I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 244: Less than 300 million, no talk! Penguin enters the game, radical public relations!

It’s not enough for users to support Su Ming, and now the scarf jumps out openly and clearly supports Su Ming.

This made wx's senior director furious.

He didn't expect that after Penguin personally made a slightly threatening response, the popularity of the entire network only dropped for a while!

After all, when it comes to the money in your wx account, no one dares and is not careful.

But I don't know, the bib seems to take them all. I jumped out last night to sing the opposite tune, and today I jumped out to sing the opposite tune!

With the bib's endorsement, those netizens are all watching.

Is the upgraded version of "Poor Die You" plug-in true and effective, and can ensure that the money in the user's account will not be lost!

On the other side, the bib headquarters.

After issuing the public statement, Mr. Zhao and the heads of the technical department were in the office.

Each of them has at least two mobile phones in hand, and the data of the mobile phones are imported into the computer in real time for detection and analysis.

Looking at the people who were waiting, Mr. Zhao asked and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Mr. Zhao, we are all ready!"

"Mr. Zhao, all testing equipment has been turned on and testing can be performed at any time!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Mr. Zhao nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Okay, start now!

"Test the security of the plug-in first, and see if you can steal account data 30, user passwords, etc., by forwarding links with Trojan horse viruses."

Mr. Zhao gave an order, and everyone underneath quickly began to operate.

All of a sudden, the sound of Pali's typing on the keyboard echoed in the office.

What they tested was naturally the upgraded version of the "Poor Die You 2.0" plug-in posted by Su Ming on the post.

Mr. Zhao led someone to download it personally and became a member with money.

After downloading it, Mr. Zhao once laughed at himself: Unexpectedly, I also became an experimental mouse.

What they have to do is to thoroughly test the performance of the "Poor Die You 2.0" plug-in!

Once the data meets the industry standards of the Celestial Empire, it means that the threat of penguins does not exist!

The plug-in is safe, the Trojan horse virus cannot enter, and the user does not transfer money to people of unknown origin. If the money in the account can still be lost in this way, it is not a user's problem, but a wx problem!

Of course, this also means, "Poor Die You 2.0 version really has the strength and ability to challenge wx.

A few minutes later, a group of people looked at the data that popped up on the big screen and quickly communicated.

Soon, a supervisor stood up and said.

"Mr. Zhao, we have tested the security performance of the plug-in and found that it has its own big data filtering function! Some abnormal accounts forwarded and links with Trojan horse viruses will be automatically blocked!"

"Furthermore, once it detects that a normal user deliberately spreads a Trojan horse virus, the plug-in will remind all users who have received the link.

"We also carried out a special doss attack on the plug-in

"The result is that there is nothing wrong with the security aspect of the 2.0 version of Poor Die! It is better than wx's big data detection performance!"

Mr. Zhao listened to the report from the people at his hand, and then looked at the safety test data on the big screen, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, the safety test has a perfect score, and now the second test is carried out!

"This time, our focus is on whether the plug-in has a powerful "gate! It can accurately identify all kinds of plug-in links, and separate them!"


Immediately, everyone was once again engaged in intense testing.

Not only the bib, but many giants in the Fa Cai Bao Department are all testing!

Even the giants of the Penguin line are quietly testing.

If you can really get rid of the shackles of wx, why not do it?

In the wx headquarters, Director Gao ordered Mei, the director of the public relations department, to conduct public relations immediately.

Li Kang and others on the side were busy with serious expressions.

Li Kang "How is it? Did you trace the other party?"

Faced with Director Gao's inquiry, Li Kang shook his head helplessly.

"Give us a little more time, the other side has too many broilers, we need to pull them out one by one! This will take time!"

Director Gao is distraught.

"Now the whole network is watching our jokes, you must hurry up!"

In the end, Director Gao made a decision.

Under Su Ming's reply, he replied: "You die of your plug-in, we decided to buy it! 1,000 buy out ten thousand usage rights! How?"

This is no way.

With a loss of 10 million, we survived this crisis safely.

Seeing this news, the netizens couldn't sit still.

"No! ‘You won’t be bought if you can’t sleep, right?"

"No! It's a great hacker who keeps you awake! How could the great God be bought? The great God did a great thing for the benefit of the people, it can't be bought!"

"It's hard to say, the great god is also a human, and he has to eat and spend! If the great god is really bought, then we can really become the non-vegetable that is harvested one by one!

"It must be impossible! Ten million, fool! I know at a glance that wx has no sincerity at all! Maybe it is the acquisition of the past and the core algorithm! The core algorithm is the life of a piece of software! Without the core Algorithm, then your plug-in will be useless if you die."

"I didn't buy before, but now the situation is getting worse, I just want to buy? Great God, don't be fooled by wx! It's not a good thing!"

Su Ming's reply appeared just when the netizen who was eating melon was uneasy.

[10 million? How about sending a beggar? If you want to buy? Then come out sincerely, less than 300 million, no talk!

300 million?

The high director's eyes were straight, and he roared in the room: "Why don't you grab it!"

In fact, if Su Ming is successful this time, then all major platforms will need to pay a lot of money to use the ‘poor you’ plug-in!

It costs money to go through the channel of wx; 537 also costs money to go through the channel of Su Ming! However, when you go to the wx side, you also need to be arbitrarily made things difficult by wx! Su Ming is much more free here.

In contrast, this is a win-win result!

Plus tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of users!

These add up to 300 million, which is not much at all!

The reason why Su Ming throws 300 million is also thinking of stinging with wx, let alone 300 million, it is 30 million, it is impossible!

No need to monitor, he knows that the so-called 10 million is just a fool.

Even if wx really promised 300 million, Su Ming would not be able to make a deal.

The core algorithm must be in your own hands!

At this moment, Penguin appeared for the second time and posted several pictures and a paragraph of text.

"According to Penguin's technical team's detection, there are multiple vulnerabilities in the'Poor Die You 2.0' plug-in, which is easy to be attacked by hackers! Once used, the security performance of the account will be minimized!"

Those pictures are the inspection pictures of the Penguin technical team!

As the news appeared, everyone was stunned.

Compared to the rather obscure threat last time, this time Penguin directly went to the evidence!

I almost pulled the user’s ears and said, don’t use ‘I’m so poor you 2.0’, after you use it, the money in your account won’t be kept!

Everyone can see that Penguin is trying to protect wx!

After all, wx is Penguin's son. Now that Laozi is out, the whole network feels a lot of pressure.

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