808: 2!

It is summer, and the weather is very hot. Even if there is no wind, the fire is fierce. In less than two minutes, his front house was swallowed!

Fortunately, there are no important items in the house, except for the tattered ones saved before, there are only some daily necessities, and these things are burned when they are burned.

It was not a big deal for Su Ming. The only thing that made him feel heartache was this old house, which was built by his parents when they got married in 1980.

Although it looks a little shabby now, but this is the testimony of his parents' marriage.

The fire at Su Ming's house quickly attracted the attention of the villagers. After a few minutes, someone came over with a bucket to try to put out the fire.

But seeing the fire at the scene, the villagers could only sigh and shook their heads.

Su Ming put the computer and the bag with jewelry into the Mercedes-Benz, then turned to the villagers who came to fight the fire.

"Thank you for coming to help, but the fire is too big now, please stand back a little, it will be no good if you get burned."

Although these villagers live in the same village as Su Ming, they don't have much contact with each other. This is mainly because Su Ming was not good at communicating with people in the past.

Except for Liu Suqing's family, almost no one had spoken to him. At this moment, seeing these villagers carrying big buckets and small buckets to help, Su Ming felt warm.

Even though Su Ming is now a big celebrity and rich, none of these villagers took the initiative to get close to him after he returned to China. I have to say that these people are still very simple.

At least they are much better than their relatives. At this moment, they came to fight the fire out of enthusiasm. If these people were injured, Su Ming would naturally feel sorry.

When the villagers heard Su Ming's words, they immediately backed away and stood tens of meters away. Even so, everyone could feel the heat wave on their faces.

Su Ming simply stood at the front of the crowd to maintain order on the scene. After a while, Liu Suqing ran over with a look of horror.

Liu Suqing’s house is the closest to Su Ming’s. It stands to reason that she should be the fastest to come, but she was sleeping just now and did not notice the fire at Su Ming’s house.

If it hadn't been for the noise outside, I'm afraid she would not have known that Su Ming's house was on fire.

Liu Suqing saw that Su Ming was okay from a distance, so she was a little relieved, and then she ran to her and whispered, "Xiao Ming, are you okay?"

Su Ming sighed and said, "Auntie, I'm fine, but, alas, this old house is burned out...

Liu Suqing patted Su Ming on the shoulder when he heard the words, and comforted: "As long as the people are okay, if the house is gone, then build another one is .0"

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "It can only be like this--

As soon as Su Ming said this, the village head rushed over. The village head's name was Li Xuefu. He may have drunk too much wine at noon, and his face is still flushed. Seeing Su Ming okay, he patted his chest and said:

"Xiao Ming, it's okay if you are fine-why are you angry? You didn't cook and didn't smoke?"

Su Ming is also thinking about this issue at the moment. The fire started from his backyard 2.3. There were some firewood piled up in the backyard, which he used to cook.

If there is no source of fire, it is impossible for these firewood to burn, so it seems a little strange.

Li Xuefu saw that Su Ming frowned and did not speak, so he did not dare to speak. Liu Suqing said at this moment: "Xiao Ming, do you want to call the police?"

After Su Ming heard the words and thought for a while, he nodded and said, "It doesn't matter if you call the police, let the inspector come and check it on the spot."

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