810: Do something!

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Well, this is good, then I will trouble you."

Liu Suqing smiled slightly when he heard the words: "What is the trouble, it's a trivial matter-by the way. What about Taurus?"

Su Ming replied: "He went shopping, travel, of course he needs to prepare."

With the effort of the two talking, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed. Liu Suqing insisted on taking Su Ming to sit in her house for a while. Su Ming finally declined and waited until Liu Suqing left.

He sat in the car and waited for Jin Niu to come back. It was a bulletproof car, so Su Ming felt very safe. He fell asleep leaning on the car seat not long after getting in the car.

It was dark in the summer, and it was not until 7:30 in the evening that the darkness completely enveloped the earth. It took another half an hour before Jin Niu came back. Seeing Su Ming's house burned down, Jin Niu couldn't help feeling nervous. He was relieved when he found Su Ming in the car.

When Su Ming was sleeping soundly, she suddenly felt someone slapping her shoulder. So he opened his eyes in a daze. After seeing the golden bull, he immediately raised his spirits and asked, "Taurus, how is the situation?"

Jinniu asked instead: "Let's talk about your situation first. Why is your house burnt down?"

Su Ming said in a solemn voice: "It was a man-made arson. At that time, I was checking things online at home, but the fire started from the backyard. Fortunately, I didn't lose much."

Taurus' expression changed when he heard this, and then said: "Could it be someone from the genius legion did it?"

Su Ming said solemnly after hearing the words: "It's not yet certain. But this possibility is not ruled out-how is the situation on your side?"

Taurus heard the words and replied: "I followed the woman all afternoon, and finally watched her stay in a small hotel."

Su Ming sneered after hearing this: "She hasn't left yet.

Taurus heard this and said solemnly: "What are your plans now?"

Su Ming smiled slightly after hearing the words: "I plan to implement the next plan-to get a fighter plane to sell money, and then go to Northern Bear Country to find out the situation.

Taurus was quite surprised when he heard this: "Just act so quickly?"

Su Ming sneered when he heard the words: "It's no good to be unhappy. If you don't attract more attention now, you must finish the work first, otherwise it may be inconvenient in the future--

I forgot to tell you. We were monitored by satellites in the sky when we were talking to that woman in the afternoon.

Taurus was a little shocked when he heard this: "What? Satellites are monitoring us? This

Su Ming said with a smile: "Girl, that's why that woman looked up to the sky at that time. But I don't know why she was afraid of death at the time.

This question seems unsolvable. I think it is necessary for us to ask the woman before we set off.

Taurus nodded when he heard this: "Well, let's go now."

Su Ming laughed at the words, "Don't worry. I still have things to store at Aunt Liu's house."

Su Ming put a half-snake skin (money) bag of renminbi cash and a computer at Liu Suqing's home. Liu Suqing saw so much cash.

She was stunned at the time, but she didn't ask too much. After all, Su Ming had a deposit of three million US dollars in his hand, and it was not too soft to withdraw such a small amount of money.

Su Ming asked her to use the money to build a new house and set up a factory. Liu Suqing promised, she also insisted on Su Ming to pay attention to safety on the road. Su Ming heard the words and promised to pay attention to it. .

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