602: Grand pick-up ceremony!

At this moment, many passengers who were planning to board the plane stopped. Everyone showed a surprised expression. The airport security immediately leaned forward and asked, "Gentlemen, what are you?"

The man in black was very cold, he just turned his head and glanced at him when he heard this, and didn't speak at all.

The security seemed to perceive a hint of coolness, and saw him shrink his neck, immediately retreated to a far place, and then whispered something with the walkie-talkie.

After a while, a large number of airport security rushed to the scene. Seeing that the black clothes were very popular, no one dared to speak up.

After a stalemate for more than three minutes, the satellite phone on the waist of a man in black suddenly rang, and he answered the phone and said:

"Mike, we have arrived, we are at the boarding gate.. What? Pick up? Oh, I know, I'll take someone there right away, um, the lady is not angry, right? Oh, that's fine,

The man in black hung up the phone and turned to his companion and said, "We made a mistake. We are going to the pick-up port, everyone hurry up with me!"

The man in black turned around and walked towards the pick-up gate. The companions followed suit. Everyone's disciplinary last name was very good. No one spoke. When these people left, the airport security breathed a sigh of relief and only heard someone whisper. road:

"Who are they going to pick up?"

"I don't know, but looking at their posture, it seems that the other party has a lot of background.

"I think they are very similar to elite agents, do you think which country's head of state is coming?"

"Well, it's possible,

"But we haven't received relevant notice."

"Maybe someone else has taken confidentiality measures?"

"Ah, that's pretty much the same."

The man in black quickly walked around to the pick-up gate, and a large number of people in black gathered here. After the two sides met, the two leaders got together and whispered: "Mike, who are you going to pick up, Miss?"

Mike sighed after hearing the words: "I heard that it is her good friend. I don't know who it is, Johnson, haven't you heard anything?"

Johnson heard the words and smiled bitterly: "I usually follow the boss, how can I hear the news from the young lady? Who is the young lady's good friend?"

Mike followed with a wry smile and said: "I am responsible for the security of the manor. I am not very clear about these things.

……0 Seeking flowers…

The two smiled relatively, with helpless expressions on their faces. Less than five minutes later, a beautiful girl walked in. When Mike and Johnson saw her, they immediately walked to the front and reported:

"Miss Di Fei'er, we are all ready, can you see if there is anything that needs to be corrected?

Di Fei'er looked at the standing posture of the man in black, and then nodded: "Well, I'm very satisfied. When my good friend comes out, you must be more enthusiastic, don't be stern, you know?"


When Mike and Johnson heard this, they nodded their heads and turned around to convey Di Fei'er's order, and then the two followed Di Fei'er to guard her safety.

Di Fei'er is quite dazzling today. Her long golden hair is tied high, and the top of her hair crown is wearing a princess crown, which makes her look very elegant. Her big blue eyes are turning slightly from time to time.

As if they could speak, no one in the audience dared to look at her, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, which gave people a very cute and charming feeling.

She is like an angel, people can't help but want to love her and protect her. again,

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