586; It's over! The more I think, the more crooked!

Su Ming curled his lips and didn't explain anything. He found that Li Fangling was a little gossip. If she continued to struggle with her on this issue, she would be more crooked.

Li Fangling saw Su Ming calmly not speaking, she couldn't help but smile: "Well, I'm joking, don't take it to your heart, the counseling thing is settled, and I will go with classmate Wang Qianqian after the spring outing today. Your house, don’t open the door when the time comes."

Li Fangling got up and left after speaking. Su Ming was a little sad at the moment. He felt awkward when he thought that Wang Qianqian was going to her home.

After more than twenty minutes, Mr. Li clapped his hands and called everyone over. When the number of people was cleared, Mr. Li said: "Let’s start cooking now. Everyone can form five teams freely, and then come to me to pick up the cooking utensils."

When the students heard this, they immediately looked for acquaintances to form a team. Only Su Ming in the class stood there. He said in his heart: cooking? What kind of meal? Isn't it a spring outing? How did it become a picnic?

Soon, the students teamed up, and then the team leader went to Teacher Li to pick up the cooking utensils. Su Ming felt boring when he saw this. He didn't team up with anyone because he had brought lunch and saw that the students were interested. So high, Su Ming didn't bother to get in. He turned around and walked to sit on the rock, took out the fried rice from his bag and ate it.

Su Ming eats food very quickly, and in a few minutes he swept away the fried rice that he brought. When he cleaned the lunch box, the students had just set up the pot holder.

After a while, he heard his classmates start to discuss:

"Have you brought a match?"

"Why did I bring matches-didn't you bring them either?"

"What should I do? How can I light a fire and cook without a match?"

How about "Go see Teacher Li?"

"Well, let's go together.

Teacher Li was sorting out the remaining things. He was taken aback when he heard the students say that he didn't bring matches, and then he said, "Did you guys have none of them?


"Yes, I have asked about it just now, no one brought it."

"I didn't take it either-everyone, wait, I'll ride a bike to buy it.

After Mr. Li finished speaking, he jumped on the tricycle and prepared to leave. Su Ming thought: It is a few kilometers away from the nearest street market. If you ride a tricycle back and forth, I am afraid that it will take a lot of time? Forget it, this question. Let me help.

Su Ming thought about it and said, "Mr. Li, I have a way to make a fire, so you don't need to buy matches.

Teacher Li was stunned when he heard this, only to see him hesitate to say: "Su Ming, what can you do?"

Su Ming smiled slightly and said to a boy with a telescope around his neck: "Who would borrow your telescope to use it."

When the boy heard Su Ming's words, he immediately removed the telescope and handed it to Su Ming respectfully. Teacher Li finally understood at this moment: "Hey! You can use the lens of the telescope to focus and start a fire!"

In fact, everyone knows this principle, but no one thought of it. Everyone suddenly realized what Mr. Li said, and some people still complained to themselves: Alas, how could I have never thought of such a simple thing, if I was the first to say it, now I should be the one to show off.

Su Ming's hands-on ability is quite strong. In less than two minutes, the flame was focused. The students took the withered grass that caused the fire and quickly ignited the fire of their respective teams.

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