I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 319: I'm all stunned! The sound is shaking, accept the reality!

On the other side of the live broadcast room, Yin Dou headquarters.

Mr. Wang's heart is very anxious.

The official shot and Zhan Ge ended, representing an attitude.

Officials have been supporting Su Ming from beginning to end, either lightly or darkly.

When I thought about it, I was hesitating before, whether or not to stop my fans.


In the beginning, I just wanted to ban 100,000 accounts and try the water. It gave people a feeling of wanting to draw a clear line with the stubborn fans but reluctant to flow.

Even a forbidden word is so twitchy. There are basically no title holders.

In fact, according to the regulations of the music community, those users who spit fragrance and other violations will be suspended for three days!

But Tone didn't do that.

Because there are too many leftover fans, ignorant and ignorant, once they are designated for violation of the rules, they will definitely get hundreds of thousands of them.

Seal ten and eight, is there any fart?

Not only don't the fans care, but they will let Su Ming have opinions.

Therefore, he is also very embarrassed.

If it is an account of 8,000, you can block it without blinking your eyes. But, this is an account of tens of millions of 30, so many closures, it was a sensation, his calf was trembling all night.

Therefore, he was not willing to be titled after all.

After seeing the subsequent changes, he was helpless and regretted.

"It's still not decisive enough! I had already banned it all!"

Especially after hearing Su Ming's sentence, it is about to start to clear people, he wondered if it should be restored?

I used to be slightly biased towards Su Ming, but this time I was biased towards the end?

Just as he was thinking about whether he should take the initiative to ask Ying to help Qingren and gain Su Ming's favor.

Su Ming's sentence [belonging to Zhan Ge's remnant fans, all have been cleaned up, and he was directly obscured.

"Why is he so fast?

Mr. Wang said with a strange expression and looked at the heads of the technical department beside him.

"Look, the anchor kicked all those millions of people?"

Those supervisors did not speak, and directly opened the backstage to check.

In just a few seconds, their faces were extremely ugly, and they looked back at Mr. Wang and explained a little embarrassingly.

"Mr. Wang, the anchor not only kicked them, but also blocked their accounts!"

"Ha, is it the Qing Dynasty? Listen to the title?"

President Wang's eyes widened, staring at the data displayed in the background.

Sure enough, all nine million accounts were blocked!

Those three million brain fans who slipped away halfway are among them!

None of them ran away!

Seeing the densely packed data that couldn't be pulled down no matter what, his eyeballs almost came out.

"President Wang, this... was done yesterday."

"Mr. Wang, the anchor has been blocked! I can't unblock it in the background, and it doesn't show the release time... Alas, I don't know when to wait."

"President Wang, shall we do a little bit?"

Faced with the inquiries from several supervisors around, Mr. Wang didn't jump out a word in amazement.

For a while, the huge office was strangely quiet, only Su Ming's voice echoed in the live broadcast room.

After hearing Su Ming said that he had given all those brain-dead fans the title, Mr. Wang had only a wry smile.

Suddenly, a sentence echoed in his ear.

[Mr. Wang, you have no opinion, do you?)

The next second, he shocked like an electric shock.

The faces of a few people in the office were instantly pale. They realized that the situation was more serious than they thought.

They are probably under Su Ming's surveillance!

Immediately, they all looked at President Wang.

President Wang's face was even more of a donkey liver color.

He hesitated for a long time, and he swallowed the word'the way to his lips' abruptly.

"Mr. Wang, the anchor is monitoring us?

"Mr. Wang, no, is it possible that the anchor can do two things with one heart? This is amazing too!"

"If you can do things that ordinary people can't do, if you say he has one mind and three uses, I believe it!"

President Wang sighed, the last struggle in his eyes disappeared.

He gave up struggling and accepted the cruel reality.

He pulled away a head of the technical department, then sat in his seat, logged in to his administrator account, and quickly replied.

At the same time, as Su Ming asked, "Mr. Wang, do you have any opinions?] The entire barrage area of ​​the live broadcast room exploded.

"Fans, have you seen it? Just this sentence is enough to show that the anchor did not rely on the official help of Yin Dou! He personally blocked the accounts of those brain-dead fans! The anchor mighty!"

"Play me? When I didn't graduate from elementary school? I didn't believe in ghosts!"

"You believe it or not, anyway, I believe it! By the way, there are those celebrity fans who are watching the show, so be careful, it's your turn right away!"

"I don't believe it to be killed! Unless there is a golden reminder barrage in the live broadcast room! If this is the case, I will live the live broadcast! Call your ancestors!"

Just as the netizens were about to refute, suddenly, a dazzling golden barrage slowly drifted over the live broadcast room.

[According to the Yindou Community Management Regulations, if there are behaviors such as fan remarks or incitement to XX in the live broadcast room, and repeated teachings do not change! The live broadcast room host has the authority to take actions such as banning, kicking, blocking, and even banning! Yinhe... live streaming!】

[According to the sound community management regulations, if there are fans in the live broadcast room...

The dazzling golden barrage floated over the barrage area over and over again. 567

At this moment, everyone was silent.

Although many people were prepared, they were shocked to see the official response so quickly.

The original serious scene was broken by a barrage.

"Then what.. Just now, the one who said that he wants to broadcast live, and he wants to call my ancestor's anti-bone boy. I'm ready, come on, great-grandson!

"Puff--the other party is absolutely crying in the toilet!"

Hahaha, "Wan Jian pierced my great-great-grandson's heart!"

"Good fellow, you take advantage of my great, great, great-grandson on the third floor.

The hand of the person who posted the barrage before, holding the phone was shaking.

Suddenly, he jumped out: "Make evil!!"

Soon, some attentive netizens jumped out and said: "Everyone, "I didn't find that in the audio community regulations, there is no mention that the anchor has the right to title."

"Huh? Here, let me see

"Mom, it's really true! The soundtrack official has specially modified the regulations for the anchor? [狗头保命.jpg)

"Fuck! Special modification? New pen!"

Su Ming didn't care about the barrage of praise.

Taking a look at the barrage sent by Yin Dou, Su Ming knew that Mr. Wang was saying that he had no objection in disguised form.

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