I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 343: Niang Qingjie! Pirates, is it interesting to ask me! 【Please order】


The elevator door opened and three people walked out of the elevator.

The picture does not stop.

The fifth floor of the hospital, a result that made all netizens love.

There are too many doubts that linger in the minds of netizens.

Immediately, someone asked.

"The angle of this video should have been taken by a hospital surveillance probe. The anchor said that I went to the Free State SS Private Hospital before. Could it be that I intercepted the surveillance video at that time? Mom!

"This wave of operations, I'm convinced! The anchor is awesome!"

"The -5th floor? What kind of hospital is this special? There is actually a -5th floor? What a damn amazing thing!"

"I've heard it before that there is a morgue in the hospital for corpses in the "May 8th Three"! However, it was only on the second floor! This is the first time I saw the -5 floor! It was there. What? Did I meet the legendary scp foundation?"

"Fifth floor! What kind of dirty business is it that must be carried to the fifth floor? Also, there was a man who was following Jung Young Woo and You You before. I don’t know where it went, I’m here. I haven't seen it yet."

"Anchor this video, there are too many points to discuss! A mysterious -5th floor! There is also a mysterious man who has only appeared for a few seconds. He should look like an Asian! As for who it is, I don't know.

"Jung Young Woo, come out and explain, who is that man? And what is this -5th floor? Don't tell us, you hide the gold on -5th floor, but anyone with a little brain won't believe it. of."

For a while, everyone asked in the barrage area, the -5th floor and the mysterious Asian man.

This time, the stupid fan did not jump out.

Because they really have no excuses to explain.

Especially, they are also very curious about who that man is, and the -5th floor!

For some brain fans, there is a bottom line for liking an idol!

It is, idols cannot have objects! Anything else will do.

And the man who appeared at the beginning gave them a very bad instinct!

The look the other person looked at Youyou made them very upset. It was a feeling of being robbed of my beloved thing.

They strongly suspected that they had an unclear relationship with the man.

In contrast, whether the -5th floor is not the -5th floor, even the -18th floor, can't bring them more interest.

"Does anyone know who is the Asian man wearing a mask? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Maybe it's Youyou's manager? Or some of her distant brothers and brothers? Or... her overseas friends?"

"On the second floor, are you a new fan? Just what you said, I know, you are definitely not a diehard fan! A true diehard fan, do you know what her brother looks like? A true diehard fan , Can you not know those friends of her overseas?"

"To be honest, I really want someone to tell me that he is Sister Youyou's brother or younger brother, or an overseas friend! Or some messy friend. However, he looked at Sister Youyou's eyes, and Sister Youyou looked at him. The look in his eyes makes my heartache inexplicably!"

"Mother Qingjie! Uuuuu...

"I don't believe it! It's definitely not what you guessed it! @政英宇, come out and explain."

"@政英宇, come out and explain! I am not interested in you going to the -5th floor, but I really want to know, who is that man? Is his identity as we thought!

"@政英宇, please tell me, it's not like that! Otherwise I will cry to you, I can't accept this reality! I

And Zheng Yingyu, who has been mad by the brain, has a cold back at this moment.

A gust of cold air rushed straight to the forehead.

Su Ming brought him "surprises" more than once.

I originally thought that Su Ming only had a mosaic photo, and used some technical means to compare himself. It doesn't matter, I believe it if I don't admit it,

I don't know, it hasn't been three seconds since Happiness, before he knew that Su Ming actually had the original photo!

The so-called mosaic is just deliberately released, teasing him, teasing him!

This made him feel a deep humiliation in his heart while being angry.

He was very angry and irritable, but there was nothing he could do.

I thought it would be over, but I don’t know...

Su Ming released an even better piece of live video! It's still the picture taken on the surveillance probe!

The previous photo is still a screenshot taken by Su Ming from the video!

This is simply not treating him as a human being and "mocking" him again and again!

Zheng Yingyu gritted his teeth and said.

"I said before, why he only posted one photo! It turns out that he has the whole video! It's so special, want me!! 2.3"

"What a broken top private hospital, cheating!"

"It actually provides live surveillance video to outsiders, I rely on it, is there any professional ethics!"

Zheng Yingyu screamed, but to no avail.

With his identity and strength, he can't shake the SS Private Hospital at all!

He can only think that this surveillance video at the time was bought by Su Ming from SS Private Hospital at a big price!

He hadn't thought about it at all, it was stolen by Su Ming from the backstage of the SS hospital system!

At this time, Zheng Yingyu walked back and forth anxiously.

His mind is now in a mess, and he has no thoughts anymore.

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