I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 290: A catastrophe is imminent! Identity exposed!

Noah was confused by this curse.

He didn't know how he suddenly turned his face against his little friend who had played so well with him.

There are no signs at all.

"Lao Yang, have you taken medicine?"

"If you don't want to help me, just say it straight, I won't say anything to you!"

"Just because of our friendship for so many years, let you do something so that you won't turn your face."

"Never mind if you scold me, why are you cursing my ancestral grave to explode!"


Facing Noah's incomprehension, Lao Yang was so angry.

"You...you are really bad enough!"

"If it hadn't been for our friendship for so many years, Laozi would have drove to your house to beat you by this time!"

"Look, what do you ask me to do?"

"Is it a special manpower!"

Noah was confused: "Lao Yang, what is going on?"

"I have calculated that the other party may have an official background! But, with your strength, you shouldn't make such a fuss!"

"I'm going to you!" Old Yang Zhen couldn't bear it anymore, and screamed through his mobile phone.

"You really want to die, don't drag me to die together!"

"My little strength is scared! Laozi has a terrible strength! If it weren't for Mr. Song to wake me up, I almost overturned the car with you!"

"Lao Yang, don't worry! You...

Lao Yang didn't give Noah a chance to continue speaking at all.

"I tell you, Noah!"

"From now on! Let's draw a clear line! Don't call me, and don't come to my house to find me!"

"I have changed my number and am ready to move!"

"not see!"


The phone hung up directly, leaving Noah who was dizzy.

"Who did I provoke?

Noah was not reconciled, and found the eldest grandson of the Audio-Technica.

He said that he asked Lao Yang to do some small things, but in the end he broke up.

He didn't say specifically what to do, but said that it was the same way as before.

After a bit of grievance, Brother Sun comforted him and said that it was on his own body.

In the Audio-Technica, Brother Sun has the strongest background! He is also the strongest!

As a famous counterfeit man in the celestial dynasty, Noah, often encounters some difficult bones.

When trouble is encountered, it is mostly Sun Ge who comes forward to help.

With Brother Sun, it was a ten-year friendship.

"Brother Sun is interesting enough!"

"This Lao Yang is no longer a human being! The slightest thing is like killing him!"

"Do you want to sever ties with Laozi? Laozi still wants to sever ties with you!"

"Scared! Ha are not!"

Noah, who can help him, can't wait to call his father and mother. Those who can't help, even scold and squirt.

He felt that if Sun Ge made a shot, it must be a success!

Five minutes passed.

The expectant phone did not ring!

Ten minutes have passed and the phone hasn't ringed yet.

"My God, what's all this?"

After hesitating for a minute, Noah sent a text message to ask about the situation.

Can't make a call, the call is too abrupt. I asked someone to do something and called to remind me, which was not very good.

Soon, a sincere text message editor was sent out.

Another five minutes passed, and no news came back.

During these five minutes, Noah had been tormented abnormally. He felt that something might have happened.

Finally, he made up his mind to call Sun Ge.

He thought that Sun Ge might be a bit tricky. It's a big deal, I'll give you some benefits when the time comes. The things that should be done still have to be done well.

However, just after the call was made, it showed that the other party was on the phone.

"Could it be that Brother Sun is doing errands for me?"

After thinking about it, he still felt something was wrong.

So, he directly sent a wx voice to his grandson.

Seeing the dialog box that jumped out, his eyes were straight.

[Sorry, you are not his friend! This feature is only available to friends!)


"Fuck it!"

"What the hell is this!"

He never dreamed that he was deleted by Brother Sun!

Looking at the time shown in the previous message, his face turned green.

They only chatted last night, and they also made an appointment to drink two whole cups of Feitian.

Within 24 hours, he was actually blacked out?

He couldn't figure it out.

Why did the other party blacken him for no reason?

Think about it again, what I asked Sun Ge to do before.

Suddenly, his back was cold.

Is it really related to the other party?

how is this possible!

How can his background and strength compare to Brother Sun?

I won't provoke someone who is better than Brother Sun, and who is difficult to deal with.

Noahzi called grandson again, but still prompted that he was on the phone.

Now, he understands.

My phone should be hacked by the other party!

Lao Yang was very angry with him, and Brother Sun even blocked him directly, not even answering a phone call.

Noah was really angry.

He didn't know. After the contact, Brother Sun broke out in a cold sweat.

Even with his background, he felt a chill in his back.

After all, the stronger you are, the deeper you will learn! Even the person he has to call his uncle, personally warn him not to be nosy, not to do any small actions that involve the problem of standing in the team, and be careful to burn yourself!

It can be seen that he has already encountered a level that does not belong to him! Moving, the catastrophe is over!

Therefore, he chose Mingzhe to protect himself and directly pull the black Noah.

Just when he was secretly rejoicing, an unfamiliar phone called.

It was Noah who made the call from his other mobile phone.

Brother Sun didn't know, so he took it.


"Hey! Brother Sun, why can't you get through on the phone?"

Noah did not explicitly say that the other party had blacked him out, but said it very tactfully.

Brother Sun didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he said directly.

(Li Li's) "Noah, brother and you...no, my Sun Hai has a showdown with you!"

"We have never called!"

"I have never been a friend of you!"

"Finally, I'll send you a sentence, you are not suitable to be a fake celestial man! Your butt is crooked!"

After speaking, Sun Hai hung up the phone directly, deleted it, and copied it all at once.


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Noah was so angry that he smashed the phone.

"I'm fucking your lungs!

"If you don't help me, you won't help me, and you still question my professionalism? Way! It's all a bunch of idiots!"

"When Laozi got the special green card of the Free Country, Laozi even called you together!

Just as Noah son roared, the headquarters of the Military Aircraft Department.

Ding Muhao handed a piece of information to the General Administration, and said.

"The General Administration, we have found a man behind the scenes, who is a counterfeit, this person is called-Noah!"

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