Luna has been scared and stupefied! Although Sloth and others did not identify her to her, she could tell at a glance that they were the Navy SEALs of the Free Country, and such a powerful force was actually eliminated!

OMG! What the hell this thin man wants to do!

After the horror, Luna completely gave up resisting, and only heard her whisper: "What do you want to know from me?"

Su Ming said solemnly after hearing the words: "What is your status in KGB?"

Luna replied: "I am the person responsible for monitoring the members of KGB."

Su Ming curiously asked: "So your main task is to supervise the silver fox?"

Luna shook her head when she heard the words: "Not only Silver Fox, but also other K-GB members. I live directly under Suykhov's leadership. The main task is to detect in advance whether there is any unstable 927 factor in K-GB."

Su Ming groaned after hearing the words, and then said, "Do you have a list of KGB personnel?"

Luna laughed sorrowfully after hearing the words: "It turned out to be. But those people have now been killed. I don't know what Silver Fox's goal is this time, but the people in charge of monitoring have participated in this plan, since you Killing the silver fox, I don't think those people can escape."

Su Ming was silent for a long time when he heard this, and suddenly he said something like this: "Can you help me contact Supervisor Suykhov?"

Luna nervously said, "You...what do you want to do?"

At ten o'clock in the evening the next day, three helicopters arrived in the southern grasslands of Hastan. With Luna's assistance, the three planes were not obstructed along the way.

Even the local government will provide fuel for the aircraft.

The plane landed in a forest area surrounded by mountains. Scorpion and Fury led a man to set up a guard checkpoint. Su Ming, Taurus, and Vivian led Luna into the woods. Then Su Ming smiled at Luna:

Luna "Miss. You can call Sukhov now and tell him that we have arrived at the predetermined location, and hope he can come over and meet us.

Luna immediately dialed a number on the satellite phone. After the call was connected, she heard her respectfully say: "Supervisor, the other party has arrived at the designated place, and they want to talk to you face-to-face."

Suykhov said on the phone: "I can't go there now (dacd). A major crisis has occurred in the northern bear country!"

Since everyone was in the helicopter in the past two days, there is no source of information.

So they didn't know anything about what happened in Northern Bear Country. Luna was stunned when she heard this, and then asked, "Supervisor, what happened to Northern Bear Country?"

Suykhov was silent for a while, and then he said: "Someone has initiated a coup or a change. I can't talk to you anymore. I'll call you when things calm down."

"Beep toot", Suykhov hung up the phone after speaking. Luna relayed Suykhov's words to Su Ming. Su Ming was silent for a while, and suddenly said to Taurus and Vivian :

"Do you remember what Silver Fox said before? He said that the transaction must be completed before August 18th. Could it be that this guy has learned the news in advance?"

Taurus and Vivian recalled the words, and then listened to Taurus nodded and said: "It is true, he said such things.

Vivian said, "What's the number today?"

Luna heard the words and said, "Today is the nineteenth."

Su Ming said solemnly when he heard these words: "That's right! It is estimated that this coup has already been planned. Silver Fox should belong to the party that initiated the coup, so he will get the news in advance. As for you--"

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