815: What a fairy!

After saying this, she stretched out her hand and kneaded her cheek, which looked almost like kneading dough. After more than three minutes, Vivienne's face slowly appeared wrinkles.

Then she carefully tore the edge of the mask. When she tore off the mask, she immediately turned her face away, as if she was afraid that her face would be seen by Su Ming and Jin Niu.

Su Ming didn't fight when he saw this, "What are you pretending? Hurry up and turn your face around!"

Su Ming couldn't understand it. This woman was so arrogant when she first met herself, but now she has a shy expression. Who would look at you rarely?

Just like you, just like you--you--this--like?!!

Vivienne turned her cheeks a little uneasy, Su Ming was dumbfounded immediately after seeing her true face!

This woman has an oval face, a high nose bridge and small cherry lips match perfectly, and the elongated willow eyebrows look a little weak.

Her big eyes were watery, and the eyes flowed as they turned, as if they could talk! This was absolutely different from what she had been before.

Vivienne before looked like a young woman in her early twenties, with a stray look, now she looks like a girl of seventeen or eighteen, with a pitiful look--

In other words, this mask is really amazing, and it can actually make such a big change to a person!

Su Ming couldn't help but compare the beauties he knew with Vivian:

Di Fei Er has an angel-like face, but has a devil-like figure. Her biggest feature is her liveliness and cuteness.

Sometimes there are some unreliable thoughts. It is really her most honest part. At least she never hides anything in front of Su Ming, and she knows how to think about good friends;

Wang Qianqian belongs to the kind of fairy who does not eat the fireworks in the world. As long as she does not speak, her body will show a quiet temperament, which makes people feel unbearable to disturb.

At the same time, she is a very upright and sincere person. Once she becomes more honest, she will become heroic and a woman who fights against injustice;

As for the current Vivienne, she belongs to that kind of charming stunner, even if she does nothing, her body will exude a charming temperament.

Especially those big talking eyes, people dare not look straight, and she has a lovely and pitiful look, I'm afraid that ordinary men will raise Ahu's mentality after seeing her!

Fortunately, Su Ming is not an ordinary man, and neither is Taurus, so the two recovered after a while, and then they heard Su Ming speak:

"Don't be afraid, we won't do anything to you. Of course, the premise is that you have to tell all the secrets you know, otherwise - I don't know what Lianxiangxiyu is!"

What's wrong with Vivienne being a seductive stunner? Su Ming is not a person who is fascinated by beauty. He knows the identities of both parties. Vivienne is his enemy. What kind of courtesy is there to treat the enemy?


Even if she is a hundred times more beautiful, there is no fatal attraction to Su Ming--as for whether there is any non-fatal attraction,

Vivienne felt a little relieved when she heard this, and saw that she curled up and hugged her body, and didn't do anything about that weak and weak appearance.

, But the seductive aura continued to radiate. She raised her eyes slightly to look at Su Ming, and said with a pitiful expression: "You, you really won't hurt me?"

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