867: Free country is here!

The two parties contacted the staff, and after Yinhu finished the call, Su Ming smiled and said to him: "Mr. Yinhu, there is a satellite of the Freedom Man in the sky. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I think it is better for us to stay away from the fighter plane. "

After saying this, Su Ming turned and walked towards the river. Silver Fox had to follow him. He thought to himself: Who is this little man with a face covered?

How did he get the F15 fighter? It's incredible!

When Silver Fox came to the river with a few people, he suddenly discovered that a large number of heavily armed men had gathered here. Silver Fox immediately became nervous. He thought Su Ming would do something unfavorable to him.

Su Ming seemed to have anticipated Silver Fox's idea. He took a few people to a place a few hundred meters away from the armed personnel, and then pulled the scorpion and violently whispered:

"Allow your people to change what they call you. Scorpion will be changed to No. 1, and Berserk will be No. 2. This is your new external identity in the future. Because my affairs are involved, your identity must be kept strictly confidential.

Scorpion and Rao nodded when he heard the words, and then walked over to his subordinates. Su Ming turned and walked to the silver fox who had forgotten about it, hehe smiled:

"I'm also doing this to be on the safe side. As long as you follow the normal procedures, I will naturally not use these people."

Yinhu immediately nodded when he heard the words: "What you said is, ah."

Then a few people sat down, and after waiting for half an hour, the six companions of Silver Fox arrived, and Su Ming directly told them where the fighter plane was parked.

Let them check it out by themselves, and when a few people have seen the fighter come back, the two sides will officially start trading.

This transaction was fairly smooth. Five hundred million US dollars were transferred to Su Ming's UBS account through a secret channel. Then Su Ming called Ah Yi smiled and said:

"This transaction has been successfully completed. I will hand you the fighter jets. I hope you can transport the fighter jets back to your country safely. Goodbye, everyone."

Su Ming led the people away after speaking. Scorpion and the violent men followed. When they were far away, Silver Fox discussed with his companions: "Are the people ready to dismantle the plane?"

One of them heard the words and said: "Manpower is coming, I guess we can get here before sunset.

…0 Seeking flowers…

Yinhu nodded and said, "That's good. We'd better complete the dismantling work before tomorrow morning and ship the goods during the day tomorrow. Otherwise, the longer things drag on, the worse it will be for us."

At this moment, in the tavern in the small town, while Luna was busy greeting the guests, the satellite phone on her waist suddenly rang three times, and then the phone returned to calm again.


Luna's expression suddenly solidified, and then she smiled and greeted the diners, then walked into the small dark room inside and dialed the phone, only to hear her say: "I am a rose, are you looking for me?"

Vulture: "I am a vulture. Has the Silver Fox changed recently?

Luna was taken aback when she heard Qiaopu’s name, and then she replied in a low voice: "He is really abnormal lately, especially in the past two days.

Vulture: "? Do you know what this is about?

Luna said solemnly after hearing the words, "His mouth is relatively strict and he is unwilling to reveal any details."

Vulture: "You didn't even hear any news? For example, did Silver Fox say anything about fighters?" Again,

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