847: If you want to kill him, you must first understand him!

Su Ming couldn't help taking a breath! With a golden bull's skill, he can't retreat safely. If he is replaced by someone else, I am afraid that he will not even be able to complete the assassination mission! Ten percent is no different from a complete break!

Scorpion saw that Su Ming was silent, so he spoke: "I only have this one request. If you can help me complete it. I will sell my life to you!"

Su Ming immediately turned his brain to think. After a while, he said: "Scorpion, what is the name of the person you are going to kill? Does he have the habit of using satellite phones?"

Scorpion heard the words and replied: "His name is Said Abdul, and his main communication tool is satellite phone-why are you asking this?"

Su Ming smiled and said, "If you want to kill him, you must first understand him. As long as he uses a satellite phone, I will be sure to kill him! Let's get his phone number and wait until I'm ready. , I will contact you."

Just after Su Ming said this, there was a sudden noise from the hospital. The golden bull listened for a moment, and then said: "Someone has broken in. There are a lot of people.

Berserk heard the words and said, "Isn't the hospital forbidden? Does anyone dare to break the rules?"

Su Ming said to Jinniu: "Ghost, you go and see the situation."

Jin Niu nodded and walked out. Scorpion saw that Jin Niu listened to Su Ming's words so, the expression on his face looked very surprised. Su Ming laughed and did not speak.

After a while, Taurus came back. He only heard him solemnly say: "It's from the local tribe. They seem to be looking for the three of us. Boss, let's hide."

When he heard the words, he was puzzled: "Why do the people of the local tribes look for you? You don't have any--did you kill his people?"

Su Ming heard this and said: We only killed some people after entering the border of Keyu, but those people were guerrillas.

Their power should not be enveloped here, besides, we only killed people when robbing the car. Could it be that the identity of the driver and the passenger was unusual?

Su Ming thought about this and said, "Ghost, who are the people who usually drive cars in Keyu Guoneng?"

Jinniu replied after hearing the words: "Usually they are militants, or, or people with more identities-do you mean us last night?"

……0 Seeking flowers

Taurus didn't clarify what he said, but Su Ming already understood what he meant. Su Ming nodded and said, "I'm afraid so, let's find a place to hide!

Su Ming quickly walked out of the ward with Jin Niu and Vivian after speaking, and when he looked at each other with Scorpion, he heard the violent expression dignifiedly: "You are injured, or should we leave here?"

Scorpion shook his head when he heard the words: "No need for this. We are also considered celebrities here. At most, they are asking about the ghosts. They will not embarrass us."

After a short while, a lot of footsteps approached quickly, violently took out a pistol and stood on guard at the corner. After a while, the door was pushed open.

The leader knows Fury, and after seeing Fury and Scorpion, he opens his mouth and said, "Did you two see the three masked men who entered the town this morning?"

When the violent heard the words, his face was expressionless and said: "I saw it in the morning, but now I don't know where they are." Again,

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