562: A test worth 100 million U.S. dollars!

"They will transfer the money to you from other accounts, so you won't have any doubts about them."

The third was stunned when he saw this message. After a while, he sent a message like this: "However, the amount displayed when I checked the account was correct-did the other party control the UBS account system?"

Su Ming replied: "It should be like this. Although UBS claims to be the safest bank in the world, in my opinion this is a joke at all.

"The other party must have a master sneaked into the UBS system and modified the above information, but they also know that this will expose themselves, so this information will only be displayed when inquired."

"When you want to spend money, UBS will not pay the money. After all, this is a big deal. Offending a big bank like UBS is not a joke."

When the number three saw the news, she was silent for a while, and then sent a message: "Then what should I do? Do I need to expose this matter?"

Number Three has already believed Su Ming's inference, but he doesn't know how to deal with this matter.From the current point of view, the other party must have some conspiracy, otherwise, who would do it in idle time?

Su Ming thought for a while, and then replied: "You'd better spend all the money in your account as soon as possible. Don't say anything about this at the moment, don't mention it to anyone, I will investigate the situation.

Seeing this message on the 3rd, he replied: "Boss, the other party should be an organization. Will it be dangerous for you to go alone? Should we help you?"

Su Ming smiled slightly and replied: "This is not needed for the time being, I will come to you when I need it.

Su Ming left the contact point and entered the Computer Technology Association website again. He did not hesitate and continued to accept the task. According to the regulations of this website, he is now a first-level member. If he wants to be upgraded to the second-level, he must complete a $100,000 -Task.

Su Ming searched the taskbar and accepted a task. After five minutes, he finished the task, and then he sent the completed task information to the website. In less than a minute, the website replied: "Congratulations , You have become a second-level member, and one hundred thousand US dollars has been credited to your account. Please continue your efforts."

0 Ask for flowers.

The website still issued a screenshot of a successful transfer. Su Ming smiled at the screenshot and said to his heart: You can lie to anyone, but you should not lie to me. I want to see what your real purpose is. !

Su Ming's firepower is full, and he keeps completing the task. In less than half an hour, he has already reached the fourth level. According to his speed, it will not take much time to rise to the fifth level. His such rapid speed naturally causes Attention to the website.

In an unknown room, there are a large number of computer equipment on display. More than a dozen people are constantly busy. After a while, a black young man wearing glasses said.

"Hey, guys, I found a very powerful guy. This guy has reached level four in less than an hour. At his speed, I'm afraid it will be level five soon."

A gray-haired old man walked to stand behind the black young man when he heard the words, and cast his eyes on the computer screen in front of the black man. How on earth." Again,

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