878: The other party is so amazing!

This is because they did not engage in a chase battle. If they were like a violent one, I'm afraid there would be more casualties!

They killed each other with seven lives, and this battle damage ratio was even higher than that of violent them!

To be honest, the number of SEALs that Scorpion and the others are facing is nearly 25 people. It is very fortunate to have such a number of casualties.

However, this was the first time that she accepted Su Ming's order to be typed like this before the boss's face "Nine 27", which made her feel like she wanted to vomit blood.

Facing the opponent's powerful firepower, the Scorpion had no effective way. The shoulder-fired missiles had been burned out, the opponent's hands were spread out, and the grenade could not do much. This group of people is really amazing.

It is different from the people she met in the previous missions.Even mercenaries who have been baptized in the flames of war are not very useful in front of the other party.Who is the other party?

Fortunately, the frenzy had already led people to outflank the right wing, and the opponent had to separate their hands to block it, which gave Scorpion a respite.

If you continue to fight like this, Scorpion even feels that his hands may be completely wiped out by the opponent!

Commander Slode is hiding in the center of the SEAL defensive circle. He is the commander and needs to be in charge of command. Naturally, it is impossible to charge and trap like ordinary soldiers. He only heard him growl: "Each team now reports the number of survivors. !"

"Report-there are currently five people left in the first team!"

"Report-there are only four people left in the second team!"

"Report-the third team is full of eight people!"

"Report-there are six people left in the fourth team!"

Sloldyan shouted: "Where are the fifth and sixth teams? Have they withdrawn?"

"Report-the fifth and sixth teams have all been killed! The opponents' manpower in charge of eliminating them has been outflanked from our right wing!"

Sloth's heart felt like a knife when he heard this: These soldiers are all selected through extremely rigorous training, and they are all elites among the elite.

Unexpectedly, forty-eight people followed me, but now they have lost more than half! Adding me, there are only 24 people left!

Slaughter thought of this and said in a deep voice: "The third team is in charge of the right wing! Everyone pays attention to saving bullets. We have no supplies and can't withstand long-term consumption!"

The third team immediately moved to the right wing of the battlefield and began to block the violent manpower. There are still fifteen people left in the violent, and he dare not charge rashly. 0

I have seen it very clearly just now that those who died are wearing night vision devices. If their own people charge, it is no different from suicide. For the present, they can only fight with the opponent.

When he thought of this, he commanded: "Everyone, pay attention to saving bullets, don't advance without my order!"

So far, the two sides have entered a stalemate, although gunfire is still ringing. But the intensity has been reduced compared to just now. It seems that everyone has the same plan.

Seeing this situation, Su Ming said solemnly: "It's time for us to play, otherwise this is probably going to be played overnight!"

Taurus nodded when he heard the words, and the two acted separately.

The scorpion blocked the south, the violent blocked the east, Su Ming chose the west, and the Taurus chose the north 2.3. This would put a lot of pressure on the other party and make the other party unable to understand the reality of their own.

Slode is watching the situation on the battlefield nervously.

As a result, there was a gunshot from the north, and a soldier next to him fell to the ground. The rest of the people immediately focused their attention to the north. As a result, three more gunshots were heard from the west.

Three more of Slode's men died!.

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