I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 258: Take down Xu Tingxue! Big change! The whole network is trembling!

Liu Gui encouraged by the side: "Brother Su, come on!"

Su Ming was taken aback for a moment and said different things.

"Come on? What's up?

"Of course I won Xu Tingxue early!" Liu Gui looked like he hated the iron but not steel. "Xu Tingxue has white skin and beautiful long legs. What if you are slow to start and you are preempted?"

"If you take her down, she will feel like I am your person! This is called female psychology! Normal people have it, but there are no female boxers on the Internet.

Liu Gui's face showed a look of "I have experience in this matter."

"Think about it, someone held flowers to harass Xu Tingxue yesterday!"

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, maybe there will be more!"

"So, listen to me, take it early, you're right!"

Su Ming shrugged. He was embarrassed to say that the person who harassed Xu Tingxue was sent to prison by himself.

"Okay, I know!"

"Isn't it just taking Xu Tingxue, "Five Three Seven" is a big deal!"

"Just this morning, she personally gave me breakfast and invited me to dinner.

As soon as this remark came out, the boys around were noisy.


"It's bragging, I almost believed it!"

"Brother Su is Brother Su! Don't brag about writing drafts! Xu Tingxue serves breakfast for you, and asks you to have breakfast? I'm afraid it was not you who served her breakfast!!

"Don't say anything else, there are so many male compatriots in our class! There are more than a dozen people who have objects. Isn't that the one who actively serves his girlfriend?"

"That's not it! When I chased my girlfriend, I went downstairs to send her flowers! How many competitors at the time, my girlfriend was still moved by me? So, Su Ming, take the initiative and be not ashamed. ! Bragging is too much."

Su Ming spread his hands and said helplessly: "Is it so difficult to admit that I am excellent?

"You guys, if you can't eat grapes, you say grapes are sour! No, no, no!"

Immediately, there was a burst of laughter from below.

"Ha ha ha ha!

After laughing, everyone discovered that Teacher Zhou did not know when he had already appeared at the door.

Immediately, the crowd scattered as birds and beasts scattered.

Standing behind Su Ming, Teacher Zhou asked: "Su Ming, what are you talking about."

Su Ming looked back and smiled awkwardly.

"It's nothing, these people can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. Hehe."

After the conversation, Su Ming hurried back to his seat.

Walking to the podium, Teacher Zhou said: "A few days have passed, and time is getting tighter! So I came a few minutes earlier today.

"Today we continue with yesterday's content."

"An excellent programmer with actual combat capabilities not only needs to master penetration technology, but also needs to be able...

"Penetration, it's an invasion! It's an attack!

As soon as Teacher Zhou started the lecture, the students below listened very seriously.

Time passed quickly, and a big class ended.

Everyone "rest for ten minutes, ten minutes later, let's continue."

After speaking, Teacher Zhou walked out quickly.

Until Teacher Zhou left, many students' brains buzzed.

This time, Teacher Zhou really did his best to teach, but unfortunately, they are only freshmen and their background is too thin.

It takes some time to digest the knowledge taught by Teacher Zhou.

Some students who are really hurt in their heads choose to swipe their phones to solve their helplessness.

Some students were stunned.

"Damn! What's the matter? Penguin's market value plummeted by 100 billion! What is going on?"

"Mom, what happened yesterday! It's so scary! This "makes you sleepless, who the hell is, it's so awesome!"

"Hahaha, wx officially released a statement saying that it respects privacy protection rights! Give users the right to choose! It makes you sleepless and won!"

When I heard ‘make you sleepless and win, many people suddenly got excited and leaned forward.

"Su Ming, let's go take a look.

Liu Gui pulled Su Ming.

"Well, okay."

Su Ming was helpless.

See yourself, what kind of thing it is.

The crowd gathered together and watched the news on the Internet.

"Good guy, let wx lower your head, this makes you awake, it's really a mess!"

"At first glance, I didn't stay up late last night, and I don't know anything! I guess, the corporate manager must have not slept well last night!"

"I really couldn't stand it last night! I fell asleep with my mobile phone just after two o'clock! It is said that the police officer took away a few penguin staff?"

More than "Penguin, several wx have also been taken away! That infamous high director who pretended that I was waiting for users such as Fei Cai was also taken away!"

"This keeps you awake, who is it, I want to worship him as a teacher! If he doesn't learn his skills, he can learn half of it. This campus Internet security contest, I will win!"

Apprentice "Don't think about it, let's just eat melon!"

Just as everyone was discussing it, another student shouted.

"I said why wx suddenly changed sex, it turned out to be like this."

"What what? What happened again?"

"Hurry up and watch, the official announcement is released. 0"

Everyone moved from one side to the other, each of them stretched their heads and looked over.

[General Administration of Anti-Monopoly of Tianshang: Aiming at certain big Internet giants, occupying a dominant and dominant position in the Internet, and abusing technological means, which has caused a very bad impact on the network ecological environment! We will have some actions that involve monopoly, Investigate and hold accountable!)

[Internet Bureau: At the request of the general public, we will conduct a comprehensive review of the Internet super giants that dominate the Internet! Anyone who abuses Internet technology and participates in illegal and criminal activities will be severely punished!]

[General Administration of Anti-Unfair Competition Law Enforcement: In the recent intensified'death to you' plug-in incident on the entire network, many Internet super giants interfered with the order of online communication, and illegally used dominant positions to dominate, interfere, and control the prosperous Internet environment , We will conduct in-depth interviews with relevant persons in charge and punish them severely in accordance with the law!''

【Beijing Price Supervision Bureau

The four major issues collectively issued a statement, this is an unprecedented event, the whole network has long been fried.

"I'll just say that the official will do it! This time, I'll be the official! It's time to take care of them!"

"It's nothing more than using technology to monopolize, but also using technology to eavesdrop on our privacy and monitor us at will... This kind of behavior is too Damn it!"

"It keeps you awake, it's a great pen! With your own efforts, you can tidy up the entangled Internet super giants and be obedient!

"The official action, only the penguin and other platforms were cleaned up, and it didn't start with '2.3 makes you sleepless! It seems that this is also a big man!"

"Let the penguins arrogant, this time is going to be over! I really agreed with the name of the great god, so that you can't sleep! I guess it sounds, there will always be a few days when enterprises can't sleep! Hahaha.

"This wave, not only Penguins, other Internet giants will also be affected!"

Seeing the news, the students in the classroom were overwhelmed with excitement.

One by one, I can’t wait to be incarnate, "make you sleepless and wander around on the Internet!"

The official never mentioned himself from start to finish. Su Ming said he understood their meaning very well.

He felt that he needed to make a statement to the official.

So, Su Ming turned on his mobile phone while not paying attention, and logged into his trumpet.

Then he posted a sentence under his bib account.

"Elder Jiangshan can tolerate me and don't make the world make money!"

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