822: Go abroad to make money!

After listening to Vivian’s explanation, Su Ming was puzzled: “According to your statement, this bomb can be easily dismantled?”

Vivian whispered after hearing the words: "The doctor told me that the bomb was still insured when it was installed. As long as the bomb was removed in the wrong way, the bomb would also be triggered. At that time, he confidently told me that this insurance would never be insured. Outsiders can detect it."

Su Ming was silent for a while after hearing this, and then asked: "Since it is so dangerous, are you sure you want to dismantle it?"

Vivian resolutely said after hearing this: "I don't want to live like this forever, Su Ming, you just help to see it, I think if there is something dangerous, you must see it..."

Su Ming sighed when he heard the words: "Well, I looked carefully, that is, the doctor, you can do the operation."

Upon hearing this, the doctor turned to look at Jin Niu, and hesitated: "Mr. Li, this?

Mr. Li is the identity of the Taurus disguised. Hearing this, he looked at Vivian, then at Su Ming, and finally nodded: "Doctor Wang, you can do your best. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it. Follow you. It doesn't matter."

Physician Wang nodded when he heard the words: "Well, this is the beginning of the operation!"

Dr. Wang let Vivian lie on the operating table, then injected her with anesthetic, and waited until Vivian passed out. He prepared the surgical tools and started to get busy.

After a while, Dr. Wang opened the old scar on Vivienne's head. Su Ming was watching closely when he saw a flat metal object exposed under Vivienne's scalp.

He leaned forward and took a look, then he waved his hand and said, "Stop first, there is something strange on this!"

Hearing this, Dr. Wang stepped aside. Taurus leaned forward and asked, "Did you see anything?"

Su Ming heard the words and pointed to the metal object and said, "Look at this small cylinder, what does it look like?"

Taurus took a closer look, and then said unsure: "It looks like a battery, but why does this battery have so many wires?"

Taurus is right. There are many metal threads on this small battery-like object, and half of these threads are connected to Vivienne's scalp. The other half is connected to the main body of the chemical bomb, which looks a little weird.

Su Ming stared at this thing for a while, then he said solemnly, "This should be an electrical device! I'll just say, if there is no electrical energy, how could this bomb receive electromagnetic signals--

…0 Seeking flowers…

I guess this battery should be the key. If energy is lost, the bomb is likely to be triggered!"

Taurus doesn't understand this very well. Hearing this, he hesitated and said: "Then what should I do now?"

Su Ming was silent after hearing the words, and then said: "From a structural point of view, this battery should convert the human body's static electricity, and then provide energy support for the bomb.

If you accidentally break these threads, it is likely to cut off the power, so...

We can move the thread attached to the scalp to other people, so that we can continue to provide energy to the bomb. There shouldn't be any problems.

Taurus was shocked when he heard the words: "What?"

Ten minutes later, Su Ming was lying on a hospital bed. His bed was parallel to Vivienne's operating table. Dr. Wang carefully took these tiny wires from Vivienne's scalp one by one. Take it down.

Without removing a single thread, he used scotch tape to stick the thread on Su Ming's arm because the thread was too short. again,

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