653: It's unscientific to appear on others!

Seeing Su Ming's unexpected expression, Di Fei Er smiled bitterly and shook her head. She picked up the Desert Eagle from the ground and said, "This gun is very powerful, and of course its recoil will not be small, but...

"You are too useless, you can't even hold a gun.

Su Ming continued to rub his aching wrist and said, "You can't say that. This is the first time I fired. It's normal to have an accident."

Di Fei Er smiled at the words "80 Zero", and handed the gun to Su Ming and said, "Do you want to take a second shot to prove yourself?

Su Ming looked at the golden gun body, after thinking about it for a moment, he shook his head and said, "This gun is not suitable for me - nor is it suitable for you."

"First of all, the gun body is too heavy. This will affect the speed of the gun when it is in danger. Although its power is great, its recoil is also great, so its shooting accuracy is difficult to guarantee.

"The pistol's ammunition capacity is not much. It may not even hurt the opponent's hair after the bullet is shot, so why not have to wait for death?"

Di Fei'er opened her eyes wide and stared at Su Ming incredulously. After a while, she said, "Su Ming, have you really never learned about firearms before?"

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Yes."

Di Fei'er asked: "Then why do you know so much about gun theory?"

Su Ming asked strangely: "Is this difficult?"

Di Fei'er smiled and said: "Very few people can think of the key points so quickly - when I was learning guns, my shooting instructor said what you just said. She said that the desert eagle is not suitable for self-defense. I recommend this gun--"

Di Fei Er put down the Desert Eagle, took out another very small pistol from the box, and then continued:

"This is a Rock pistol. Its weight is only one-third of that of the Desert Eagle. Because of its low recoil, it is very suitable for women to use. Therefore, many people call it a "special pistol for women."

Su Ming looked at the exquisite Locke pistol in Di Fei'er's hand, and immediately became interested. He took the pistol over, looked around, weighed the weight again, and said with excitement:

"I think such a gun suits me very well, Difeier, you put the bullet on it, and I will try it!

Di Fei'er was a little dumbfounded, she stayed for a while before she said: "Su Ming, this is a pistol for women, do you think it is suitable for you?"

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, the gun body is small and light, easy to carry. 0 recoil is relatively small, which helps improve shooting accuracy. I think it's very good."

Di Fei'er couldn't help smiling when she heard the words: "Don't you think it's a shame to use this gun?"

Su Ming disdainfully said: "I don't feel embarrassed. As long as the gun is easy to use, you can't ignore the practicality for the sake of face, right?"

Seeing him with a plausible appearance, Di Fei'er was pleased to "chuckled," she said, "Okay. I'm considered convinced, let's start practicing. "

After half an hour, the two came to the target. Di Fei'er looked at the eight bullet holes in her heart with an incredible expression:

"This is too incredible, right? Eight bullets all hit the bullseye 2.3... Ming, how did you do it?

Su Ming smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Is this difficult?"

Di Fei'er heard the words and said seriously: "Of course it's difficult! I have practiced for so many years, and it can't be as good as half an hour of you. This is unscientific!

Su Ming curled his lips and said: "Miss Di Fei Er. This kind of thing is unscientific when it appears to others, and it is normal for me."

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