A sense of crisis!

Mr. Zhao felt a strong sense of crisis.

It turned out that it wasn't just myself that thought of this way wisely. Everyone else thought about it, and they also took action.

What makes him even more incredible is that the other party actually wants to open a green channel for the other party!

What can the other party say?

It's really shameless!

Of course, Mr. Zhao did not intend to refuse directly.

"President Li, I need to ask the chairman for advice on this matter. I can't be the master.

Mr. Li looked wrong.

"Ah? I just want to make friends with the other party. I need to ask the chairman to kiss this little thing?"

make friends?

When I was a three-year-old kid? Ghosts believe it!

Mr. Zhao cursed in his heart, and then said helplessly.

"Mr. Li, it's true! You know the result of Penguin, and you know the official attitude. Our chairman suddenly became less daring."

"Especially when it comes to things that "make you sleepless", that really means he has to think twice.

"So, it's not that I don't help you, but I really need to ask the chairman for instructions!"

Hearing this, Li always felt a little reasonable.

Now the major giants are walking on thin ice, and he can also understand the difficulties of the scarf.

But he still didn't plan to give up, he wanted to try.

But, he hasn't said what he said yet, and Mr. Zhao said again.

"I am here to help you privately, if the bottom line of "make you sleepless" is touched, won't I become the 30th wx senior director?"

"The chairman is so kind to me, I can't hurt him."


Mr. Zhao said sincerely, “Mr. Li should contact our chairman. I really can’t be the master of this matter.”

Mr. Zhao deserves to be like a human being. After a few words, Mr. Li feels a little bit more guilty inexplicably.

It's like a big taboo by contacting Su Ming through the official bib.

Reluctantly, Mr. Li hung up the phone helplessly.

Mr. Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, he was also very nervous.

The first one who says yes should get some preferential treatment.

Moreover, he has expressed his opinion in front of the chairman! If this is pushed by someone, then he will have nowhere to cry.

Therefore, the first person to eat crabs must be a scarf.

Originally, he was very confident and was willing to take time to wait slowly. But now, he is under a lot of pressure and feels that the longer the delay, the greater the risk.

Mr. Zhao at the moment is uneasy for Zuo Li.

He stood up and walked two steps later, then walked down again, looking at the computer and the phone.

However, there is no valuable information.

At this moment, his phone rang again.

This time, he was more cautious.

A simple greeting let him know that it was not Su Ming who called, but another Internet giant.

They all have the same purpose!

The phone was naturally hung up by him.

But after a while, the senior management of Yin Dou also called.

He repeated what he said to Mr. Li.

Anyway, no matter who comes, directly push it to the chairman.

After the chairman agrees, he will execute it again. Of course, he knew in his heart that if the chairman had a bit of brain, he would not agree easily.

He also thought about not answering the phone, but he was afraid that if he missed Su Ming's call, he would suffer a lot.

With such a complicated heart, he survived the whole morning.

Just as he was eating at noon, he received a text message.

At the moment when he saw the text message, Mr. Zhao was so excited that he couldn't help laughing: "Pretty!!"

At the same time, the headquarters of the Beijing Military Aircraft.

The General Administration took a look at all the information collected by its staff about "making you sleepless."

In the past, he would not pay attention to such trivial matters personally.

But since Su Ming's tuba "has the ability to hit me" showed off his edge, the General Administration has also deliberately collected related resources.

It is precisely because of the attention of the General Administration that it affects the attitude of the four major bureaus to some extent.

However, in the eyes of the General Administration.

The level of danger that makes you sleepless is much lower than'You have the ability to hit me.

He couldn't even dream that these two numbers were the same person!

"This person's strength remains to be seen!"

After murmured softly, the General Administration picked up the phone in front of him and said: "Keep the original danger level and strengthen the observation of him!"


Soon, the huge military aircraft department mobilized a small part of the force to analyze the behavior of Su Ming's trumpet with big data.

After a while, a document was submitted.

[Character: make you sleepless]

[Strength: Upper-middle!"

[Destructive power: upper middle!]

[Threat: No note: Judging from the other party's style of doing things, the other party does not have anti-social character and knows how to advance and retreat! He is a good seed!''


The General Administration will record the file of Su Ming's trumpet in a light red folder.

In the upper right corner of the folder, "Zhong Danger" is written impressively!

Among all the folders in the row in front of the General Administration, there is a black folder on the far right.

There is only one piece of information in the black folder, and that is Su Ming's large piece of information.

As soon as the matter was settled, someone walked over quickly.

"Boom boom——"

"Come in!"

With the permission of the General Administration, the opponent pushed in, then handed over a document in his hand and said.

"The General Administration, we are investigating" when you can't sleep, and we found some strange phenomena.


"We found that someone was secretly investigating the anchor's situation."


Hearing these two words, the general bureau's eyes suddenly sharpened.

The anchor, of course, is Su Ming's tuba-he has the ability to hit me!

"What do you mean? It made you sleepless and was investigating,'Do you have the ability to hit me?"

The General Administration frowned slightly. If this is the case, then the Military Aircraft Department will take some measures.

He is not worried that Su Ming will be exposed, but he wants to show the heavenly protection of Su Ming, unshakable!

"Not the General Administration."

We "found that foreigners are investigating the anchor!"

"Overseas?" The General Administration laughed.

He had anticipated this situation a long time ago.

"Can you find out which organization or country it is?"

Facing the inquiry from the General Administration, the other party said seriously.

"The General Administration, after our investigation! There is a 70% probability that it can be confirmed that the other party is a free country!

"Free country?"

At this time, the General Administration could not sit still.

The strength of a free country is also known to some extent.

According to available data, there are more than 90 cyber attacks in the world, all of which are dominated by free nations.

Among the countries under attack, there are not only allies of the free countries, but also countries that are not compliant with the free countries.

The celestial dynasty, of course, is also among them.

The General Administration also held a special meeting before to study the matter. They felt that they had gotten 550, and they were annoying about everything at the moment, and even the anchor did not intervene in launching a cyber war against Dongyang!

It can be seen that the leader has indeed reached a very critical moment.

But he ignored an additional factor-the confidant of the commander and the firm anti-Chen Dynasty, Mike Pey!

It was the wind in Mike's ear that prompted all this.

"The free country has stepped in. This is a very dangerous signal!"

The tone of the General Administration is serious.

He is not sure whether Su Ming is an opponent of free country hacker masters. Because the background of the free country on the Internet is too deep! Even the northern bear country can't match it!

In case, the hacker master of the free country finds Su Ming, the result is unimaginable!

Immediately "Send someone to investigate this matter, I want 99% accuracy!"


Immediately afterwards, the General Administration opened its own dedicated computer and sent a private message to Su Ming's Yin Dou account, informing him that everything should be careful!

After all this, he still felt uneasy.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his mind, and a clever plan emerged!

So he picked up the phone and called Jiang Shangshu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites!

Obviously, the General Administration intends to preemptively!

If you want to mess with me, I will act first!

Soon, the phone went through.

"General Administration, you contacted me personally, did something happen?"

"Jiang Shangshu, there is something right now, I need your help!

The General Administration briefly explained the matter, and then continued.

"I have a piece of data here that can prove that the Free State secretly dominates more than 90% of cyber attacks!"

Jiang Shangshu is very clever, and when the General Administration said so, he immediately understood.

Don’t worry, "Let’s, I know how to do it!"

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