862: A fighter stolen from a free country!

When the violent heard the words, he asked, "How old do you want?"

Su Ming replied: "I want to be as big as it is, and the bigger the better."

When the violent heard the words, he got up and said: "I'll go to town and have a look. You take care of the scorpion.

When he finished speaking, he turned and left. When he was far away, Su Ming looked back at Scorpion. Scorpion was sitting by the river in a daze. Su Ming sighed and said nothing.

After a few minutes, the elf controlled the F15 fighter plane and landed smoothly on the ground.

Su Ming asked the elf to drive the fighter plane close to the foot of the mountain, and then he asked the elf to go back and stay. The elf had just had an addiction and went back very obediently.

Scorpion jumped up immediately after hearing the roar of the fighter, when she saw the fighter landing at the position designated by Su Ming.

She couldn't help but widened her eyes with an expression of extreme shock. She had been in the mercenary world for many years.

She is very familiar with some military equipment. Although she has not seen this fighter in person, she has seen it in magazines. At this moment, seeing the world's most advanced fourth-generation fighter landing in front of her, Scorpion was immediately dumbfounded.

It wasn't until Su Ming set up the plane and walked back, she recovered, and only listened to her whispered: "This plane is yours?"

Su Ming said with a smile: "It's not impossible to say that."

Scorpion hesitated when he heard the words: "You... are you doing things for the free countrymen?"

Su Ming smiled and said: "Don't guess, I got this plane from the free countrymen. As for the purpose of getting it, it is just to sell money. It is a cargo in my eyes."

Scorpion heard this with an incredible expression and said: "Where did you get it? This is F15! Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Su Ming said with a smile: "This fighter plane was obtained from the Persian Gulf. Even if I take it over by accident, the free nations cannot know that I did it."

Vivienne hadn't spoken before. At this moment, she just interjected: "Boss, how did you get this plane over? I don't think there is anyone on the plane, and even the cabin cover is missing. How did it fly here?"

Su Ming laughed when he heard this: "Have you heard of hacking techniques?"

Scorpion and Vivian were stunned when they heard this, and then they heard Vivian say: "Of course I know, but can hacking techniques be used to do this? Isn't this a bit too much?"

…0 Seeking flowers…

Su Ming said with a smile: "There are things you haven't heard of before, but it doesn't mean it's impossible to happen. You will get used to it as you see more."

Vivian was silent when she heard this, she seemed to be still digesting the deep meaning of this sentence, and the scorpion spoke at this moment:

"It's incredible that a hacker can do this. Boss, I'll follow you in the future. If you have any orders, please let me down!"


Su Ming smiled and nodded when he heard the words: "Let's sit down and talk."

After a few people were seated, Su Ming said: "Scorpion, I will give you a task now. You and the violent two should expand their power more.

You can form a mercenary group. When you don’t receive my order, you can continue to take the task to earn commissions with your subordinates. Once I give the order, you must go all out, do you understand?"

Scorpion nodded when he heard the words: "This is not difficult. I have a group of subordinates with Fury itself. It is not a problem to develop and grow."

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "That's good-how much start-up capital do you need?" Again.

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