895: Fear of wolves before and tigers?

He looked at the bloody dagger in Taurus's hand, and knew that if he didn't agree to Su Ming's request, he would end up badly, and maybe he would be killed by this short boss.

Indeed, Su Ming planned it this way. If this indecisive person rejects his proposal, then there is no need for him to live.

The character of being afraid of wolves and tigers is a big flaw in itself. If there is no determination to resist at this point, what is the use of keeping such a person?

Suykhov's face changed several times, and then he said: "Bezonov, you can't blame you for my cruelty, you forced me to 30!

After saying this, he took out his pistol and fired a "bang" shot at Bezonov. Bezonov was shot in the thigh and did not die.

Suikhov saw this and then "bump bang bang bang" the bullet in the pistol was shot, and Bezonov was killed. The Taurus stepped forward and put the metal tube into his pocket when he saw it, and then stood beside Su Ming.

The matter here is over, Su Ming asked the scorpion to take someone to clean up the body, and then he took Suikhov to the side by himself, and only listened to him asking:

"Suikhov, I'm really curious, how did you get into KGB? And how did you get the position of head of the twelfth inning?"

Suykhov is different from just now. His change comes from the murder. Hearing this, he said in a deep voice:

"I entered KGB after Vladimir's recommendation. The reason why I was able to serve as the supervisor of the twelfth inning was because my uncle was very familiar with Boris, and I was equivalent to Boris's spokesperson for KGB. ."

Su Ming heard these two names for the first time, so he asked: "Who is Vladimir? Who is Boris?"

Suikhov replied after hearing this: "Vladimir is my classmate. He used to be a member of KGB, but now he has entered the Leningrad city government office.

As for Boris, Vladimir is his secret confidant. "

The name of the President of the Northern Bear Country is like a thunderbolt, and Su Ming immediately understood: "Oh! So this Boris is him, who is your uncle? What does it have to do with him?"

Suikhoff replied after hearing this: "My uncle is

This answer was a little bit beyond Su Ming's expectations.He never expected this indecisive guy to have such a powerful uncle. No wonder he could get such a high position in KGB!

Since the other party has such a prominent background, Su Ming will naturally change his attitude towards him. Su Ming laughed and said gently: "Mr. Suikhov, things have come to this point, what do you have next? What are your plans?"

Suikhov was silent for a while before hearing the words, Su Ming saw his thinking look on his face, so he spoke:

"I think what you have to do in 927 is to protect your backer and contact your partners. Only by uniting can you resist the forces that are unfavorable to you."

Suykhov nodded when he heard the words: "I think so too, but I don't have a specific plan on how to proceed. Boss, do you have any good suggestions?"

Su Ming heard the words and said: "It's very simple, you go back to your uncle right now and protect him.

At the same time you have to call your partners to see what their conditions are, and it is best to gather them together.

Then mobilize all the forces to protect your existing forces. At any time, only the powerful have the right to speak!"

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