking.

"Principal Ge is not like this, listen to me to explain...

"You don't need to say!"

Headmaster Ge looked at the vice-principal and asked, "This is the school discipline you manage? I'm very disappointed! Very disappointed!

"Principal Ge, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect

The vice principal gave Wang Qi a fierce look and hurriedly explained.

"You don't need to talk about it! Your question, talk about it later!"

After speaking, President Ge looked at the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

"Call the police!"

"Huh? President Ge, how about...

Director Card is a good old man and would like to say a few more words.

Principal Ge said with a cold face: "Why, do you want to protect him too?"

"Have you forgotten Director Zhen's fate?"

Upon hearing Director Zhen, the expressions of all the senior officials present changed.

"Yes, yes, I'll call the police!"

The director was so scared that his back was chilling. At this juncture, he didn't dare to be a good man.

"Let the security guard come here too!"

Su Ming watched this scene calmly through the camera in the lecture hall.

Everything is developing according to what he inferred.

Su Ming quickly destroyed all traces of intrusion, leaving everything unrecognizable.

"With a flick of your finger, I will send you to jail!"

After doing all of this, Su Ming pushed the computer to the side and fell asleep for a good night's sleep.

Su Ming was sleeping here, and Wang Qi didn't even cry.

After calling the police, the police arrived soon.

Captain Wu led the team personally and rushed to the lecture hall.

Principal Ge hurriedly stretched out his hand to greet the other party: "Hello, Captain Wu, we met two days ago."

"Hello, Principal Ge."

The two shook hands briefly, and President Ge said everything.

"Thank you, Captain Wu, to check it carefully. On behalf of the school, I will pursue his legal responsibility!

Don’t worry, "Look, judging from your story, the crime of spreading a blockbuster action movie is real!!"

Captain Wu took the cell phone and opened it to check the chat log, and he suddenly understood.

"We confiscated this mobile phone first, and after we go back later, we will have a colleague from the Information Department check it up!"

As he said, Captain Wu looked at 520 to Wang Qi and sternly scolded.

"In such a sacred place as school, do this kind of thing! Your kid... alas!"

"Come back with us to assist in the investigation!"

After the conversation, the two police officers stepped forward and were about to take Wang Qi away.

Wang Qi defended loudly.

"I really didn't do it!

"Someone wants to harm me! I just photographed it, really didn't mean to send it to others!


"No need to explain! Take it away!" Captain Wu waved his hand and the two police officers directly raised.

After some pulling, Wang Qi was taken away.

Principal Ge glanced at the surrounding teachers and students, sighed softly, and said, "Forget it! That's it for today!

"Campus Safety Seminar, I will open it tomorrow!"

After speaking, he first walked towards the outside of the lecture hall.

All the other school leaders left one by one.

Half an hour later, Jinhang University issued an announcement that shocked the whole school.

[Wang Qi, a junior at our school, openly watched action movies and spread bad pictures at the campus safety lectures held by the school]

[After discussion and decision by the school, Wang Qi was expelled from school! He has already called the police and he will be held accountable!''

[School is a place of study, and can't tolerate any criminals! I hope our students will take a warning,

[--The Office of the President of Jinhang University!]

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