619: Do you have any ideas about my family's property?

Di Fei'er smiled when she heard these words: "That's not necessarily true. The happiness I said is a state of relaxation. It is a sense of happiness from the bottom of my heart. You don't need to do anything deliberately to feel very happy - this requirement. Is it simple?"

Su Ming was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled: "It's really not easy. In the Chinese language, it requires fate. It is estimated that such a person is hard to find.

"But you are so beautiful, and there must be a lot of people who like you, but... your family is so rich and you are the only child, who knows if men have other ideas about you?"

Di Fei Er raised her eyebrows and said: "What if I have an idea? Only 30 if I don't want to, who can force me? Even my parents, they can't control my marriage!"

When Di Fei'er said this, she turned her head and stared at Su Ming, blinking her big eyes and said: "Su Ming, if it were you, would you have any ideas about the property of your family?"

Su Ming almost squirted the beef out of his mouth when he heard this. It took a lot of work before he calmed down. Then he smiled bitterly, "Miss Di Fei Er, don't you make a joke, okay?"

Di Fei'er said solemnly: "You should just assume it, and if it's you, will you covet my family's property?"

Su Ming immediately said with a sense of righteousness: "Of course not! Do you think I am that kind of person?"

Although Su Ming said so, what he thought was: If it were me, would he really not have an idea about her family's property? Is there or not? Well, this question is difficult to answer...

Concubine's eyes were brilliant when she heard this: "Huh? Are you true?"

Since Su Ming has already expressed his opinion, naturally he will not lose the chain at this moment. He nodded vigorously and said, "Of course, if I said no, that would be no!"

Di Fei Er tilted her head and looked at Su Ming. After a while, she then asked, "Why? Don't you like money very much?"

Su Ming explained: "There is an old saying in the heavenly dynasty that "a gentleman loves money in a good way. Although I like money very much, I can only get it through my own labor." "

"You also know that I was so poor before, and I had to live by picking up the tatters. Even though my life was so hard, I didn't steal it. Does this explain the problem?"

Di Fei'er nodded when she heard this, and then said: "Well, you are indeed different from other people.

Su Ming said with pride: "Furthermore, am I not good at making money? Maybe in a few years, I will make much more money than your family!"

Di Fei'er couldn't help but giggled when she heard this, making Su Ming a little confused: "Di Fei'er, what are you laughing at?"

Di Fei'er continued to laugh for a while before she said, "Laugh at what you just said."

Su Ming was stunned: "What I said just now was 787 funny?

Di Fei'er smiled and said, "Well, it's really funny."

Su Ming puzzled: "Why?

Di Fei'er asked back: "Do you know how much money my family has?"

Su Ming curiously asked: "How much?"

Di Fei Er stared straight at Su Ming, and whispered: "I told you, you can't tell others! Only my family knows the assets of our family. It would be bad if they leaked out."

Su Ming nodded and said, "I will keep the secret, can you tell me?"

Di Fei Er turned her head to look at Annie and the others standing outside the door, and then leaned into Su Ming's ear and said, "Have you heard of the top ten consortiums of the Free Country?"

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