818: Can you take me? I want to go with you!

Chen Cheng was overjoyed and immediately began to prepare. He told the geniuses that it would take two days to make a decision. However, others did not press on and agreed to his request.

Chen Cheng seized the opportunity to secretly make some synthetic substances that he successfully researched in the laboratory. This kind of substance has a big feature, it is a transparent colloidal substance.

The shape can be changed according to the dosage of the additives. It is best to use it as a disguise, but the solution that Chen Cheng thought of is to disguise a family of three and then smuggle back to the country.

The idea was only halfway through, and the geniuses noticed Chen Cheng's unusual behavior, and chased him to his home that night. At that time, Chen Cheng had just made a disguise mask for his daughter.

He and Anna didn't have time to pretend. As a result, he and Anna were killed because of resistance. Vivian was not recognized because of her change of appearance, so she escaped.

The people of the genius army did not let Vivienne go. At that time, the organization was in the development stage and needed a lot of manpower urgently.

Vivienne was finally taken back and became a member of the genius army. She was less than 14 years old that year.

After training, Vivian's head was installed with a miniature bomb, and then he was dispatched to perform the task.

But she hasn't performed a task in the past three years, because genius is not always there. It is really the first time she has performed a task in the heaven this time.

When Vivian said that she was lying on the ground and crying, Su Ming and Taurus felt very incredible at this moment.This kind of story is a bit like in the movie.The twists and turns are definitely better than those movies!

Su Ming looked at Vivian, who was crying, and thought that she shouldn't lie. This can be seen from her performance yesterday, if she is a very experienced woman.

It is absolutely impossible for her to have such a contrast between front and back. At first, she acted so coquettishly. Later, she couldn't hide her fear of death. The most important thing was that she actually looked up at the sky.

While Su Ming was thinking about this, he listened to Jinniu whispering: "What shall we do now?"

Su Ming thought for a while after hearing the words, and then said: "Let's go. I guess there is nothing to ask from her."

Taurus nodded when he heard the words, and the two turned around to get in the car, but Vivian suddenly said loudly: "Where are you going?"

Su Ming and Jin Niu stopped when they heard the words, they turned their heads to look at Vivian, their eyes were as if they were looking at an idiot, Vivian saw the two staring at him, and suddenly their faces blushed. Whispered: "I, I, I...

Su Ming saw her look like "I'm so scared" and couldn't help but sighed: "Miss Vivian, where are we going? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?

You'd better go back to the hotel, there are many mosquitoes here, maybe there are poisonous snakes, you can do it yourself. 0"

Su Ming wanted to get in the car after saying this. Unexpectedly, Vivian plucked up the courage and said, "Su Ming, can you take me? I... I want to go with you

2.3 Su Ming was taken aback when he heard this, then he curiously asked: "Why are you following me? Don't forget that we are still enemies now."

Vivienne blushed and said, "I...I think you can help me...help me get revenge...

Su Ming couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "Just like you, still thinking about revenge? Besides, I don't seem to be familiar with you, right? Why should I help you?"

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