806: Targeted by the free country!

Compared with the period when it was just born, the current invasion of the elves is definitely the same as ghosts, and it didn't know how to hide before.

No matter where you go, it is swaggering and direct entry, and the so-called defensive measures are basically ineffective against it.

But in this way, every time it sneaks into a certain place, it will be spotted immediately, and then it will be chased by people.

The reason why the elves ran away was because there was no matching carrier after it was born, which made it unable to fight back when facing an attack.

Although it is an intelligent program, it also needs a powerful computer as the basic support to exert its true power.

880 But these are not difficult to solve, even if Su Ming has not yet built a supercomputer carrier for the wizard, but borrowing someone else's can make do.

That's why Su Ming let the elves take on some less dangerous tasks. Of course, these tasks mainly deal with computer systems.

If facing humans, such as hackers, Su Ming would not dare to let the elves take action.

The current IQ of the elves is equivalent to that of a child. It has no ability to discriminate viruses. What if someone sends it a virus program and it is infected?

This is like an adult in the real world, holding a lollipop and saying to a child: "Come on, uncle will give you sweets."

Children generally cannot bear this temptation.

If the smart program wants to process the data, it must first receive the data. If there is a virus program mixed in the data, it will receive it.

It may be infected, which is why Su Ming does not let the elves take action when facing hackers. Hackers are the most cunning group of people in the computer industry.

These people have all the means. It is not difficult to deceive the elves who are only a few years old with IQ. Of course, Su Ming must be cautious. Elves are his treasure, and it will be bad if an accident occurs.

The problem that the elves are afraid of viruses is not impossible to solve, but it needs to be upgraded. When it grows up, the virus can be screened out.

(dacd) However, there is still an upgrade process. Su Ming currently does not have a supercomputer and faces many difficulties in upgrading it. This problem can only be solved by having a supercomputer.

When Su Ming thought about this, the elf had already called up the relevant working data of the GPS satellite. Su Ming asked the elf to stay quietly, and he began to analyze the data.

After a while, Su Ming realized some clues, only to hear him frown and say: "Sure enough, there is a problem.

There is a gap in this data, which means that someone deliberately deleted a certain piece of data. Who would do it?"

Su Ming carefully looked at the data in front of him, his brows were almost twisted, he was worried about a very serious problem: GPS satellites are owned by the Free State Forces, can it be said that the military of the Free State is monitoring him?

If this is the case, the consequences are absolutely terrible!

The free country is the most powerful country in the world today. Even the Northern Bear country can't please it. I don't have anything right now. If it is targeted by the free country, how good is it?

Su Ming thought of this and began to analyze the things he had done, whether there was any possibility of being discovered. After thinking for a while, he shook his head.

Speaking of hacking technology alone, he is not afraid of anyone. From the beginning to the present, he has encountered many hacker masters, but he has never been defeated.

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