I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 316: The law does not blame the public? The brains are not let go! (please complete the orde

Seeing the handcuffs on Zhan Ge's hand, the tens of millions of fans in the live broadcast room burst into tears.

"No, my brother Zhan Ge! How can you do this! You, you are too shameless!

"How can you treat Brother Zhan Ge like this!...You are still young, look at your five big and thick looks, and then look at Brother Zhan Ge, how delicate! How can you treat him so cruelly!"

"I cried! I really cried! My brother Zhan Ge, how can I be treated like this!"

"I hate you! You are too bad, sisters, let's rush their website together! I can't bear it anymore!"

"Sister upstairs, don't be impulsive, that is a real police officer, I have seen it at the police station before! Also, my sisters on the scene have not sent the latest news yet, let's not panic!"

"What's the latest news! That's Brother Zhan Ge, my goodness! Look at his painful expression! Those people twisted his hand, and my heart broke.

"My great power is about to explode! I'm going to set off a bloody storm! No one can stop me!

Seeing those brain-dead fans utterly confused, those netizens shook their heads helplessly.

"These people are really poisoned too deeply! It's not saved."

"Fortunately, the anchor made a timely punishment. If Zhan Ge is allowed to continue jumping for a while, 567, these brain-dead fans really don't know what outrageous things they will do."

"The terrible rice circle culture! The brainless fresh meat has brought out a group of brainless fans. Sadly, these people have also been used by the anti-bones! It is really sad and ridiculous!"

"It's useless to say anything. It's the important thing to stop this trend in time! Otherwise, if you lose your possessions, there will be liege, ge, and engge. Don't forget, Sister Sister" and "Let Jun a smile are still behind." Waiting in line! I hope the official will introduce effective measures to kill these artists!!

"Don't panic, as soon as the anchor takes the shot, no matter whether it is a monster or a ghost or a ghost, you will beat it all down!"

Seeing "Is Zhan Ge desperate when he was arrested? I asked the police officer to give him face, really laughed! These artists really treat themselves as personal things? I think they can ignore the law if they are surrounded by brainless fans? Ridiculous! "

"One word, ought! Seeing that he was handcuffed, I knew that this time the brain-dead fan attacked the anchor's live broadcast room, and has declared a complete failure! The artists behind, I am afraid that they have already repented at home! Hahaha!

Outside the Sports Plaza in the East District of the capital, Zhan Ge's loyal fan Liu Manman was fiddled with his mobile phone with an anxious expression.

I don't know when it started, she found her mobile phone internet card.

Even the news is released.

In places where there is a lot of people, there will indeed be poor Internet and poor signals. But it's not so bad!

She even turned it on and off several times, and it was useless.

"Damn! What a broken fruit phone!-No signal!"

"I took so many important photos, but I can't send them out! Annoying!"

Liu Man was so angry that he wanted to smash his phone.

At this moment, she noticed a commotion in the crowd.

Immediately, she didn't care about the phone issue, and hurriedly leaned over to look inward.

Before she could see clearly, she heard an exclamation from the crowd.

"Ah! No! What's the situation!"

"Isn't it a fugitive! Why did you catch Brother Zhan Ge! What is this? Is it filming?"

"Could it be that Brother Zhan Ge prepared such a surprise comeback for us today? It seems that I have been waiting here for so long, and I have not waited in vain!"

"Surprise your sister! Surprise! Open your pig's eyes and look at them. They are real police officers and instructors! Sister Ding, Brother Zhan Ge's agent, was arrested! And Brother Zhan Ge himself, was also tortured. Go! My God, I'm going crazy!"

"God! What the hell is this, why is it like this!

"Who will explain to me, Brother Zhan Ge, what's the matter with you? Did they frame you? You said...

After finally squeezing into the front of the crowd, Liu Man was dumbfounded as he followed the eyes of the crowd.

What did she see?

Sister Ding was tortured!

Zhan Ge has also been copied!

Seeing the scene that subverted her worldview, Liu Man's eyes were full of tears. (dacd)

She cried out heartbreakingly.

"Brother Zhan Ge, what's the matter with you! Please, no matter what Brother Zhan Ge does, I am willing to carry him off for him. Please don't arrest him! Please!"

Zhan Ge, who was backhanded, heard the tearing voice, and was excited in his heart, and quickly looked over.

After he saw the opponent's face clearly, the corners of his eyes twitched and he almost didn't vomit.

After discovering that Zhan Ge was looking at himself, Liu Manman shouted harder and harder.

All of a sudden, those silly fans shouted.

"Please, I am willing to suffer for Brother Zhan Ge!"

"Please, take me away, no matter what Brother Zhan Ge has done, I am willing!"


The shout echoed over the huge square.

Captain Gao stared at them coldly. He knew in his heart that if it weren't for so many police officers on the scene to maintain order.. Under the instigation of a caring person, those brain-dead fans would inevitably do something hot-headed.

Compared with punching cards, their vainly hopeful remarks made Captain Gao even more angry.

Suddenly, he stopped, looked at the stupid fans, and scolded.


"State-owned and national laws, anyone who violates the laws of the heavenly dynasty, no matter who they are, will be punished as they deserve! Why are you here to say that you can withstand the crime?"

"That's how you are educated in school? The popularization of law by the whole people has been forgotten by you!"

Facing the angry roar of the tall captain, many people showed a trace of shame. But the more brain-dead fans did not feel that they were willing to convict Zhan Ge, what was wrong.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted: "Even if the sentence is severe, I am willing to replace Brother Zhan Ge!"

With the start of the other party, Liu Manman and other scattered dozens of people immediately shouted in response.

"I am willing too."

"We are willing too!"

The others were just about to scream in the wind, and suddenly, the police officers at the scene seemed to have received intelligence and walked directly into the crowd.

After all, the brain-remnant fan is just a brain-remnant fan. Facing the serious-looking police officer, he still gave way in horror.

After a while, those police officers walked out with a dozen or so fans.

Liu Manman was also picked up by a police officer.

The ten or so arrogant and arrogant fans suddenly became stunned.

"You... what are you doing?"

"Hinder official business, we will detain you!"

At this time, everyone reacted.

It turns out that these people are the most popular people just now!

Captain Gao's team, with the information provided by Su Ming, who had been following the matter behind his back, directly picked up the person.

His sharp eyes swept across the audience, and he said coldly.

"I know your careful thoughts, let me first declare that it is impossible for you to be locked up in a prison with Zhan Ge!"

"Now, I ask you again, is there anyone else who wants to interfere with official business?!

At this moment, the huge square was silent.

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