870: Don't leave alive! Get rid of all!

Then someone whispered: "The first and second squadrons are responsible for building defense lines on the periphery to guard against possible reinforcements from the enemy, and the rest will carry out assault missions.

Note that we have to leave alive for interrogation. When shooting, we only need to make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness. Now everyone check your own equipment--"

This person paused for a while, and then continued: "If there is no problem, we will start now - offense!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang—"

Fierce gunfire immediately sounded! The Northern Bear nation who was dismantling the fighter plane had no precautions, and immediately fell over a dozen people!

The rest of the people were bewildered by the sudden blow. After a while, someone shouted: "Someone attacked! Turn off the lights immediately! Be careful, everyone!"

The power was quickly turned off, and the area near the fighter was plunged into darkness. The Northern Bear people originally thought that this would have a good hiding effect.

But this is not the case at all. Each of the SEALs is equipped with a night vision device. Does it help if you turn off the lights?

"Bang bang bang bang bang-"-"

The gunshots continued to sound, and the Beineng Chinese fell to the ground. Until now, they have never had a chance to return a shot! The firepower of the SEALs is so fierce, it is almost like rain!

Soon, the Northern Bear nation fell another ten people.

The silver fox was hiding behind the stone and calling: "Hey! I am the silver fox! We were attacked by unidentified militants! There were heavy casualties! Request support!"

After Yinhu hung up the phone, he realized that there were no people around him. Under the moonlight, he looked at each other through the cracks in the stone. As a result, he immediately said in horror: "Free countrymen! This is over!"

Silver Fox saw that the opponent was equipped with a night vision device, and immediately understood that there are very few troops in the world that can use this advanced equipment.

The opponent's weapon is so sophisticated, and what he is dismantling is another F15 fighter. Who else are these people who are not from the free country?

Silver Fox thought of it as dead. On a hill not far away, Su Ming was holding a binoculars to observe the offensive of the army of the free country, only to listen to him in a deep voice:

"This unit is well equipped, and it even has a night vision device. The Northern Bear nation will soon be over! The Free State Force is really strong!

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "Looking at this situation, this unit should be the SEALs of the free country. It is said that the equipment on each of them is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. If they have spent so much money and have no combat effectiveness, it is What a big joke."

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words, "It is true. It is money to fight in wars, especially modern wars. Without money, you can't afford to fight. Huh? Why don't the free nations kill the Northern Bears? Is their marksmanship too bad? ?"

Su Ming saw through the binoculars that the Northern Bear was hit rolling on the ground. This situation is a bit abnormal. With such a intensive firepower (nod), how could the Northern Bear just be injured but not die?

Even a person with poor marksmanship can always kill a person, right? What's more, it is the elite troops of the free country's army that shoot!

As the saying goes, "If something is abnormal, it is a demon." Su Ming did not let go of this detail. He carefully watched the scene of the battle and thought hard. After a while, he became uncertain:

"Do these free countrymen want to stay alive to investigate the situation?"

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