825: Money can be dealt with, nothing is wrong!

"Besides, Vivienne is just a chess piece in their eyes. At most they will use satellites to launch signals to detonate bombs. This will ensure that Vivienne is dead and their secrets will not be revealed.

Taurus heard this and asked, "Then--will Vivian's identity be exposed in the future?"

Su Ming shook his head when he heard this, "No, the current Vivienne is too different from before. Who can recognize it? Besides, we will take her for a walk abroad and come back again, and then we will get her one. New identity, so who would doubt it?"

Taurus finally let go when he heard this, only to see him smile and say: "You think about Vivienne so much, do you like her?"

Although Taurus rarely makes such jokes, Su Ming doesn't like to hear such words. He smiles bitterly and said, "Don't you say that, okay?

She is her own now, of course I have to do my best to help, and besides-I am very busy and I have no time to like anyone.

Taurus heard the words and laughed, but the Mercedes-Benz taillights quickly disappeared at the end of the national highway. Seeing the direction they were heading, they went all the way to the west.

Ten days later, at Shancheng International Airport, an international cargo flight to Pakistan was about to take off. The airport staff finally checked the freight bill. After the comparison, they got off the plane.

Immediately after the cabin door was closed, the plane took off under the command of the tower. Not long after,

At this moment, inside a sealed box in the cabin, Su Ming whispered: "Taurus, can you open the box now?"

The Taurus agreed, and then there was a cutting sound in the sealed box.Without much effort, a small hole was cut on the side of the box. The Taurus crawled out of the hole first, followed by Vivian, and finally Su. Ming.

The three of them drove all the way to the west, day and night. It took three days to reach the mountain city, and then they found a remote place to set up a tent.

When Vivian's wound was almost healed, the way to go abroad was planned. Finally, Taurus proposed to go abroad by mixing into the cargo hold of the plane.

Su Ming had tried this method with Jinniu before, and he thought it was feasible, so he agreed.

After inquiries, they finally selected the cargo flight to Pakistan because the plane was a direct destination and was very close to their destination, Afghanistan.

As for the Mercedes-Benz car, it was parked in a parking lot in Shancheng. Naturally, the parking lot would not ask who the car was, as long as it could collect the money.

Su Ming crawled out and patted the dust on her body, then turned to Vivian and asked, "Jiu Vivian, is the wound on your head okay?"

Vivienne Weier nodded when she heard the words: "It's almost healed, and it doesn't hurt at all."

Su Ming was relieved when he heard this, and only heard him say: "That's good, there are more than two hours before the plane reaches the destination, or you can lie down and rest for a while."

Vivienne nodded when she heard this (Qian Nuozhao).

He cleverly leaned on the box and closed his eyes to rest up, while Su Ming took out a book from his backpack and looked through it. From time to time, his mouth was still whispering something.

Vivienne opened her eyes and took a peek at him. Her eyes looked very curious. After a while, she said, "Su Ming, is it effective for you to learn Pakistani language like this?"

Su Ming said without raising his head: "Of course it works. I'm almost finished studying this book."

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