I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 335: Critical Strike! I cried! Another scandal is exposed! [Please complete the order]

Obviously, netizens are obviously more interested in this director Fang than Mr. Liu.

There was constant speculation there, whether this director Fang was pulled out of the back.

Looking at the barrage in the barrage area, Mr. Liu hurriedly explained,

"Don't get me wrong, this is the director of the second group of our company's operations department-director Fang!"

"This matter is related to the two colleagues of Director Fang, and she will explain it more thoroughly than me!"

Listening to Mr. Liu's explanation, there was a "Ah~~" voice in the barrage area.

You can see that Mr. Liu has straight hair on his back.

Director Fang was able to be the head of the second group of operations department at a young age, not only by virtue of her beauty, but her strength is also very good.

She smiled, as if reporting performance to the leader, and said in a polite tone.

"Anchor, and the huge fans in the live broadcast room, good evening."

"The cause of this incident came from Director Li of our company's public relations department and Director Sun of the operations department!"

"The truth is

After explaining the details of Zheng Yingyu's contact with Director Li, Director Fang changed the conversation and continued to speak softly.

"When Mr. Liu knew the truth, he came back halfway. First, Director Li was held accountable, and she was directly dismissed from the post on the grounds of the serious accident! Later, it was found out that Director Sun was also responsible and asked him to suspend his job and reflect at home. !"

"Immediately afterwards, President Liu first issued an apology statement, and then directly called Zhengyingzi and asked him to remove the apology video containing our Du Niang advertising space!

"I can swear that I absolutely didn't lie to you! This can be seen in the newly uploaded video by Zheng Yingyu."

As soon as these words came out, the barrage area of ​​the live broadcast room was instantly swiped.

"Hahaha, beautiful! This Director Fang is beautiful and speaks nicely. The key is that the truth of this fact is almost the same as we guessed!"

"Hahaha, this time the brain fan is crying so hard that she doesn't even know her ancestors.

"Don't cry for the stupid fan, keep your tears!-Yes, there are more miserable things waiting for you!"

"My dear grandchildren, don't cry! Isn't it just Du Niang who stood up and slapped your idols? What's the matter? A little thicker skin! Next, there will be a lot of slaps, somehow you should be mentally prepared!"

"Those emotionally sensitive fans, quickly prepare more napkins, the crit has already begun! Hahaha!

Originally, after hearing the explanation from Director Fang, those fans almost cried out of anger.

However, after seeing the barrage of netizens, they couldn't cry one by one, and their lungs exploded with anger.

The words "deceive my idol too much" sounded in every corner of the sky in the dark night.

Some people don't give up, thinking that they are all actors, it is to blow their confidence!

However, after they checked on Du Niang's official website, they suddenly became in love.

Whether it is President Liu or Director Fang, they are all on the management list!

Moreover, even Director Sun and Director Li, whom Director Fang said are not only on the list, but also the same positions.

At this time, they were completely speechless.

The words that should be in [Reply] were also deleted by them.

Seeing that the wind direction in the barrage area began to improve, Mr. Liu secretly let out a long sigh of relief.

"Not bad, it seems that the decision to keep Director Fang is correct!"

He cast a look at Director Fang and said that she would be given a raise in a few days!

Director Fang had a sense of understanding and continued.

"Mr. Liu considered that this incident had brought great adverse effects to the anchor, so he came to the live broadcast room to express his sincere apology to the anchor."

At this time, Mr. Liu walked over with a serious expression and said.

"For such an anchor, I am very sorry for the negative impact this incident has brought to you!"

We "will definitely learn profound lessons, draw inferences from one another, and prevent similar incidents from happening again!

After speaking, seeing that Su Ming did not respond, Mr. Liu cautiously went through the carnival again.

Following a series of carnival screens, Su Ming retracted his gaze and looked at the live broadcast room again.

"It's all right, I know."

"I didn't take it to heart, see what excites you!"

"No, no, no, this is indeed something we did not do right!" President Liu shook his head and explained in a hasty tone.

"No matter who it is or what happened, it is our fault to work with someone with a dirty foundation in this situation!"

Mr. Liu spoke very sincerely.

Su Ming asked calmly: "Anything else?"

"No, no more."

Mr. Liu shook his head repeatedly.

"Okay! I still have things to do."

(Li Wang Zhao)

Hearing this, Mr. Liu suddenly realized his heart and quickly said: "Okay, goodbye to the anchor.

After the wheat came, Mr. Liu poured a large glass of water and drank it all in one go.

After drinking, he let out a long sigh of relief.

After touching his back, he found that his clothes had long been wet with sweat.

"Hurt! I'm nervous!"

"The anchor is okay, it's not a legendary scourge."

Mr. Liu kept comforting himself in his heart.

At this moment, Su Ming's voice trembled in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, I just found something interesting in a private hospital in a free country!"

"I think the Zheng Yingyu family behind the live broadcast room will be very interested.

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