579: Sudden Change of Relationship!

Li Fangling looked very lively. Su Ming naturally couldn't refuse when he heard this. He nodded and said: "Of course this is fine, please come in.

Li Fangling nodded with a smile when she heard the words, then walked into the house, and then she was surprised: "Su Ming, do you have a computer at home?!"

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Ah, this is a gift from someone else.

Li Fangling knew the price of the computer, she just circled the computer, she didn't even dare to touch it, as if she was worried that if it broke, she couldn't afford it.

Soon, Su Ming poured a cup of tea and brought it over. Seeing Li Fangling had a keen interest in computers, he didn't say anything. Computers are his treasure, and he doesn't like other people moving around.

Li Fangling took the tea and took a sip, only to find that Wang Qianqian did not follow up at 30, so she immediately walked to the door and waved to Wang Qing: "Wang Qianqian, come in quickly, the sun outside is so big, be careful of getting tanned!"

It was the beginning of June, and the sun was indeed a bit big, but Wang Qianqian didn't move a bit when she heard this. She still stood in place, looking at a loss.

Wang Qianqian is a little bit conflicted about Su Ming's mentality. That night, she slapped Su Ming in a hurry, and Su Ming changed from a hardworking and strong teenager into a hard-working and strong teenager in her heart.

But when the results of the due mid-term exam came out, she suddenly felt that Su Ming was a little unpredictable, recalling what happened that night.

Wang Qianqian also felt that the misunderstanding was mostly caused. These days, she always wanted to find a chance to apologize to Su Ming, but such misunderstandings were not easy to express, so the matter was delayed.

To this day, she brought Li Fangling to find Su Ming. After seeing Su Ming again, Wang Qianqian felt a little worried. She didn't know how to say hello to Su Ming, and she felt embarrassed even when she saw Su Ming.

At this moment, Su Ming is also a bit contradictory. Since receiving that slap, he doesn't know how to face the emotions.

To be honest, Su Ming still has a grateful attitude towards Wang Qianqian. This girl from Beijing is very enthusiastic and very helpful. Without her help, Su Ming might still be picking up rags.

He was even locked up in the Inspectorate and couldn't get out, but Wang Qingqing slapped him last time, and called him stinky, which made Su Ming unacceptable, and the relationship between the two became awkward. stand up.

Li Fangling saw Wang Qianqian standing still, so she shouted again: "Wang Qianqian, what's the matter with you? Why are you standing stupid?"

After hearing this, Wang Qianqian finally spoke: "Oh, I will go over.

Su Ming was far away from Wang Qianqian just now. Although he was a little nervous, it was okay. At this moment, when 753 saw Wang Qianqian walking towards his home, his heart thumped and thumped, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Li Fangling saw that he looked wrong, so she asked: "Su Ming, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Su Ming wiped off his cold sweat, and then whispered: "It's nothing, I'll pour tea for Wang Qianqian

It took a long time for Wang Qianqian to finish a long distance. When she entered Su Ming's house, she saw the computer on the table.

She had seen this computer a long time ago. Although she was curious about the computer returning to Su Ming's house again, she was too embarrassed to ask.

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