At this moment, the room was quiet.

Neither of them spoke.

After recovering, he called Qian Dao again.

[Sorry, the number you dialed is already



In the deadly room, the busy tone of the telephone seemed particularly harsh.

He looked at his mother in disbelief again, and muttered: "Mom, Qian guides him, he has banned my female number one!"

Zhao Meiru comforted distressedly.

Daughter "It's okay! This won't work, there is the next scene."

This "I know! But why did he cancel my female number one!"

Yoyo's expression gradually became distorted. "Five Eight Three"

"Why is he!"

"He came to me at the beginning! I wanted a female number one, and he gave it too! Why don't you give it to me now?"

"Why don't you let me play for some reason!!

Zhao Meiru opened her mouth, wanting to say something to comfort her again.

But when the words came to my lips, I couldn't say a word.

"Mom, why are they doing this!"

"What a broken company? Why do you bully me like this!"

The eye sockets were gradually reddening again.

"It must be him! That damn anchor!"

"It must be the ghost of him!"

"It was all fine! Why did this happen all of a sudden? It's not because the anchor is live broadcast, there must be benefits to the two!

"Annoying, too annoying! Bully me a weak woman!"

You can see that in the eye sockets, there is a little sparkle.

For her, who has always been going well, and the predecessor’s back is the back of the accident, it is the first time that the female number one scene has been cancelled so straightforwardly...

She can't accept it at all!

After going crazy for a while, she gradually calmed down.

"What kind of drama, please go and I won't go! Humph!"

"Furthermore, it was because they breached the contract first, I don't need to pay liquidated damages, they need to compensate me!

Thinking of this, she felt much better.

Zhao Meiru asked anxiously.

"Is the anchor doing all this? He is too Damn it! Why is he staring at us! So many have a dark history, he won't mess with it! Is it to look at us to be honest and bully?"

"Daughter", what should I do now?

"Zhan Ge was sent to prison by him. I don't want you to have an accident."

Looking at the sad and worried mother, she looked firm again.

"Mom, don't worry!"

Our "family will be fine! Trust me!"

"Over the years, I have also accumulated some contacts!"

Thick anger flashed under his eyes again.

Now, her attitude towards Su Ming has reached the point of hatred!

Before, he just felt sorry for his father and cursed Su Ming by the way, but he had no substantive behavior.

But now it's different, she also plans to find a relationship, and wants to make a wave of Su Ming!

Of course, the relationship she was looking for was essentially different from the relationship that Zheng Yingyu was looking for.

The latter is interest and friendship.

The former...

The phone just grabbed my hand, and before it could broadcast it, it suddenly shook.

He shook his hands again and almost missed it.

Looking at the strange name, Zhao Meiru curiously asked, "Daughter, who is this?"

At the sight of electricity, he smiled again and explained.

"Mom, this is what I did. It's someone I knew before, who is very nice and nostalgic, Mr. Wang!"

"President Wang?

"Yes, that's Vice President Wang of Magic Culture Media Company!" said again with a smug look.

"He has a lot of say in Magic Culture Media Company! I have two dramas with them, and they are already on the agenda!

Zhao Meiru raised her eyebrows when she heard that the other party was a very capable vice president. She felt that this wave should be stabilized.

She immediately urged: "My daughter, answer the phone quickly, don't let President Wang wait impatiently."

Nodded and answered the phone again.

Almost subconsciously, she blurted out.

"Fuck, Mr. Wang! Why are you calling at so late?

Immediately afterwards, she explained one more sentence.

"I'm not on the set tonight, at home! It's not convenient to go out for dinner."

"If you want to talk about the drama, it must be tomorrow."

A fool can hear what kind of deep meaning is contained in these words.

Zhao Meiru was too anxious to hear it, and she didn't have the mind to think about it. She leaned her head over there, pricked her ears, and listened attentively.

Faced with another perfunctory change from the usual, he became unusually enthusiastic, but Mr. Wang was not relieved.

His tone was cold.

"Again. I have to tell you something."

Listening to Mr. Wang's indifferent voice, "I said slightly differently again in my heart.

Although puzzled, she begged for help after all.

She went out and said.

"President Wang, you said, if you have any instructions, I will do it!"

"Last time you said, let's talk about the script in a different position. I have considered 2.3 in the past two days! I think it is feasible! It can promote my understanding of the drama."

Before she finished speaking, Mr. Wang said directly.

"Stop! Stop!

"We don't need to talk about the script in the future."

"Huh?" The corners of his eyes twitched again, and a bad premonition emerged from the bottom of my heart, but still forcefully smiled: "Mr. Wang, what does this mean? What's the matter, let's talk about it."

She had already hinted that it was obvious, but President Wang ignored it.

"I mean, the two prepared TV series have been discussed by our senior level! We decided to replace them!"

Hearing this news, he screamed directly again.


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