627: I have a helicopter driver's license!

Su Ming thought of this and turned to Di Fei Er and said, "Miss Di Fei Er, are you sure you can fly a plane? What if something goes wrong?"

Di Fei'er raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and said mischievously: "If something happens, I will die with you. Isn't that okay?"

Su Ming heard this and quickly took Di Fei'er's arm and said, "Di Fei'er, this is not a joke, of course...

"My life is not so rare, but you are different. You are the heir of the Mellon consortium, how can you be so risky?"

Difeier looked at Su Ming's nervous expression and found it very funny, so she went on to naughty and said: "The heir to the Mellon Consortium is no longer a human? It's okay for the helicopter to fall, isn't it me with you?"

Su Ming couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words: "You can do something with me. What is it to die with me? This is not good, let's go by car!

Di Fei'er stared at Su Ming for a while, and suddenly showed a narrow smile.She took Su Ming's arm and walked upstairs. Su Ming saw that the situation was not good, and she just sat on the ground. Say nothing and leave.

Difeier giggled when she saw it, and then she took out a certificate from her pocket and handed it to Su Ming, saying, "Look at this, this is a helicopter pilot's license!

Su Ming looked at the ID, then looked at Di Fei Er, and after a while he shook his head and said, "It still doesn't work, I think it's a bit unreliable...

Di Fei'er opened her mouth when she heard the words and said: "Hmm! I learned to fly planes when I was eleven years old. Civil aviation passenger planes are not a problem. What is a helicopter? Get up quickly, otherwise--"

Su Ming sat on the ground, and when he heard this, he stared at Di Fei'er and said, "Otherwise?"

Di Fei'er said triumphantly: "I'm a master of Taekwondo Level 4 and Judo Level 7, if you don't get up again, I'm going to do it!"

Su Ming said with a dead skinny face: "Just blow it up, anyway, I will never get on the plane."

Seeing that she didn't believe him, Di Fei'er came to a roundabout kick on the spot. Seeing her look like a tiger, she was a bit of a master, Su Ming was frightened immediately, and after a long time, he whispered: " Have you really learned Taekwondo?"

Di Fei'er kicked again, and then she stood still and said: "Yes, I started to practice some self-defense skills when I was very young-hurry up, is it that scary to be in the plane I fly? ?"

…0 Seeking flowers…

Su Ming shook his head and said, "It's not terrible, it's sad."

Di Fei'er asked puzzledly: "Why is it sad?"

Su Ming said solemnly: "Is it not sad for people to die?"

The expression on Di Fei'er's face immediately froze when she heard this. After a while, she reached out and grabbed Su Ming's arm, hardened him from the ground, and hummed in her mouth.

"It's sad to be sad, anyway, today you are on the plane of this lady!"

Twenty minutes later, the helicopter hovered over the manor. Su Ming was sitting beside Di Fei'er with a look of excitement. Di Fei'er was explaining the essentials of the helicopter to him.

Compared with the extreme fear before, the current Su Ming is almost a different person, only to see him look forward to it: "Miss Di Fei Er, I have learned almost, can I give it a try?"

Difeier was wearing a flying helmet, and she turned to look at Su Ming when she heard that, then nodded and said: "Well, you should try it first. Remember-be steady and don't make too dangerous moves." ,

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