897: Bribery? Isn't this a joke!

Suikhov nodded when he heard the words, and then everyone stopped talking, and only the mechanical roar was heard in the cabin.

The plane was refueled once under Suikhov's arrangement, and arrived at Moss outside the city at 9 o'clock that night. For concealment along the way, the helicopter flew at an ultra-low altitude.

Because of this, their whereabouts were not noticed. As for the military's radar system, it is estimated that most of them did not work properly because of the coup.

Otherwise, if discovered by the army, it would be impossible for them to reach their destination safely.

Suikhov contacted his subordinates. Under the leadership of this subordinate, the group sneaked up to 927 by night.

Several leaders of Su Ming took a binoculars to observe the military camp not far away, and then listened to Suikhov's words: "Their defense is so tight, how can we save people?"

Indeed, the people in the barracks were divided into small groups to patrol around, and a place close to 30 meters outside the barracks was brightly lit.

This is not conducive to a sneak attack at all. If it is forced to attack, it will lead to fierce melee, which will cause casualties on both sides, and may even harm several people who are locked inside.

Su Ming understood this, and saw him put down his binoculars and began to think. After a while, Su Ming opened his mouth and said:

"Can we lure these people out? For example, they pretend to be their superiors and they issue transfer instructions, so that we have a chance.

Suikhov thought for a while after hearing the words, and then said: "This method is feasible and feasible, but we don't know who their superiors are.

Su Ming whispered after hearing the words: "You take a closer look at the number of this unit. As long as you can figure out the number, you may be able to find out who their leader is."

Suikhov raised his binoculars and looked at the armbands of these soldiers carefully. After a while, he was surprised: These "people seem to be members of special forces, and I don't know their serial numbers...

Su Ming feels his head is big when he hears the special forces. The SEALs (dacd) also belong to the special forces. The powerful combat effectiveness is daunting.

If these people are also special forces, even if he lures these people out, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to succeed.

Scorpion and Berserker originally had more than seventy people, but after fighting with the SEALs, more than twenty died and ten were injured.

There are only about forty people in total who can still participate in the battle. With such a small amount of manpower to go to war with the special forces of more than 100 people, it is definitely the rhythm of hunting for death.

The others were also in deep thought at the moment. Everyone knew what the special forces meant, so the faces of several people were not very good.

After several minutes, I listened to Vivian whispered: "Can we take other methods, such as

Vivian said that her voice became smaller and smaller later. It seemed that she felt that her proposal was a bit unreliable. Su Ming said, "Fox, if you have something to say, just say it, whether it works or not, you can have a reference. Very good."

Vivian was encouraged by Su Ming, and then she continued: "Can we bribe them?"

"I heard that the living standards of the Northern Bears are not high. If they are given money, they may, maybe they will let them go.

This proposal is a bit ridiculous, no wonder Vivian said that afterwards, it was a little hard to tell. Isn't this a joke to use money to bribe special forces?

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