801: A subsidy of ten million U.S. dollars!

Of course, Vivian didn't know this at all. Hearing Su Ming's words, she took out a small notebook from her pocket and said, "Wait a moment, and I will check the answer.

Su Ming smiled and did not speak. After more than three minutes, Vivian had the answer right, and then she raised her head and stared at Su Ming without saying a word for a long time.

Su Ming asked upon seeing this: "Is my answer wrong?"

Vivienne shook her head and said, "No. You did everything right."

Su Ming curiously asked, "Then why are you looking at me like this?"

Vivienne didn't laugh anymore, but her face sank like a water channel: "Because no one can answer all of these questions from 880 up to now--

And all the answers were correct in such a short period of time! At least no one I know like this!

Su Ming smiled when he heard this, "So what? It's just test questions. They are all children's stuff. Don't you need to be so surprised?"

Su Ming said that these test questions are children's stuff, but Vivienne knows that they are not like this. The above questions are extremely difficult, and most people can't even understand them, but Su Ming now says they are children's stuff. .

It can be seen that his IQ has reached (dacd) extremely terrifying level!

Vivian thought of this with a smile, and then said: "Mr. Su, I know that you are a great mathematician. You won the first place in the three subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry in the Olympiad. It is based on this that I came to you--

I represent the Legion of Geniuses. Now I officially invite you to join the Legion of Geniuses, as long as you nod your head. You will receive at least 10 million U.S. dollars in subsidies every year from now on, and--

Su Ming couldn't help but interrupt when he heard this: "Genius Legion? What kind of organization is this?"

Vivian explained: "This is a secret organization made up of geniuses. Everyone gathers together and fights for a common ideal!"

Su Ming heard this and asked: "What is the common ideal?"

Vivian smiled mysteriously after hearing the words: "I can't tell you this yet. Unless you agree to join us."

Su Ming said with his heart: What genius army, it sounds like a juvenile and children's group, this is not a thing made by a little kid, right?

Still playing mystery with me here, I don’t have that leisurely mind! Ten million US dollars a year? Where did you get so much money? Huh, I’m so foolish?

Su Ming probably also guessed the real reason why Vivian was looking for herself. This so-called army of geniuses is probably an underground organization.

Based on the information obtained so far, it is very likely that they are trying to draw talented people to serve them, otherwise, where do they get the money to give subsidies?

Can you get so much money just by virtue of the title of genius? Isn't this nonsense?

As for their purpose of doing this, they can actually tell from their names. What is the name of a group of geniuses? Isn't this clearly a bad intention?

--Is it possible that these people still want to dominate the world? Haha! It's really ridiculous!

Su Ming thought of this and refused directly: "I'm sorry, I'm not that interested, this is the end of our conversation."

Su Ming wanted to get in the car after speaking, but Vivian stopped him with a nervous expression: "Mr. Su, would you think about it again?"

Taurus had already got out of the car, he stopped directly between the two and said: "Beauty, please respect yourself."

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