I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 246: Tough Penguin! Penguin: I dug your ancestral grave?! Please order all

Director Gao looked at the platform that suddenly jumped out, a little dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

So many platforms jumped out to refute penguins?

It makes no sense!

Director Gao couldn't figure out how this could happen.

In the past, the news of Penguin's official WeChat account, the big platform did not dare to directly choose the front.

"Are these platforms crazy?"

Before the senior director could understand, Penguin had a new move.

Penguin reacted quickly, and after a while he posted another official Weibo.

"In view of the replies from many platforms, what we want to say is: please speak with your conscience! Big platforms are responsible for speaking and doing things!"

Obviously, Penguin is very determined.

I am correct, you are all fake! And, there is a hint of threat inside and outside the words.

All of a sudden, the eyes of countless netizens shifted from wxvs Su Ming to many big platforms vs penguins!

Most of the Internet platforms ended, and the pool of water was instantly muddled.

Faced with the blatant threat from Penguin, many platforms dare not speak, and many small platforms even directly deleted the forwarded posts.

For small platforms, it's enough to have fun, really just penguin, I don't dare to lend them a hundred courage!

Many big platforms have also closed the permission to comment.

There are not many platforms as strong as a bib! If it weren't for the wealthy treasure, the bib would panic.

While watching the show on the whole network, the 630 Internet Security Technical Team, which cooperated with Tianchao official 537, also posted an official WeChat account.

Ten years ago, the 630 team and the Penguins had a long-lasting confrontation!

In the end, 630 stubbornly heated up.

This time, 630 naturally had a hint of revenge.

Compared with the test data issued by platforms such as bibs, the 630 released is more detailed and accurate!

Because of the official shadow behind it, it is more authoritative.

630 official Weibo directly posted nine pictures, the Penguin official Weibo, and attached a paragraph of text.

[Penguin, so powerful!)

With the 630 release of the official WeChat account, the netizens who eat melon almost didn't laugh out of the screen across the screen.

Many people left messages below one after another.

"Good guy! 630 this is a tough penguin! Let's push you!"

"Although 630's software is a bit rogue, as long as you are just a penguin, we are on the same front!"

"Throughout the large and small Internet platforms of the celestial dynasty, there are only a few who dare to face the hard penguin! As the 630 who was once forced by the penguin to almost reach overseas, this wave of compensation is one word-hard!"

"Simply two words, not very lethal, very insulting! Hahaha!"

Looking at these big platforms, Su Ming smiled lightly.

"Good fellow, is Penguin the ancestral grave that dug all platforms?"

"Then I will add fire."

Afterwards, Su Ming ran under the penguin official Weibo and left a sentence.

"Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and burning penguins is not the work of one person."

After returning, Su Ming sent the evidence he collected to several big platforms.

Among them, it includes snood, 630 and so on.

And a special department.

Seeing Su Ming's reply to Penguin, those netizens' hearts fell a lot when they mentioned their throats.

"It made you sleepless without making a sound for so long, I thought he was frightened by the penguin's official threat! It turns out that the great god has always been there!

"The great god is the great god, just finished wx just penguin! Hit the little ones and beat the old ones!"

"Great God, Chong! We beat you! We have been waiting for you to break the news!

Looking at the series of replies below, Su Ming replied lightly: "Don't panic, big melons are coming! All are ready for melon seeds, beer, peanuts!"

"By the way, have you stolen anything in your phone?

With Su Ming's reply, everyone seemed to be beaten up, and they shouted arrogantly with excitement.

"Good guy, I'm finally breaking the news! I'm so anxious to death! I'm ready to even have a barbecue!"

"Huh? What do you mean by that? Except for photos and videos on your phone, it's just a file. Can you lose it?"

"Although I don't understand well, I always feel that it makes you unable to sleep, and it means something!

The news that Su Ming was about to break the news quickly swept the entire network.

The security of the "Poor Die You 2.0" plug-in has been confirmed by many parties, and Penguin's multiple postings have become a joke.

Right now, everyone's attention is focused on what Su Ming is about to explode.

The wx headquarters, Director Gao and others finally waited for the most critical moment.

"Director Gao, he is going to break the news! What should I do?"

Everyone looked at Director Gao anxiously, waiting (dacd waited for his reply.

Director Gao's face became cold, and even Penguin entered the arena himself, why is this person still not restrained!

"What are you afraid of! Haven't we tested it, wx has no problems!"

Reluctantly, Director Gao could only suffocate one sentence: "We are not afraid of the shadow leaning!"

Having said that, everyone is still very worried.

The ghost knows what Su Ming will reveal.

At the headquarters of the collar, Mr. Zhao looked at the statement that Penguin had sent them privately, and snorted coldly.

"Who are you scaring! How can my collar be scared?"

"It's impossible for us to withdraw super words! Let us withdraw hot search even more impossible!"

"Now 630 is over. The mutual fighting between platforms is getting more and more lively!"

In the past, Penguin was like this and everyone was gone.

But right now, the situation is different, and many platforms are eyeing the fat of wx!


That's all money!

At this moment, a supervisor said.

"Mr. Zhao, we have received an anonymous email again. The source cannot be found!!

Upon hearing this, Mr. Zhao's eyes suddenly brightened.

"An anonymous email again? Can't find the source yet?"

"Could it make you sleepless again?"

As soon as this idea came up, the director of the public relations department said: "Mr. Zhao, you can't sleep and leave a message under the official Penguin Weibo.

Immediately, everyone hurriedly leaned over to take a look.

After reading it, Mr. Zhao instructed: "Quickly, open the email and have a look!"

The e-mail opens, and it lists a series of data and screenshots.

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Zhao's face looked ugly.

"Outrageous! After the wx eavesdropping incident, this is definitely a big event!"

At the same time, the Shenzhen Price Supervision Bureau meeting room.

Technical commissioner Xiao Sun's test results for the "Poor Die You 2.0" plug-in have also come out.

"Commissioner Pang, after our inspection, "Poor Die You 2.0 plug-in / there is no related problem mentioned by Penguin!"

"Whether it is safety or accuracy, it is above the heavenly standards!"

With this result, Commissioner Pang nodded quite satisfied.

"Thank you, Xiaosun!"

As Commissioner Pang was about to continue speaking, Xiao Sun's face changed slightly when he saw an email suddenly received on the computer.

Their mailboxes are different from ordinary people's mailboxes, and they all have special security blocking plug-ins! Unfamiliar mails and messy junk mails will be automatically blocked.

Realizing that something was wrong, Xiao Sun hurriedly leaned forward and whispered: "Commissioner Pang, something has happened."

Commissioner Pang turned his head to look at Xiao Sun, and said suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"I received an anonymous email in my mailbox."

"Anonymous mail?" A trace of confusion flashed through Commissioner Pang's eyes, "Is it spam?"

"It should not be! I have installed special blocking software in my mailbox, and I can't receive internal non-personal emails!

At this time, Commissioner Pang was in great interest.

"open to take a look!


The email opened, looking at the dazzling data on it, Commissioner Pang followed closely.

Even though he didn't understand much, he saw something.

Xiao Sun's face was very serious, and he said: "Commissioner Pang, if the content in the email is true, then this matter is better than wx eavesdropping on user privacy!"

"This is a real crime!"

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