888: What a magical man!

Vivienne blinked her big seductive eyes upon hearing the words and said, "Yes, is it?

Su Ming sighed: "Yes, I can be sure that there is no danger."

Vivienne only got up from Su Ming when she heard this. The two stood up and patted the dust on her body. Luna on the side walked away a little bit as if to avoid suspicion, Su Ming whispered to Vivienne: "Anyway, thank you for protecting me."

"Nine Twenty Seven" Vivian lowered her head and whispered when she heard the words: "No, you don't have to be polite and there is no danger, I am too nervous.

Vivian spoke in a very small voice, and Su Ming couldn't help smiling when he heard the words: "Can you be more normal? Can you be more generous? Don't you need to be so shy?"

Vivian whispered after hearing the words: "Okay, okay, I see.

Su Ming watched her lower her head. Although she was covering her face, he could imagine that Vivian's face was absolutely red at the moment, and he lamented: Pull it down.

This girl is just like this. I guess she won't be able to change it in her life. If you are shy, just be shy. I don't want to care about this anymore.

Jin Niu had already walked back, only to hear him say to Su Ming: "Boss. The violent people just hunted down a buffalo, and they said they want roast beef, you see?"

Su Ming was taken aback when he heard this, and then said, "Water buffalo? How come there are water buffaloes here? Let's go and take a look."

Su Ming was worried that the buffalo belonged to the locals, and if it caused unnecessary trouble, it would not be good. The three took Luna and walked to the front.

Su Ming knelt down and took a closer look at the buffalo, and found that there was no nose ring on the buffalo. It seemed that the buffalo was wild, so he was relieved.

Mercenaries need to perform tasks in the wild most of the time. They naturally adapt to how to survive in the wild, and wait until Su Ming allows everyone to barbecue.

The six brawny men began to work together in a division of labor, some peeled their skins, and some built temporary barbecue spots. Everyone was making preparations in an orderly manner.

In less than half an hour, all the work was done. The mercenaries started to make a fire and barbecue. These people actually carried the barbecue condiments on their bodies.

This surprised Su Ming. It seems that they not only kill people, but also know how to enjoy life.

Su Ming and other leaders gathered together, Scorpion was in charge of the barbecue, and Fury was helping out. Soon, the beef was roasted "sizzling"...

When the beef was cooked, the scorpion cut a large piece and handed it to Su Ming. The woman was quite winking. The boss is here, so naturally you have to let the boss eat first.

After taking a sip, Su Ming was full of praise and said: "Well, it tastes really good! Unexpectedly, you still have this kind of craftsmanship!"

Scorpion heard the words and smiled: "Let the boss laugh."

Su Ming divided the beef partly with Luna and partly with Vivian. The woman still has to take care of it. Luna took the beef and ate it while thinking:

What method did this thin man use to make these mercenaries work for him? Scorpion and Berserker 2.3 are both unruly characters, how can they be so devoted to this man?

At around twelve o'clock in the evening, everyone found a place to rest for food and drink. For more than a day, everyone was marching in a hurry, although they took a helicopter.

But the bumps along the way are indispensable, so everyone fell asleep soon after lying down. Except for the person in charge of the guard in the distance, there was a lot of snoring in the camp.

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