I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 264: Freedom to shoot! Wanted Su Ming! [Seeking full order]

The commander said angrily, "Huh, I suspect that this old boy is the culprit who has fornicated with the East!"

His head was full of yellow and white hair dancing in the wind, obviously he was very angry inside.

Upon hearing this, the blond man and others were scared with cold sweat on his forehead.

They know that the commander has no barriers, and he can say whatever he thinks.

But he didn't expect that even his loyal subordinate, Mike Pey, the head of the foreign affairs department, would scold casually.

Especially the last sentence, they didn't dare to speak at all, pretending not to hear it.

The commander said that it was okay. If they dare to say one more word, then it's over.

"Okay! You guys have a good interrogation!"

"We must clean up all the black sheep within us!"

With that, the commander turned and left the room.

On the other side, Mike is busy sending someone to collect Su Ming's information.

Find "What useful information is there?"

Faced with Mike Pian's inquiry, the intelligence personnel responded one after another.

30 "Your Excellency McPeggy, we can't find much useful information on the Internet!"

We "dive into the Internet of the Celestial Empire and have the ability to hit me on this" and checked, and so far only found a piece of software called "Su Yan Bao" developed by him! I don't know if it is superfluous. "Su Yan Bao" 'We have downloaded it and are analyzing it, hoping to find some clues!

We "compiled all the materials related to "You have the ability to beat me", starting with "Su Yan Bao" and later on the Toyo Cyber ​​War, we didn't find more useful news!"

We "will continue to analyze the potential information of these materials. Among them, Tianchao, a network platform called Tieba, is where he first appeared!"

"The second time it appeared, it was a platform called Bibi! Behind it is Yindou! We are conducting a secret investigation of these platforms, and hope that we can investigate something!"

"In many incidents, all the people involved, including those netizens on Tianchao.com, as well as Liu Gui and Zhen Meili, etc., we will secretly send people to investigate! This is a very large amount of data, and we need time to investigate it slowly!

Listening to the report from the people underneath, McPeggy nodded with a cold face.

It is indeed the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, and it is truly invincible when it comes to spying on intelligence, especially in the field of the Internet!

Hurry up "point, give me the result as soon as possible!"

"Does this person's appearance affect us?"

The intelligence team leader looked at the collected information, and then said.

"According to the information in hand, this person has not had much influence on us for the time being! The only point is that it is not very beneficial to our previous plan!

"Huh?" McPeggy raised his brows and asked, "What is it?"

"According to the intelligence released by the other party, Dongyang has a spy plan called the Elite Plan! In this plan, there is a backup project! It is through opening up some well-known and other influential people in the celestial dynasty to implement internal fishing vessel disputes and between men and women. Dispute."

Max's eyes cooled slightly. This plan sounded very familiar.

The head of the intelligence team reminded: "Your Excellency McPeggy, we have a similar plan."

Hearing this, Mike Pey was stunned.

No wonder it sounds very familiar. We have also executed similar plans internally to the Tianchao, and the purpose is naturally to let the Tianchao cause internal troubles.

Immediately, he urged: "Go on.

"But with the exposure of the Oriental Elite Plan, many people in the celestial dynasty are also aware of these problems."

The intelligence team leader spread his hands and explained helplessly.

"Therefore, we have some problems in the internal operation of the Tianchao Internet."

"The celebrities from all walks of life that we secretly support don't dare to act anymore. "If you have the ability to hit me, the entire Internet environment of the celestial dynasty has been hit like never before!"

"The mutated female boxing we promoted has been repeatedly squeezed by them, and now there is not much room for survival!"

"The only fortunate thing is that those who have benefited from us still stand firmly on our side! Those brainwashed female fists, although they can't jump too much, privately did not change their nature at all!"

"They, there is still value in utilization!"

After speaking, the other party looked at McPeggy and waited for him to speak.

McPeet carried his hands on his back and walked back and forth in the same place for a long time before saying.

"Okay, I know about it.

"All plans remain the same! When this gust passes, we will continue."

"Find out as soon as possible." If you have the ability to hit me, who is it, secretly solved it!

Otherwise, "If you do, this person will definitely affect my freedom!"

After the conversation, McPeggy turned and left.

When he walked to the door, he stopped suddenly, then looked back at the intelligence team leader and asked.

"Can this person instigate rebellion?

The intelligence team leader was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's not very likely."

"If it's not too big, that means it's possible! Try it!"

Mike exhorted in a serious tone.

"No one will not be fooled by the benefits. If there is, then the benefits are not enough!"

"If it really doesn't work, come secretly!"

"Fuck him, or walk some false news, and let our people help it!"

"You should be very good at this, right?"

The hearts of several people brightened, and they deserved to be the head of the Foreign Affairs Department. The method was really good.

Of course, they are also very good at this! They are simply familiar with the road.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured, we will take care of him!

"very good!"

After nodding satisfactorily, McPeggy walked out of the room quickly.

An operation against Su Ming is quietly unfolding in a free country.

More than a dozen intelligence organizations in the free country, countless eyeliners, spied on Su Ming's intelligence privately or on the Internet.

For several days, they still did not make much progress.

The international situation seems to be calm, but in fact the undercurrent is turbulent.

The spy information of the various countries has not been completely settled. Once it is done, they will vacate their hands and settle an account with Tianchao and Su Ming.

Su Ming did not pay much attention to the external situation.

At this moment, he is walking hand in hand with Xu Tingxue in the campus.

In the past few days, the relationship between Su Ming and Xu Tingxue has progressed very rapidly.

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