594: She absolutely loves you!

At this moment, I heard Li Fangling say: "What are you writing? Why don't you say a word?"

Li Fangling was doing the exercises seriously, and when she heard the sound of "rustling" coming from the side, she turned her head to look, and then asked questions.

Su Ming and Wang Qianqing felt a little guilty of conscience. The two of them were stunned, and they heard Su Ming say: "It's nothing, we are afraid that what we say will affect you, so we use writing instead."

Wang Qianqian agreed upon hearing the words: "Yes, so it won't affect your thinking."

Li Fangling laughed when she heard this: "You really have a way, but can you make it clear by writing?"

Su Ming and Wang Qianqian said in unison: "I can speak clearly.

Li Fangling saw the two men’s 30-like expressions, and couldn't help but chuckle and said, "You really have a tacit understanding, well, you continue to write and communicate, and I will continue to work on the questions, no one will affect anyone."

When Li Fangling finished speaking, she turned her head. Su Ming and Wang Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They looked at each other and both felt very relaxed in their hearts.

Originally, the two of them couldn't find the topic when they were talking, but now they can communicate very well through words. This is really a very strange thing.

After a while, Wang Qianqian wrote on the paper: It was so dangerous just now and was almost discovered by Li Fangling.

Su Ming: Yes, do you think she will talk nonsense about it after she finds out?

Wang Qianqian: Not necessarily, but she will definitely be jealous.

Su Ming: Can you be more serious?

Wang Qianqian: I'm telling the truth, she definitely likes you.

Su Ming: I just found out now that you are also a little gossip.

Wang Qingqing: I don't have this hobby, it's just that you don't want to face reality.

Su Ming: If you encounter a situation like yours, how would you deal with it?

Wang Qianqian: Of course it is to keep a distance with the other party, not too close to the other party.

Su Ming saw this and immediately moved aside, and after a distance from Li Fangling, he wrote on the paper: Is it true?

Wang Qianqian suffocated her smile and wrote: I mean keeping a distance in your mind, and suddenly found that you are very stupid in this regard.

Su Ming touched his head and wrote: Isn't it? I haven't encountered such a thing before. Of course, I don't know how to do it. Unlike you, who has rich experience.

Wang Qianqian: Where do I have rich experience? Don't talk nonsense!

Su Ming: When I first saw you, didn't you stand under the big tree and wait for your boyfriend?

Wang Qianqian: Did you pick up things in the trash?

Su Ming: Yes, it was that time.

Wang Qianqian: I was waiting for my mother, OK, she went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, I didn't want to go, so I just stood outside and waited for her, Su Ming, you can really think of it.

Su Ming: Is that true?

Wang Qianqian: That's it!

Until 5:30 in the afternoon at 70, Su Ming communicated with Wang Qianqian like this. The two of them completely forgot about the counseling, but Li Fangling studied very seriously. When the counseling was over, she listened to her:

"Today's harvest is great, Su Ming, thank you."

Su Ming learned from Wang Qianqian that Li Fangling might be interesting to him. Seeing Li Fangling smiling, he got goose bumps all over his body. He sneered and said, "Aah, it's all supposed to be, it's not a big deal."

Su Ming then sent the two out of the door. Before leaving, Wang Qianqian turned her head and blinked at Su Ming. Su Ming smiled at her when she saw it. When they left, Su Ming said to herself: "Li Fangling really likes it." Me? Impossible?"

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