636: steal secrets!

Less than a minute later, a large number of armed men rushed out of the elevator. The first thing these men did was to surround Di Fei Er.

After confirming that Di Fei'er was not harmed, someone said: "Miss Di Fei'er, you should leave here now! Let us take care of the rest!"

Di Fei'er frowned when she heard the words: "Don't worry about me, you should deal with the situation first.

Hearing this, the subordinates dared not refute, and immediately led a few people to the laboratory. They walked to the door and stood there. The person in the lead took out a magnetic card from his pocket and swiped it on the electronic control system on the door. 787

"After two murmurs, the door opened immediately, and a pile of corpses slid out of the door! It was hard to see how many corpses were in the thick smoke!

The security personnel turned on the exhaust system, and after a while, the smoke in front of the gate gradually dissipated. When everyone looked up, they saw a dozen corpses crookedly huddled together.

These people were full of wounds, and some of their hair was scorched. The security personnel knelt down and inspected the wounds.

Then turned his head and reported to Di Fei'er: "Miss Concubine, some of these people were killed by bombing, and some were burned to death by high temperature. There should have been an experimental accident inside. These people realized that the situation was not good, and they all rushed out. Just squeezed together."

Di Fei'er was already covering her nose and lying on Su Ming's shoulder. Seeing so many tragic corpses, she was very courageous and felt a little sick.

Su Ming is better than her. His parents passed away in a car accident. When he was five years old, he saw the tragic situation of his dead parents after the car accident. So now seeing these corpses, he doesn't feel how terrible.

The security personnel wore protective masks and walked over the corpses into the laboratory. The smoke and dust in the laboratory had not dissipated. After these people entered, they could not be seen by people outside.

After a while, someone said loudly inside: "It was badly damaged inside, and a big hole (dacd) was blown out in the ground--? No way... how can there be an iron prison in it...

After these words, the laboratory fell into silence. After a long time, there was no movement inside. Everyone looked at each other, and then someone shouted inside: "Thomson--Roger--Gron-- -"

I called several times, but the few people who entered did not respond. The security officer stayed for a while, and then told the two people around him: "Go in and take a look. Remember, once you find a dangerous situation, you should exit immediately!"

The two security personnel nodded when they heard the words, put on protective masks and walked into the laboratory. The thick smoke in the laboratory had subsided a bit, and everyone stood twenty meters away.

Watching the situation in the laboratory closely, I saw two security guards standing in front of the ruins and turning their heads around. After looking at one of them for a while, they reported: "No abnormalities were found, nor did they see Thomson."

After saying this, the two of them stepped into the blind spot of everyone's sight.After a while, everyone could not hear any movement, and the laboratory was terribly quiet!

The person in charge yelled twice with sweat, and as a result, no one answered at all. Everyone was dumbfounded! Everyone looked at the laboratory as if they were looking at the entrance of hell!

Up to now, even with your toes, you can guess that there is definitely something strange in the laboratory! What makes everyone feel puzzled is...

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