554: Boss, have you been hacked?

No. 3: "I think the boss is a little weird now, why didn't he come to explain to us just now?"

No. 5: “No. 3, do you think too much? How could the boss be against us? We had already set the rules when the Hand of Satan was established. It has been almost two years, when did the boss betray us? "

No.3: "No.5, you have misunderstood what I mean. I just think the boss is a bit abnormal today and has no other meaning.

2nd 30th: "Attention everyone, the boss is here!"

Su Ming did come. By tracking the data stream sent by these people, he finally found this unknown spam website.Without much effort, he found a page where a few people exchange information. After entering this page, Su Ming A little nervously sent out such a message: "Everyone has such a lively chat?"

Su Ming began to pay attention to the situation on the page after sending this message. He was not sure whether this way of greeting would make the other party suspicious.

When several people saw the news from Su Ming, they became silent, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

None of the five people spoke, and they were silent for a long time. On the 5th, they finally sent a message like this: "Boss, what's wrong with you today? It seems a bit abnormal-don't get me wrong, I'm telling the truth, you know, I It's such a temper, ha ha.

It can be seen that among these people, No. 5 is the one who admires Satan the most. His questions relieved the dull atmosphere. I saw No. 4 and then sent a message: "Yes, boss, you just attacked so fiercely. I almost scared me to death.

Su Ming saw these two messages and thought about it for a while and found just such an excuse: "Sorry, I had a high fever today and my mind was confused. I just thought of you as a fighting nation.

This explanation seems to be reasonable. After all, a few people still have a certain degree of trust in Satan, so everyone was relieved and saw a message on the second:

That's "Well, you suddenly disappeared just now, then suddenly appeared, and then attacked us again. To be honest, we were all scared by you.

Su Ming had a high fever some time ago, so he would naturally describe the state of having a high fever. He sent out a message: "There was an accident just now. I accidentally fell when I went to take the medicine, and I broke my head. I am blinded, my head is still dizzy now.

This explanation finally made everyone completely relieved, and everyone's speeches were very enthusiastic:

No. 3: "Boss, you should go take a good rest, and leave this action to us!"

No. 5: "Yes, don't hold on if you are in poor health, it is enough to have us!"

Number two: "Boss, you can rest assured 753, we will definitely complete the task!"

Number Four: "Boss, we can't live without you in the hands of Satan, you must take care of your body!

Seeing the messages sent by these people, Su Ming came up with the following information:

First: This person named Steven is the leader of these people;

Second: The organization they formed is called ``The Hand of Satan;

Third: Steven is very popular with these men.

Su Ming is sitting in front of the computer and smiling at the moment. Things are going very smoothly. Now it's good, no one on the other side is suspicious, let's just talk about it.

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