856: Who is controlling our fighters!

On hearing the news, the number two asked: "Don't panic first, first see if the joystick can be used?"

-Gong Wenyan tried to turn the joystick, but the fighter immediately began to roll like crazy, and the number one exclaimed: "It's over! My fighter is out of control!"

No. 2 was right next to him. He had already seen the abnormality of No. 1.

I saw Fighter One swaying up and down, and then swaying from side to side. It looked a bit like a mental disorder!

As soon as No. 2 saw something was wrong, he yelled: "No. 1, you parachute! This plane is about to crash!"

Indeed, the No. 1 fighter plane is falling rapidly at this moment. Judging from the experience of the No. 2 910, this is definitely a precursor to the crash!

When No. 1 heard this, he immediately pressed the eject switch. Fortunately, this still worked. He was ejected immediately, and the parachute slowly opened.

Number One looked at the fighter plane that was still falling rapidly, and whispered: "What the hell is going on? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the fighter plane that was going down suddenly began to roll over.

After a while, it changed from a tumbling posture to flying backwards, without a sense of direction, and looked like a lunatic.

Seeing this, Number One said incredulously: "God, is this plane going crazy?"

After a while, there was a sound of falling into the water, and Number One fell into the sea. He quickly took out a dagger and cut the seat belt, and then he threw away the flying helmet.

When he thumped and stabilized in the sea, he saw that his fighter plane was still flying forward like crazy.

After a while, the fighter plane disappeared into the night, and a question suddenly appeared in Number One's mind: Strange, doesn't it crash?

Number two is now contacting the control center:

"This is number two! I have an emergency with number one!"

"Please give a detailed report!"

"The number one fighter has lost control and will crash soon!"

The people in the control center were shocked when they heard this (dacd), and then asked: "Are you under attack?"

Number Two said anxiously: "This is not true. Number One suddenly noticed smoke from the joystick while driving the fighter plane, and then I saw that his fighter plane was in an obviously abnormal flight state!"

When the people in the control center heard this, they hurriedly asked, "How is the situation now?

Number Two replied: "Number One has already parachuted. That fighter is flying around like crazy to ensure the safety of Number One?"

After a short consultation, the people in the control center immediately made a decision: "Don't care about the warplane. You are cruising nearby now, and you must report the current status of No. 1 at any time!

On hearing the words, Number Two replied: "Received Number Two. Currently Number One has fallen into the sea. Please send more rescue helicopters quickly!"

Upon hearing the words, the control center replied: "Received, we will send someone over!

The free country’s army has always been people-oriented. Between fighters and pilots, they chose the latter, as for the fighter.

They are also mobilizing radar and satellites for surveillance.

At this moment, this fighter plane, which was determined by the pilots of the free country’s army, to have gone mad, has resumed its smooth flight.

He will definitely exclaim, "Oh my God! Is such a low altitude trying to self-destruct!"

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