I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 304: Exposure of the Zhan Ge scandal, the whole network is in an uproar! [please order]

Listening to Su Ming's voice in the live broadcast room, Sister Ding looked at Zhan Ge, her eyes were full of shock.

She quickly turned on the phone, found Zhan Ge's wx, looked at his avatar, and then at the avatar of the chat screenshot that Su Ming hung in the live broadcast room.

Two, exactly the same!

If it is said that the avatar may be a coincidence. The picture of the chat background is still the same as the picture of Zhan Ge in her impression!

In addition, the person chatting with Zhan Ge, Sister Ding knows who it is, and they have eaten together.

She also has each other's wx!

After finding out and comparing it, she was completely panicked.

This is true!

How can there be so many coincidences in the world?

Unless someone around Zhan Ge wants to fuck him!

After thinking for a while, she couldn't figure out who had secretly exposed such a confidential matter to Su Ming, and then exposed it through Su Ming.

Immediately, she looked at Zhan Ge and asked.

"Zhan Ge, you...you drunk driving that day?

Zhan Ge's eyes twitched. He didn't expect that such a concealed thing would be exploded.

"Then...wasn't you not free that day, so I just...30"

Sister Ding was so angry that she patted her forehead.


"You are a crime!

"You told me that day that the girl drove you back to the hotel, you

She knew that girl was a chosen fan.

It is normal for a top-notch like Zhan Ge to develop a few female fans in private.

At the time she remembered that Zhan Ge told her that the woman was driving. She naturally understood what this sentence meant, so she didn't pick him up and made a room for them.

If she knew this, she would pick him up no matter what!

"Then what to do."

Zhan Ge was also panicked at the moment.

"Could it be that female fan who wants to fuck me?"

Upon hearing this, Sister Ding's eyes lit up.

She thought about it carefully, and only the female fan had the chance.

That night, the female fan took advantage of Zhan Ge's attention and posted a screenshot of herself to her mobile phone. Then we blackmailed a lot, but the blackmail was not successful, the female fan sent the screenshot to Su Ming, and then let Su Ming expose it!

As she kept thinking deeply, the thoughts in her mind became clearer and clearer.

She felt more and more that it was the female fan who made the ghost.

Other people, who can get Zhan Ge's chat history?


Only at that time can there be a chance!

She couldn't even dream of it. This was the data that Su Ming had kept from Zhan Ge's phone a few minutes ago! It was not what she thought, it was too cumbersome.

"Don't respond in a hurry to this matter!"

"I'm going to contact the people in the public relations department to see how to lie down this crisis!"

Zhan Ge said firmly: "Sister Ding, I believe you.

"It's okay! As your agent, this is what I should do! Those other artists are worse than you.

"Those brokers are the biggest names.

After speaking, she realized that she was talking quickly, and immediately said awkwardly: "Don't worry, as long as we make up a lie, fans will eat this one!"

At this moment, Su Ming's voice echoed in the live broadcast room.

[True or false, I don’t need you fans to manage

When she heard these words, Sister Ding's movements paused.

She instinctively perceives something bad.

Sure enough, Su Ming's next sentence changed Zhan Ge's expression greatly.

[I have sent it to the traffic control department of Beijing, I think they will verify the authenticity. "

Zhan Ge was anxious: "Sister Ding, what should I do?"

"I heard that drunk driving is going to be detained! I... I don't want to go to jail!"

"Also, I don't have a driver's license yet, I...

"Driver's license? Where's your driver's license?" Sister Ding asked rhetorically.

Zhan Ge cautiously said: "It was revoked before."

Sister Ding is going crazy.

"My way! How many things have you done without telling me!"

"Any other things?

"No, no more. That's it."


After taking a few deep breaths, Sister Ding comforted: "Don't worry, the problem is not too big! At most, driving without a license. As for drunk driving... it's been more than two months, so there should be nothing wrong."

Zhan Ge comforted himself in a panic.

"Yes, it's been more than two months, and the traffic control department can't find out! It should be fine."

Just as the two comforted each other, Su Ming's laughter rang out.

[More exciting... The Beijing Electric Power Bureau and the State Education Bureau will be interested.

Listening to this, the faces of the two of them suddenly stiffened.

Sister Ding looked at Zhan Ge, she didn't speak, but her eyes seemed to ask again: This time, what is it?

Zhan Ge desperately shook his head, saying that he didn't hide from her.

Those netizens who supported Su Ming in the live broadcast were excitedly shouting.

"Anchor, let's expose it! Expose all the people who violate the law and discipline! Never let them be arrogant! I really thought it was a bit famous, and if there was a bit of bad money, no one would take care of them?"

"Anchor, Pan Zhange! Let those brain fans and Zhange know that big fists are the last word!

"A group of stinky actors really take themselves seriously. They are still drunk driving! I hope the traffic control department can take care of him! This kind of tainted artist can easily mislead netizens!"

"I want to know, what the anchor said that interested both the Beijing Municipal Education Bureau and the State Electricity Bureau? I always feel that Zhan Ge has done something extraordinary! (狗头保命.jpg)

"Curious +1!"


Su Ming raised his hand and shook it slightly towards the live broadcast room, indicating that the netizens should not worry.

Afterwards, he said calmly.

"In the 722 incident, within a few days after Zhan Ge's fans broke out, capital forces attacked it. The owner behind Zhan Ge took action and saved this cash cow."

"The suspension of the career caused Zhan Ge and his agent to move a hidden rule among celebrities to the table.

Upon hearing this, Sister Ding's brows were tightly in love together.

She always felt that Su Ming was going to explode a big melon, but she couldn't think of what it was! Besides, it had something to do with herself.

After all, there are too many melons related to herself, she can't guess it.

Zhan Ge's face turned pale.

Intuition tells him that what Su Ming wants to expose is most likely the scandal he let Sister Ding suppress before!

A bad one will ruin him.

Su Ming did not rush or slow down, speaking smoothly.

"Fan economy!

"The unspoken rule among celebrities is to use agents to promote on the platform, organize those fans to buy various peripherals, albums, and top up the charts...

"But they didn't dare to show up on the platform openly, afraid of being besieged by fans at a certain station, but they wanted to make money. So they did something inferior to a beast."

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