617: Come, come, I teach you!

After walking for a few steps, I fell into the water with Su Ming. Su Ming started yelling again: "Help-wine bottle-gurgling -"

It took a long time for Di Fei'er to get up. She also drank a few sips of water. After she stood firm, she spit out: "You don't need to be so scared, OK? It's already very shallow here."

Su Ming spit out the pool water in his mouth and gasped: "Is it...Is it safe in there?"

Di Fei'er wiped the drops of water on her face and said, "Don't you know if you look at it?"

Su Ming looked at this with a steady mind, and found that the water only reached the position where Di Fei'er's heart was. He then released Di Fei'er. After standing firmly, he opened his mouth and said: "I was so embarrassed just now, for hurting you. Drink water."

Di Fei Er couldn't help smiling when she heard this: "Fortunately, the pool water here is filtered, so it's okay to drink it directly - Su Ming, I didn't expect your courage to be so small.

Su Ming chuckled and said, "Ah, I can't swim with this. I should be afraid."

Di Fei Er laughed a few times when she heard the words, and then said: "I will teach you to swim. Remember, you must work together with your hands and feet when you swim - see? Swipe your arms like this, swing your legs up and down, speed Don’t go too fast, keep your fingers and toes together"

Di Fei Er explained the movement essentials patiently and kept doing demonstrations. Su Ming also learned very fast. In less than ten minutes, he could not see the shadow of a beginner at all.

At the beginning, the two studied in the shallow water area. When Su Ming mastered the movement essentials, the two swam to the deep water area. Di Fei Er accompanied Su Ming to protect his safety, while Su Ming flopped back and forth.

After swimming for more than an hour, Su Ming was exhausted and returned to the shore. Di Fei Er followed ashore, and the two leaned back on the deck chairs to rest. After a while, Su Ming said: "Di Fei Er, what time is it now? ?"

Su Ming was a little forgetful about playing, until now she remembered the question of time, Di Fei Er took out her watch and looked at it, and then said: "It's half past five, are you hungry? Let's go to dinner."

As soon as Su Ming heard this, he jumped up from his chair and said in shock: "What! It's half past five? Where are my companions? Where did they go?"

Difeier looked at Su Ming's fuss and coughed emotionally: "They have already returned to the embassy. I asked Johnson to send them back."

…0 Seeking flowers…

Su Ming said bitterly after hearing the words: "It's over, now I'm going to be criticized-Difeier, you can send me back quickly, otherwise I will be punished.

Di Fei Er did not hurriedly said when she heard this: "Don't worry, the people at the embassy heard that you are a guest here, and they asked you to spend a few more days here. Su Ming, you will live with me at night. At home, I want you to teach me how to write Chinese calligraphy."

Su Ming shook his head when he heard these words, "Isn't this inappropriate? Your parents are not at home, I am a boy--"

When Di Fei'er heard this, she rolled her eyes and said, "I have a servant in my house, okay, and I will pay you, it's very generous!"

Su Ming thought for a while when he heard this, he hesitated: "How rich is it?"

Half an hour later, the two were sitting in the restaurant on the first floor and eating dinner. More than a dozen servants stood by and served. Su Ming was not used to this, and saw his butt moved around on the chair.

I thought in my heart: eating a meal with so many people watching, can you eat well? And--this table is too long, isn't it? More than ten meters! Do you want to show any special place so far away? again,

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