650: It's not worth losing your life for the game!

Su Ming walked to Di Fei Er with the computer hard drive in his hand, and said anxiously: "Da Fei Er. I snatched this hard drive from the man in black.

"I guess he sneaked into the laboratory to steal the secrets from the hard drive. Now that the hard drive is in my hands, do you think he will come back to me!?"

When Di Fei'er heard this, she was stunned for a while, only to see that she took the hard drive from Su Ming and looked at it, and then she said, "It's possible, but...

Later, "there was an explosion in the tunnel. I don't know if he is dead. Don't worry, I'll call and ask.

After Di Fei'er spoke, she picked up the satellite phone and dialed a number. After the call was connected, she listened to her asking: "Are you Agent Roma? I'm Di Fei'er. I want to ask if the murderer was killed. ?No? That....

"Did you catch him? No? It's like this. My good friend snatched a computer hard drive from the murderer. He forgot to give it to you. Can you send someone to pick it up? "

"Oh, yes, I'll wait at home."

Di Fei'er hung up the phone, turned her head and said to Su Ming: "That ninja is not dead, he has run away, but don't worry, I will ask the fier to come and take this thing away, I believe the ninja will not Come to you.

Su Ming was stunned when he heard this, and said, "Ninja? What ninja?"

Di Fei Er put the hard drive on the table and explained: "It's the murderer, doesn't his appearance and skill look like a ninja?"

When Su Ming heard this, he wanted to tell the story that the man in black is a celestial person, but thinking that this would damage the image of a celestial person, he finally chose to conceal it.

I saw him a little bit angrily and said: "Fii's person is really a rice bucket! Even a seriously injured person can't be caught! This is all right, he may come to me for revenge after he escapes!"

"Oh, what can I do!

Su Ming ignored how dirty he was, and sat down on Di Fei'er's bed, and then saw him stretch out his hand to scratch his scalp, looking annoyed.

After hearing the words, Difeier walked to him and sat down, and asked softly: "Su Ming, why do you say that? Why does he seek revenge from you?"

Su Ming lowered his head and sighed: "Don't you know, I stepped on him dozens of times in the tunnel, and yelled at him again, almost not tossing him to death."

"Do you think this guy will come to me for revenge? Besides, how does he know that fii has taken the hard drive away? What if he thinks the hard drive is still with me?

Di Fei'er was shocked when she heard this. Before she could speak, Su Ming continued: "No, I must leave the free country immediately!"

Su Ming got up and walked outside after speaking. When Di Fei Er saw it, she stretched out her hand to hold him and said, "If you just leave like this, what will happen to the game?

Su Ming replied without thinking about it: "Whoever loves to compare, anyway, I am no match! (Money) It's not worth losing your life for the game!"

After hearing the words, Di Fei Er pulled Su Ming's arm tightly and dissuaded her: "You should calm down first. This matter may not be as bad as you thought. You said that the other party has been seriously injured. He will be fine for a while. Can't it?"

"Why are you running back home in a hurry?"

Su Ming said anxiously when he heard the words: "So I have to go back to China as soon as possible! If I don't leave now, should I wait for him to come to the door when he recovers?"

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