571: The pattern of the global computer industry has changed!

Fifteen minutes later, Su Ming sat in front of the computer and stared at his UBS account, which he had just handled as a free countryman, and looked at the five million dollars that appeared in the account.

Su Ming suddenly felt that it was not difficult to make money. From the time he started writing this software to the present, it only took two days. If you convert Cheng Renmin currency, it is equivalent to his daily income of more than 15 million. !

After sitting for a while, Su Ming came up with this idea: Microsoft's money is good, um, go on!

At 9:30 a.m. local time in the Free State, in the Empire State Building in Manha City, Newtown, Microsoft is holding a new product launch conference on the 58th floor of the 753 building.

This press conference has already attracted a lot of attention when it was still being prepared, because Microsoft has long released the wind: "This press conference will determine the basic pattern of the world's computer industry in the next 30 years!"

In order to cooperate with the publicity, Gates at the helm of Microsoft did not hesitate to spend more than one million U.S. dollars to put out quite shocking advertisements on major TV stations:

"Dear computer users, have you ever thought about watching movies at home without renting video tapes? Microsoft has realized this dream for you!"

"(Dacd) Are you still worrying about sifting through tedious search terms? Don't worry, Microsoft's new products will solve your troubles!"

"Do you want to achieve zero-distance communication with friends on the Internet? Microsoft has found the most convenient way for you!"

Seeing the advertisements released by Microsoft, many computer companies have attracted attention. As people in the same industry, they certainly know the information contained in these three advertisements.

If it is as the advertisement says, then the pattern of the global computer industry may really be changed!

The major news media focused their attention on this press conference for the first time. As early as May 22, many media reporters came to the press conference to grab positions.

Even some foreign media came all the way, everyone wanted to see if Microsoft's press conference was as shocking as the advertisement said.

At 9:20 in the morning, Gates came to the press conference. The audience was full of reporters and computer technology enthusiasts, and some companies that have a cooperative relationship with Microsoft came.

Even Microsoft's opponents came, and Gates smiled brightly when he looked at the crowd below. Since the founding of Microsoft, he has never been so energetic as he is today.

In the early days of entrepreneurship, Microsoft was just an unremarkable foundry company that survived by doing odd jobs for large companies, but after today, Gates is convinced that the Microsoft wave will sweep the world!

Faced with the upcoming products, I believe no one can resist the huge attraction of Microsoft!

Soon, the scheduled time arrived. Gates walked from behind the scenes to the summit stage. He tried the timbre into the microphone, and then he said: "Hello everyone, I am Gates. First of all, thank you all for participating in this event. Product launch event."

There was a sparse applause from the audience, Gates paused for a while, and then laughed at himself: "It seems that everyone doesn't like listening to me. -"

After Gates finished speaking, he stretched his finger to the big screen behind him, and the crowd held their breath and stared straight at the big screen.

Gates snapped his fingers smartly, and the movie scene suddenly appeared on the dark screen.

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